Monday, September 28, 2009
Mercury Direct Tuesday September 29

Monday, September 21, 2009
Sun Square Pluto
Sun enters Libra

The sun moves into Libra. Phew! I'm ready for some relating to do. I'm kind of tired of counting all the pennies and crossing all the t's as we have been doing for the last month. But of course, we still have to do the daily Virgo work because we are still in the Virgo Lunar Cycle. The good news is that this day will bring in a bit of joy --just being with others. We want to relate.
Additionally, Mercury conjunct Saturn--- our minds will be in synch. We will know exactly the right thing to say and to share. We can also do some important work at our jobs. Good day to clear our desks!
Saturn Oppose Uranus
For example, Martin Feldstein, Harvard Professor of Economics said basically, we should expect a double dip in our Recession...meaning another down turn again....because we are NOT dealing with the commercial real estate problem (that is looming off shore). He said no one is dealing with it and that is will go off on 2010. No one is changing the issues. Intersting to note... loss versus change.
Saturn in Virgo versus Uranus in Pisces.
And then....the President was in Upstate NY today and he gave a speech at a small college.
I heard a snippet of it on the radio and I thought...There's Saturn! There's Uranus! There's Pluto in Capricorn! All in one paragragh. One soundbite.
So as we emerge from this current economic crisis, our great challenge will be.
to ensure that we don't just drift into the future, accepting less for our
children, accepting less for America. We have to choose instead what past
generations have done: to shape a brighter future through hard work and
innovation. That's how we'll not only recover, but that's how we'll also
build stronger than before: strong enough to compete in the global
economy; strong enough to avoid the cycles of boom and bust that have wreaked so
much havoc; strong enough to create and support the jobs of the future in the
industries of the future
I think once you get your ear tuned in...you'll see the astrology in a lot of what is going on.
Ears open!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Virgo New Moon--Now you CAN Fix your LIFE!

Dear Friends, normally my New Moons are posted on MargaretWendt's website.
I am having problems loading it there. So in an unprecedented move, My entire article will be posted here. Next month will be back at Marg's.
Virgo New Moon 2009
By Tracy Cook
Many years ago I studied lunar phases with Robert Buz Myers. It is my hope that he would be proud of my work today. Blessings to you, Buz!
What is a New Moon?
A new moon is when the moon is between the sun and the earth and the illuminated part of the moon is very small. Technically, when you look up in the sky you only see a small, skinny section of moon.
And the not so technical point of view?
Well, similar to farmers and indigenous people, who have used the different phases of the moon for eons, Astrologers also utilize the different phases of the moon. Certainly on the New we know it is time to plant seeds. But the other seven phases are equally important.
Where should my focus be during this next 28-day cycle?
When we draft a chart for the new moon we can get a sense of the energy that will be up for processing for the next 28 days.
Okay what is this cycle?
This is THE lunar cycle to fix what is broken. Really, now you can do it. I’m not kidding.
Virgo New Moon
September 18, 2009 2:44pm (EDT)
25 Virgo 59
Sabian Symbol:
“The key word is Rapture. When positive, the degree is a completeness of self dedication and an achievement grounded in a consistent worthiness of living and when negative, empty motions in order to avoid any self expenditure.”
Fly Virgin!
Virgo is the sign of “The Virgin”, a word that usually conjures up visions of giggling girls in diaphanous gowns skipping along the roads of Rome with nary a difficult thought in their head except, of course, how to ignore the advances of lecherous men. Sure, why not visualize that, after all, that’s the way they play it on TV, right? The problem is THAT is not the type of Virgin we should think of when we think “Virgo”. More to the point would be Vesta and her Vestal Virgins. Bear with me for a small history lesson.
Ancient Rome honored Vesta, the Goddess of The Hearth with a dedicated work force of highly coveted priestesses. These Vestal Virgins were girls originally from upper class families but later from any freeborn family. They were eligible to become Vestals if they had living parents and no bodily imperfections (How Virgo!). In exchange for a commitment of thirty years (ten in training, ten in service, and ten training others) and a vow of chastity, Vestals were emancipated, and so, free to administer their own affairs without a guardian. For their service they were given honor, the right to make a will (unheard of for women) and luxurious accommodations at state expense.
Their primary job was keeping the all important flame alive at the shrine of Vesta. By doing this they allowed families including the royal to have use of fire. This was a twenty four seven, three hundred sixty five job. No time for silly husbands or lovers, there was a flame that needed tending! And if that flame was extinguished there was a vestal virgin who could be out on her duff. “Out” being code for Dead. Usually buried alive or whipped. Ouch.
Naturally these gals were hard working and disciplined, they were also the only female priests in Rome’s religion. The Vestal Virgins had more respect than almost any woman in the empire and they even got good seats at the Theater. (“Two seats for Lion King--orchestra pit, please”) Clearly their work was important but it was also their dedication to their work that was honored. “To serve” was respected in the community.
And that, my friends is the image you need to hold for the next twenty eight days. We all need to be Vestal Virgins!
I am sure you are saying, “Why now on this moon do I have to be a Vestal Virgin?”
Besides the fact that The Temple of Vesta was my favorite sight in Rome, actually that’s not true, the cats around the Coliseum were pretty charming—--alas, I drift, the reason why we need to be like Vestal Virgins on this Virgo Moon (versus other Virgo moons) is because this New Moon has a Sun, Moon, Mercury and Saturn all in conjunction in Virgo. Which means that they are right on top of each other. One can’t make a move without dragging along the other three. Added to the mix is that this cluster of Virgo planets is in a tight opposition to Uranus in Pisces. Talk about dedicated to serve! The question is “Who are you serving?” And “who is serving you?”
Serve or be served
Going over this cluster let us remind ourselves of the four important planetary energies. In the grouping we have Saturn who is a taskmaster and a CEO. He walks in, accesses the situation and then puts everyone on a tight regiment. For the next twenty eight days, we will become our own boss our own CEO. We will assess the situation that is our life and then we will hire ourselves to fix it!
Saturn is no nonsense and it is interesting that as Saturn is about to end its two year stay in Virgo it gets the final gift of a Nice New Moon on top of him.
Remember this new moon could have happened at any of the thirty degrees that make up a sign. But this New Moon is EXACTLY on top of the Sun and Moon at the 25th degree of Virgo—Right where Saturn is now. If I believed in coincidences I would say, “Wow, that’s a coincidence” but I don’t believe in them and instead I say, “Wow, what a gift from the Universe for us to stop ‘ffing around.”
Also any OCD behaviors (Virgo tendency) will be tempered because that is just crazy thinking and Saturn might be strict and tough but he is not into crazy thinking. What a gift to have the new Moon right on top of him as a final act before he treks out of Virgo and into Libra(October). Don’t waste this great opportunity to really fix your life. But remember, you do it in bits and pieces. Don’t look at the whole mountain of work, just start moving the rocks bit by bit. That is the way it works in Virgo. Even the Vestals broke up their work in increments.
One thing and I implore you, if diet is a problem—FIX it on this moon. For gawdsake, call nutrisystem, call jenny craig, go into the gym and set an appointment, clear the junk food out of your cupboards, join e-diets, I don’t care what you do but don’t waste this New MOON and Lunar Cycle---Start the diet and exercise now.
Because Virgo rules daily activities, it also rules health and hygiene. So when I say, “sick of the mess.” I mean it figuratively and literally. What kind of crap is going on in your life and how is it making you sick? Since September 2007, when Saturn entered Virgo we have become aware of the messier areas of our life. (Of course if you know your chart you can look at the house that has Virgo for more insight) Now, the Sun likes to inspire and energize and the Moon likes to emote and feel. I promise you, this is the New Moon to finally deal with stuff that has needed to be fix that you have known about since 2007. The Sun and the Moon will be cheering you on via inspiration and emotions and they have Saturn there to help. Nothing like a guy with a whip to make things clear! (Remember the Vestals)
And finally there is Mercury in the group. He is a bit wonky since he is in retrograde but he is still has an influence on the lunar cycle.
Do you remember when you were a kid and you did something wrong and you gave some lame answer and your parents said, “You should have known better.” That usually was the conversation stopper wasn’t it?—--because they were right—you should have known better!
Well, that is Mercury conjunct Sun, Moon and Saturn in Virgo. No matter how much we tell ourselves excuses, the Sun, Moon and Saturn will say to us, “yes, but you should have known better.” Mercury is our thoughts and brains and our way that we communicate. Virgo is precise and dutiful. And again, because Virgo is the sign of daily activity (remember the Vestals) watch your words! “I’m so fat”, “I hate my kid, husband, wife, boss, mother, sister….” You keep affirming it and the universe will give you more reasons for you to hate them.
For the next twenty eight days take the gift of this stellium (multiple planet conjunction) and if you are NOT fixing the problem then you CAN NOT talk about it. You may ask for advice and you can do strategic thinking, Saturn in Virgo loves that. But if you are just complaining about the same old crap over and over again you will be wasting this moon and missing the gift of solutions. Again, the Vestals were not talking about keeping the flame alive ---THEY were doing the work!!!
And then there is Uranus
We already got it that the Universe was very generous by giving us this Virgo New Moon on top of Saturn and Mercury. Great. But get this, and I say this with the knowledge that you will get it----not only are those four planets right on top of each other in Virgo they are exactly opposite Uranus in Pisces! What another perfect gift from the Universe. Of course, it is like (and sorry to beat the same drum) a surprise gift of a great Ralph Loren suit--one size too small. Argh!!! I got make it work!!!!
As I have mentioned numerous times we right now are experiencing an aspect that only happens about every forty years which is an opposition between Saturn and Uranus. The last time we had this was in the late 60’s. Some of you remember it and some of you have studied it but the images of people in the street demanding change is burned in our mind—it defined The Era. We are under the general influence of these two planets digging in, causing a bit of chaos but at the same time demanding structure. The first time they opposed each other was November 2008 (Election day) then they touched again in Feb then again three days ago just before this New Moon. So, as you can imagine this New Moon is full of chaotic energy that needs solutions.
I don’t know about you but I had an intense week. Yes, the aspect happened on a balsamic moon, so there was some release to it, but still I could feel it. The key to this tension between Saturn and Uranus is figuring out what is worth holding onto and what needs to be released. Are you driving yourself crazy trying to maintain something that is not worth it any longer? Perhaps you are doing it and don’t know it. Well,look for stuff to come up during these twenty eight days that will shine on what you have to shift. And also, if you are trying to fix something that ain’t broken—this will be the lunar cycle for you to knock that off!
I promise you that there are areas in everyone’s life that need changes. I am not saying that in some waxing philosophical manner like I’m sitting in a cafe along the Arno sipping wine. I am saying it like a foot soldier in a long battle. YOU CAN NOT have Uranus oppose Saturn without instigating change in individuals and groups. It is happening for a greater reason. Now having read all this do you really get why Health Care Reform is THE conversation of Uranus in Pisces oppose Saturn in Virgo? Of course it is.
But let’s not get too far out there, back in your backyard there will be stuff that comes up during this lunar cycle that demands a shift from you. It will at first seem unusual (Uranus) and you will have to release (Pisces) and then use your skills (Virgo) to rebuild (Saturn). Remember we have been feeling this for some time so you must have ideas where it is in your life.
I can tell you that this opposition is occurring in my sixth and twelfth house. Oh, my god, I have been pushed in the most unusual (Uranus) ways to be of service (sixth house) especially charitable (twelfth house) in nature. I have received plenty an email (Uranus) informing me that someone was behaving unethical by lying (Pisces) and then I would have to fix it (Saturn) usually on that day (Virgo). It has been a long year of shifting and changing and releasing. I am exhausted but I continue the work because when Saturn moves to Libra I will have other work related to relationships so I better use these Virgo skills now! Then I’ll be ready to relate.
Jupiter turns Direct
On October 13, Jupiter which has been retrograde since June will turn direct at 17 degrees of Aquarius. I have discussed previously that this year we are experiencing a conjunction between Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron. It is one of those ‘Aquarius age’ aspects that demands we expand and release and heal and we do it as a group. Once Jupiter turns direct it will be heading for a throw down with the other two planets so be looking for something to catch all of our attention after October 13th. As is often the case we may have an opportunity to learn from other’s mistakes—so something in the public will probably be an eye-catching event. And of course, we may step on our own egos by overreaching and causing some upset. Remember to think of the group before you go too far and you should be in good shape. And yeah, I know it is hard but for gawdsakes you have been doing it all year so you should know it now better than ever. Groups count.
In conclusion a bit more about Mercury
Mercury will turn direct on September 29 and not a minute too soon for this gal. In the meantime fix the things that are broken. I had a modem that I had to take in the backyard and shoot during this retrograde.
There usually is a cloud on a new moon when it has Mercury retrograde since we don’t like to begin projects on a mercury retrograde but at the same time New Moons are the time to begin. Given the influence of Saturn this is truly the ideal time to begin an overall project of “Fixing Stuff”. And given that we have a square with Pluto we Know darn well what needs to be fixed and we can do it. It won’t be easy but then it was not easy work keeping the flame alive for Vesta. But the whole community needed it. So, get out there, do the work, know that I am fighting the good fight over here and together we will build better lives for ourselves and our community. I promise. Don’t forget to check my blog for more updates during the cycle http://tracyastrosalon.blogspot.com/
The Eight Phases
September 18, 2:44pm(EDT)
25 Virgo 59
New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects. Activate something that will ideally lead you to more. This is the phase where INTENT is critical. Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there. You may not have all the answers or road map but you should put your Intent out there. Remember no matter how small it is still the INTENT that is important.
Focus on Daily lives. Our schedules, our calendars. How we run our lives. Is it working? Why not? How can you fix it? How are you spending your money daily? How can you make one purchase last longer? You invest in yourself and fix the issues at hand.
Special focus
9/20 Venus enters Virgo
9/20: (Sun/Mercury) Brain and Mind are in sync. Good Talk day.
9/20: (Venus/Pluto) Great resources available like love & money
Crescent: We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new. Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago. We can collect some data now. Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything. Who called you? Even the silliest things, when they come up during Crescent are note worthy. A parking ticket? An argument with a spouse? A refund check from the phone company? All of it needs to be considered a message from the universe. How can this information help you?
Focus on: What information is coming to you that is precise and exact? If it is like a laser it will have importance to you. Your own communication cuts to the quick. Fluff and superfluous discussions are useless to you. Cutting out the nonsense is rejuvenating. You actually see life on the other side of mind clutter and it is appealing.
Special focus:
September 22 2:43am (EDT)
9/22:(Mercury/Saturn) Realistic thoughts maybe cold but correct.
9/22: Sun enters Libra. Take your Libra friend out for a coffee or meal. Give them time and let them talk.
9/23:(Sun/Pluto)Tough day. Bumpy ride all around. Just breathe.
9/23:(Mercury/Uranus) Unusual thoughts, wild talks maybe harsh but liberating
First Quarter Moon
September 26, 12:49 am (EDT)
First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received. Or we feel our instincts guide us on something. We pursue again. We make another call or we see someone. We mail something. We stir the pot again. This can be a time when we realize that the goals we planted on New need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away. Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them? Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects. Some independence may need to be exerted.
Focus on: Actions taken need to be measured and wise. Channel your inner executive and then make your next move. Be your own CEO and then make the move. Did I mention there is no room for actions based on sentimentality? Think of the seeds you planted on new moon and then rise to the top and tell yourself what to do next. You can do it, boss.
Special Attention:
9/29 Mercury turns direct 21 Virgo 37 9:14am
Thank you, lord! I didn’t think that would ever end.
Gibbous Moon
September 30, 4:07am
Gibbous: We refine our information. We pick and choose, we discriminate, we organize, we tend to be ‘virgo’ like. We sort through details. Have we missed something? How are we sifting through the information? Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected. Refine our actions.
Focus on: What adjustments can we take that bring in our group?
What refinement do we need to make to our tribe? How can we adjust to fit and find our tribe? How is our daily work and refinement working to help us reach community goals?
Special focus:
10/1: (mercury/mars) Thoughts and actions cooperate beautifully
Full Moon
October 4 2:09am
11 Aries 10
Full Moon: We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us. There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track. Some partnership will offer up some balance. The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?
Focus on: Where do you lead your life? Where do you let others take over? Is it working for you? What adjustments would your world have to make if you stood up and told everyone the truth? Can you visualize yourself a general? Why not? Do you get lost in your relationships? Why?
Special focus:
10/4: (Mercury/Mars) More good energy with thoughts & actions
10/4: (Mercury/Uranus) our brains need liberation and our liberation needs proper thinking. Read that twice.
10/4:(Mars/Uranus)Great creative day, unusual activities, FUN
October 7 5:18 pm
Disseminating: Share information, find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight. And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.
Focus on: We share practical insights. We find support that offers us concrete help. We reach out beyond our circle or parish to get real results. We continue to put our nose to the grindstone but we share our skills.
Special focus:
10/8 (Mercury/Saturn) Strong words, coolish temper, smart
10/9 Mercury enters Libra
10/9 (Venus/Uranus) Odd love stuff, out of the blue money stuff
10/10(Sun/Jupiter) Big ideas, actions, goals-All green lights
10/10(Mercury/Pluto) Cranky, mean thoughts and communication
Third Quarter Phase
October 11 4:55am
Third Quarter moon: Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense. And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action. It is a time for living “The serenity prayer”
God, grant me the Serenityto accept the thingsI cannot change Courage to change thethings I can, and theWisdom to know the difference.
Focus on: How does our family pushes us towards us? Not in a bad but in an energized way? How do we use our family or our roots to push us to the finish line? What work do we need to do that is based on our emotions and our desires? It will not be our minds that get us to the final point. It will be our gut and desire. Love of family, love of roots, love of emotions will be the engine in us for these next three days.
Special focus:
10/12(Mars/Saturn) Great productive day and energies
10/13(Venus/Saturn)Serious love, commitments and money action
10/13(Venus/Mars)Fun, sparks, love, joy, values in synch
10/13 Jupiter turns direct 17 Aquarius 10 (see above)
Balsamic Phase
October 14 2:48pm
Balsamic: We release. We let go. We prune, we discard, we ditch stuff. We house clean. The things that no longer work, we let them out of our life. We release so we can clear our unconscious and dream. We prepare our unconscious to be ready for the next
Focus on Release your mental craziness. All the stuff that keeps you awake at night must be ditched. Give up your calendar. Clear it all. Relax your brain. The stess is nonsense.
Special attention:
10/13: Venus in Libra
10/15: (Venus/Pluto) Tough, harsh love & money stuff-yuch
10/16: Mars enters Leo
Libra New Moon October 18 1:33am 24 Libra 59
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Modems & Stuff

Do you see that man pictured above? Well, his modem on his computer ran faster than my modem this week. And yeah, they didn't even have electricity when he was alive.
Blame it on Mercury retrograde but my modem began a miserable death last weekend and was taken to the great beyond today in a white TimeWarner truck. Good riddance.
That is the good news. The bad news is that it was virtually impossible for me to update my blog this week. And for that I apologize.
I wanted to talk about many things but now I am crunched to get my New Moon article finished.
But before I get to it, I do want to bring up that today (7:46am) Mercury Squared Pluto. This is the third square since last spring. (1st late March, 2nd late August and now today) These are new aspects for Pluto since making its move into Capricorn. Mercury square Pluto brings out our insecurities. We feel like we have left a Kettle on the stove and we have just gotten into an airplane. Everything feels vulnerable. But the difference between these aspects in cardinal signs versus the 16 or so years when it took place in the mutable signs is that now we feel like our actions may have been mistaken. Back then we thought our judgements were wonky. Of the two, I think this one makes me more nervous. "Shit, did I make a mistake doing that?"
I am not offering up a big solution I am just saying that if you feel nervous and concerned you may have blown it on something, blame Mercury Square Pluto. Although, I'm sure when we get to 2022 we'll be used to it.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Saturn in Virgo Oppose Uranus in Pisces: Part 3

Sabian symbols:
24 Virgo 42 : A flag at half mast
24 Pisces 42: The purging of the priesthood
Tuesday September 15 8:51am
Last year, on November 4th we had the first opposition between Saturn in Virgo and Uranus in Pisces. Perhaps you remember that day? That was when the White House changed direction in a very big way. Then on Feb 5th we had the 2nd opposition and politicos were talking about bank bail outs, oversight committees and trying to distinguish between a crisis and a catastrophe (Did we ever figure that one out?) Now on Tuesday, September 15th we will have our third installment of Saturn oppose Uranus. Again, as stated earlier, these two planets are part of the work we are doing to break free (Uranus) but at the same time find structure (Saturn). Of course, where you have Pisces and Virgo in your chart will define how this is impacts you personally. But even if you do not know your chart you are still feeling it. The tension is there and it will be great this lunar cycle as it builds to September 15th. The two will oppose each other two more times in 2010 (April & July) so if we haven’t figured out what we are doing now we have more time to get it right. Of course, it is not a subtle aspect. Frustrating delays, complicated choices in order to get free. It ain’t easy. Take some big breaths. And as always, if you are really stuck-- go to the Virgo energy and look at your daily schedule and maintenance. How is your calendar? How is your weight? How is your daily work? If you can’t fix the bigger picture fix the smaller picture. Get your diet and exercise routine together.
And if you have not got your Pisces spiritual practices together, start it now. Daily prayer, meditation, affirmations will do you a world of good.
Annie Leibovitz

And then there is a story like Annie Leibovitz which is all over the media. If you do not know the story, Leibovtiz had a huge payment due for a humongous loan. She put up the rights to her photo library and put up her extensive and expensive properties as collateral. Whether she was going to make the final payment or not was covered by reporters like a sportscaster calling an NBA game. The stakes were high. Would she lose her entire catalog of photography and houses or would she make the payment?
I won’t bog us down with Leibovitz’s chart (Libra Sun—Moon in Aquarius) since we don’t know her birth time. But what I find intriguing is that this story originally broke last year (2008) as we began to build towards the first opposition between Saturn in Virgo and Uranus in Pisces. Pisces rules photography and Saturn in Virgo is disciplined worker. Her photography is voluminous-- proof of her disciplined work ethic.
Uranus moves at its own pace and marches to its own beat and as much as it is about rebelliousness it is also loaded with glamour. Curiously, if no one knew Leibovitz work until this lawsuit they would see the Uranus in Pisces aspects of her art--- glamorous subjects in most unusual photographic settings.
As for her finances, Pluto in Capricorn seemed to be lurking in the background because all news reports indicated that she had a big IRS debt to pay. Pluto rules IRS and debt and of course, Capricorn is about responsibility. It is this IRS debt which did not bring the best in people. Especially on the 2nd and impending 3rd pass of Saturn and Uranus opposition. I have seen many a blogger comment on the fact she should just shut up and just pay. Many people were furious that the media even carried the story. “Who cares people about her--people are losing their homes every day!”
And although, I am not as harsh as those people, I did scratch my head a bit, like, “Huh, her money is a problem, how did that happen?” But again, going back to the Saturn Opposite Uranus, Pisces is the onion of the astrological garden. Once you peel it you find another layer.
And in Leibovitz’s case, I have seen reports that her debt is due to the death of Susan Sontag (her long term girlfriend) and an inheritance tax that would not have existed had they been allowed to marry.
This is coincidental (if I believed in them) since her situation first came to light as we were building towards the first pass of Saturn and Uranus which took place on November 4th which was the same date that in my state that Proposition 8 was passed---killing same sex marriages. And now as we get ready to have the 3rd pass of Saturn and Uranus opposition, Leibovitz was able to successfully renegotiate her debt. She was able to stave off the creditors. At least for now. What will come when Saturn opposes Uranus next Spring and Summer? I dunno. We will have to ask a peeled onion.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Pluto in Cap: Are you paying attention?

The Fed keeps many of the influential editors of prominent academic
journals on its payroll. It is common for a journal editor to review submissions
dealing with Fed policy while also taking the bank's money. A HuffPost review of
seven top journals found that 84 of the 190 editorial board members were
affiliated with the Federal Reserve in one way or another.
"Try to publish an
article critical of the Fed with an editor who works for the Fed," says
Galbraith. And the journals, in turn, determine which economists get tenure and
what ideas are considered respectable.
The pharmaceutical industry has
similarly worked to control key medical journals, but that involves several
companies. In the field of economics, it's just the Fed.
LOS ANGELES – Crews were cleaning up mud and broken asphalt Sunday after a
deluge from a burst water main swept cars down streets, forced people out of
their homes and flooded a section of a major Los Angeles boulevard.
The water
flow from the broken pipe was stopped after about four hours, Los Angeles
Department of Water and Power spokeswoman Jane Galbraith said. The burst main is
part of the city's original water system, dating to 1914, and was slated for
repair, she said.
A section of Ventura Boulevard in Studio City would be
closed for at least two days, officials said.
No injuries were reported after
the 64-inch main broke late Saturday night, but firefighters rescued a person
who was in a car that had been swept away in the flooding, Los Angeles Fire
Department spokesman Erik Scott said. It was not immediately clear how many cars
were damaged.
Of course, water mains have been breaking every year in Los Angeles since the Spanish layed out clay pipes in the 1800's. But the difference now is that these breaks during Pluto in Cap will matter more. Just like airplanes were hijacked in the 1960s when Pluto was in Virgo and Libra. But when 9/11 happened--- Pluto was in Sag. Hijacking went on sterroids that day--expect similiarly sterroid induced stories now with Cap issues. Still confused? Two words: Bernie Madoff --- so Pluto in Cap.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Venus Oppose Jupiter--Oh, why not?

On Friday September 10 at 3:54am (EDT)
Venus in Leo will oppose Jupiter in Aquarius. Venus in Leo is always looking for a good time, especially if that good time somehow shines a light on number one. "Me, mine, my.....oh, let me talk about myself."
Jupiter in Aquarius is thinking about groups and others and like minded people places or issues and how to expand them. "Enough about you, what about us?"
The rub is pretty early in the morning but the influence will certainly be felt all day.
"What about me?" versus "Us" If you find yourself going into one camp or the other don't take it all too close to heart. The energy will slowly dissipate and by Monday you'll feel like it was not all that big a deal.
And of course, also on Friday, don't forget Pluto will be turning direct at 12:57pm, expect some kind of quaking energy to go through the world. Literally or figuratively.
Perhaps we'll be grateful for the tension between Venus and Jupiter because it will give us a good excuse to get the vodka out of the freezer and start pouring.
bottoms up!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Mercury Retrograde

Mercury turned retrograde at 6 Libra 13. Normally I would have put up a post reminding everyone about this retograde a few days ago, but to me the punch of the week is all about Pluto's move on the 11th and I kind of feel 'ho hum' about Mercury. But just to remind everyone, Mercury rules communication so you need to slow down and really listen. Sure you are hearing people but are you listening?
This retrograde is taking place in the sign Libra which rules relationships and partners. Not just that person you snuggle with under the morning covers but also your partners at work and any endeavors that are in your life. Libra likes to share which is beautiful but Libra also can be lost in 'grey'. Nothing is black or white for them, they need to process and process and process information. While Mercury is moving backward we will all need to take a breath and really think and listen and weigh everything out. A fast, quick move could cost dearly.
On September 17 Mecury will make a nasty square with Pluto. This will be a call back to August 26 when they first got into a tangle. You may have a revisit to something from that week. Then later in the day on the 17th, 11:26pm (edt) Mercury will move into mental case Virgo. So, we'll go from concerns about our partnerships to concerns about our health and schedule. Curiously, the next day will begin a new moon in Virgo where once again we MUST look at our schedule and decide who is driving the show... is it you or your calendar? How perfect Mercury moves back into the sign before the New Moon. It is is as if Mercury is acting like the blessed canary into the coal mine. If you look at your schedule and you feel like your calendar is making you sick.... guess what, it is. Start cleaning up your daily life. If you don't have time for the important things, family, friends, exercise, eating properly---then FIX it. Remember if you don't fix shit, the Universe will. And that is always a bitch and a half. You have until September 29th 9:13am (Edt) to get that schedule fixed.
Peace be with you.
Monday, September 7, 2009
One year later----and Pluto turning direct

And not one astrologer on god’s green Earth was surprised. We knew it was coming it was just a case of when? Would it be right when Pluto turned direct September 8th? Or when Pluto crossed into Capricorn that November? In my own article posted August 28, 2008--- I wrote HERE:
Pluto will turn direct and take its final march towards Capricorn.
And one day before Pluto makes this move, Jupiter which has been retrograded
since May will also turn direct in the sign of Capricorn. This is a most
auspicious transition. Jupiter which is always so abundant and often the
most optimistic planet in the zodiac will be ready to tackle Capricorn’s somber
nature. Tiny Tim and Ebenezer Scrooge make strange bedfellows but there is
something that they both teach each other. This is Jupiter turning
direct in Capricorn.
In terms of the economy this begins the
tough period. I know it must seem like we are already in a tough spot but
in truth we are not at the bottom. When Pluto moved back into Sag in the
Spring it brought a certain amount of buoyancy to the economy. And of
course Jupiter in Capricorn has a bounce to it. But now that Pluto will be
wrapping up its stay and heading for Cap, it is not going to take any
hostages. And Jupiter in Cap can help with some cushion but its own lesson
is to provide encouragement and a mature luck. The luck we make
ourselves. …….
Expect sour numbers on the
real estate and economic front, expect sales to be down. A world
recession/depression is in front of us. Or perhaps it is already in effect
and now we embrace it from a mature outlook. The greatest liberation
is to know our limits and during the next 28 days many people, businesses and
leaders will say, “I’m at my limit, this is the best I can give.”
From there we will begin the long road to recovery.
As much as I would like to raise my hand and say, “Yoo Hoo, look how smart I am!” I am not. This is really basic astrology, folks.
So, what does all this mean for now?
On September 11 (yes, that is the date) Pluto will be turning direct after spending the last 5 months retrograde. How does this direct motion differ from last year’s?
Well, since that fateful weekend, the US Government has been keeping our economy going (and therefore the World’s Economy). Had the Federal Government not shoveled mounds and mounds of cash into banks, insurance companies and big businesses—we would all be up THAT creek without a paddle. There would be lines to even get in Bread Lines. It would be that bad. And god knows what all those carb haters would eat.
What will the government do now that Pluto is adjusting course? And given this is our first direct motion by Pluto since moving into Cap...that truly is the $64,000 question.
The last time a retrograded Pluto in Capricorn made its first direct motion in Capricorn was in September 1763---and I find it interesting that in a cursory view of 1763 I found this book: "The Scratch of a Pen: 1763 and the Transformation of North America (Pivotal Moments in American History)" by Colin Calloway.
I think the review of the book is very compelling for us to ponder now.
"In 1763, with the peace treaty that ended the French and Indian War,
France and Spain handed over all the territory east of the Mississippi, as well
as Canada, to the British. In this one stroke, settlers both on the East Coast
and on the frontier came under British rule.... Calloway demonstrates
convincingly that the seeds of the American Revolution were planted in 1763, as
a near-bankrupt Britain began to impose heavy 'taxation without representation.'
The year brought bloody skirmishes between Indians, who were being pushed
off more of their lands, and settlers; Calloway also narrates the expulsion of
Acadians from Nova Scotia and their resettlement in Louisiana. This first-rate
cultural history, part of Oxford's Pivotal Moments in American History series,
reveals that the events of 1763 changed not only the political geography of a
nation but also its cultural geography, as various groups moved from one part of
the country to another."
As you can see 1763 was no small year. I believe we should expect this year to be similarly characterized. But how will it be defined? Is health care the salvo for a new revolution? Or is it something else? Something bigger? Something that puts the government and other governments on a new course? Will there be migrations of people moving from one area to another? What document will be signed that changes the world?
I don't know.
But I know more will be revealed after Pluto turns direct and begins its long slog toward next summer's cardinal climax.
Pluto turns direct September 11, 12:59pm (EDT)
ETA (9/8) And pay special attention to Infrastructure issues. Cap is all about roads, bridges etc..you know big Infrastructure and pluto always finds the weak spots.
Friday, September 4, 2009
A revisit to North Node in Capricorn
I don't know how I missed it but a lot of you posted on that article. For some reason I found them today (thank you mercury for slowing down a bit).
Anyway, I wanted to let you guys know who posted that I came in and replied to all of your posts.
You can find the article HERE and if anyone didn't give it a read. Please do now.
ETA: I think I put up a bad link---I just fixed it.
The Mounting up of GOLD

Gold futures edged lower Friday for the first day in four, after rallying near
$1,000 an ounce in the previous session, as a jobs report that fell largely in
line with expectations curbed gold's safe-haven appeal.
Despite Friday's
small loss, gold futures marked their best week in more than four months,
largely due to gains in the previous two sessions. Holdings in the biggest gold
exchange-traded fund rose the most in three months on Thursday.
It is interesting that the experts indicate that gold typically rises in September just before Indian Wedding Season. Okay..if you say so... but I found another article a wee bit more compelling...
Arguably the biggest impact on gold prices is coming out of China. Hong Kong has recalled
all of its gold holdings from London in efforts to keep a better watch over
its bullion reserves. Some are speculating that this could be the beginning of
the rise of Hong Kong as a hub for commodities trading, and some fund companies
are looking to start gold ETFs using metal located on the island for backing.
Meanwhile, China is also encouraging its citizens to buy gold and silver, and
will soon offer gold and silver bars for
sale at Chinese banks across the country. These actions are the
latest indication that China has lost confidence in Western economies and is
desperately trying to both protect its own gold reserves and encourage its
citizens to diversify savings out of paper and into hard assets.
I gotta tell you, I am not a financial advisor (no kidding...I don't even eat lunch with them) but I have a hard time seeing Gold going below $900 an ounce in the near future. To say the least.
Also noted this is push has happened since Mars crossed Zero Cancer activating Pluto in Cap.
What's next hyperinflation? or deflation? not sure yet.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Pisces Full Moon

September 4 12:02pm (EDT)
12 Pisces 15
Are you already starting to feel this full moon? God, knows I am. Of course, the planets are gathering to a square with my own Sun in Sag so that is no surprise to me (sigh).
At first glance we see that Mars in Cancer is making a beautiful trine with the Moon in Pisces. This supports a nice flow of emotions as we feel it is safe to express the bubbly things we feel inside. We are candid with a couple people and we feel relief. Awesome.
But at the same time we have a snarky little aspect between Moon and Venus which is a bit disappointing around the issues of values. Perhaps someone shows us something about their value system which is not the same as our own. It stings but is not a reason to abandon them (it is a little aspect). Also some kind of money thing again small might come up or a tiny bump around love but again… accent on small.
We are still feeling that Mercury Square Mars, so we need to ask, “Are we being mindful of our words?” “Those are fighting words” will be said more than once during the full moon.
And this moon has something going on that I have not seen in a long time. It is an aspect called a Thor’s Hammer. I don’t know much about them. I remember reading about them years ago when I first learned about astrology but I have not followed this aspect closely and have not had worked with any charts with it. I had to dust off my shelves and poke around Online to get a refresher course. Basically the planets involved in it are Mercury, Mars which we know (see above are squaring one another) and then those two are 135 degrees from Chiron. On its own, 135 is not that big of a deal aspect (sesquiquadrate)frustrating, annoying but not too hideous. However, when the planet gets a double square (mars and mercury) it is a bit like throwing gas on a fire. Or maybe in this case a better analogy is someone not paying attention and having a zoner while standing too close to a dog fight. Someone’s leg is going to get bitten!
In this case the leg about to be bitten is Chiron in Aquarius. I have mentioned oodles of times here that we are all sorting through our groups and tribes and trying to figure out where we belong. But under this full moon with this aspect, Mars is our life force, our energy and Mercury is our mind and our ability to communicate. These two are fighting it out thinking that the other is stepping on their territory. For example, “I can’t say that to that person, I could lose my job.” Or, “I am so busy talking about this and that but I feel like I am wasting my time---Where am I going?” These two forces fight during the full moon and the result can be found in around our groups and tribes---(Chiron in Aquarius). Where do I belong? Who ‘gets’ me? Why am I getting blamed?
Take a look and see what comes up and post your experience. I would like to see Thor’s Hammer in action. For more on Thor's Hammer go here
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Watch your tongue! Mercury square Mars

On Thursday September 3 at 12:19 pm (EDT) Mercury will be squaring Mars. If there was ever an aspect for Mouth on Fire this the one. This happens a couple times a year so it is not an uncommon aspect but that does not mean that it is devoid of punch.
Our brains and our tongues get the better of us. We think something and then we say it. You know God created editors for a reason and this is the week where we all need our own personal Emily Post. Think long and hard before you send that email. And when I say 'that' ---I mean THAT email. You know the one. If you must have a conversation with someone try and call when they aren't home. Leave a message on their phone machine and then go out of town.
Talk to them on Sunday. Before Mercury goes retrograde on Monday September 7 (12:45am) (September 6 other time zones.)
And if you do step into the dogpile..take a big sigh and figure it will get resolved after Mercury goes direct in late September. If you are lucky.