Sunday, May 31, 2015


June 2, 2015
12:18pm EDT

A little bit more......

Full Moon in Sagittarius.  We feel overwhelmed by data and things on our To-Do list.  The brain is overflowing with so much information that we can feel like a boat without a rudder.   Not sure what direction we are taking.   The answer is to rise above the mundane crazy and look at the bigger picture.    Anything that has you saying, “YES” must respond to a larger context.   Don’t just scratch things off your To-Do list, instead ask what is the meaning of doing it?

Mars and Mercury are in play with both Sun and Moon and there is one simple rule with this aspect.  Be flexible.     Stuff will come up and you need to move fast.    Stay on your toes.

Neptune in Pisces squares the Sun and the Moon bringing a level of confusion, subterfuge and perhaps unworldliness to the three-day period.   If anything important is taking place make sure you have dotted all I’s and crossed all T’s.   Some challenges may pop up that push on your brain and your logic.   The only answer is faith, intuition and perhaps meditation.   Finding quiet can be hard but necessary. 

The Moon is in trine to Jupiter and Uranus also suggesting some weird doors could open providing opportunities for new directions  (Uranus in Aries).  Avoid the shallow path and consider the stuff that speaks to being brave and going for the real stuff in your heart (Jupiter in Leo).

Do you see why it is important to not get lost in the mundane To-do List?

Saturday, May 30, 2015

This Astro Week

What’s going on this week?

The weekend is Gibbous phase.   The emphasis is on “Balance”.  It started on May 29 at 4:04pm EDT.   

Focus on:
 What have we missed about finding balance?  What is totally out of whack? Where have we been overly focused and at the same time where have we been missing the point?   What corner of our life is getting no sunlight?  But the other areas are getting too much?  What have we missed about our relationships?   How are we in balance with them? Or Not?  

Special Focus:
5/29: Mercury Sq Neptune:  Dreamy thinking.  Communications are fuzzy.   Lies are in the air.
5/30: Sun con Mercury:  Thinking is elevated.  New ideas pop through the din of noise.
5/31: Sun SQ Neptune: Accent on cuckoo and crazy.   Distortions are pronounced.  Get out of the way of any circuses.      

Then on Tuesday we move into Full Moon.     Are you feeling frazzled? Is your brain feeling like it is experiencing an electrical short?   Join the club.  We are in the middle of Mercury (in Gemini) retrograde and now we get the Full Moon in Sag, Gemini’s opposite setting off even more short circuits.  
The only way to get through this period is back off from the sparks and ask, “What is the bigger picture?”  

Full Moon Phase
June 2
12: 18pm EDT
11 Sag 49

Focus on:   Full Moon in Sagittarius.  We feel overwhelmed by data and things on our To-Do list.  The brain is overflowing with so much information that we can feel like a boat without a rudder.   Not sure what direction we are taking.   The answer is to rise above the mundane crazy and look at the bigger picture.    Anything that has you saying, “YES” must respond to a larger context.   Don’t just scratch things off your To-Do list, instead ask what is the meaning of doing it?

Special focus:
6/5:  Venus in Leo

6/5: Mars sextile Jupiter:  Actions bridge fun adventures.   Joy and bravery merge.  Movements that support heart driven causes. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

This Week

The Week Ahead

The week starts with a First Quarter Moon.   On New Moon we began this journey pursuing our values and figuring out how others value us.   We are looking at our lacking confidence and considering the things that we can do that can help us beef up our self-esteem.   Now we go back to the well on First quarter moon and do another round of  actions that supports our self-esteem.  

First Quarter Moon
May 25
1:18pm EDT

Focus on:  What actions can you take that really tighten up stuff?  What actions can you take that dot the I’s and cross the t’s.   What is coming up since Mercury retrograde that speaks to areas that are sloppy in your life?  How can you clean up your sloppy stuff?  Not just for some troubling issues but for life in general.    What new skills need to show up?  

Special focus
5/27: Mercury Con Mars:  The mouth is fast and furious. The brain is moving at light speed.    Tell your brain and mouth to watch the speed bumps! 

Gibbous Moon
May 29
4:04pm EDT EDT   

We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions. 

Focus on:

 What have we missed about finding balance?  What is totally out of whack? Where have we been overly focused and at the same time where have we been missing the point?   What corner of our life is getting no sunlight?  But the other areas are getting to much?  What have we missed about our relationships?   How are we in balance with them? Or Not?  

Thursday, May 21, 2015

What's Going On?

We are in a little window right now.   Kind of a Venus sandwich, Venus opposed Pluto on May 21.  Then Sun and Saturn get into it on May 22.
Followed by Venus square Uranus on May 25.

This is all about our values.   How are you feeling valued?  What are you valuing?   Venus in Cancer is about being cozy, being with family, being sweet, finding things that are tender.   Pluto in Cap cares about what works and doesn't give a shit about sentiment.   There's only one life boat and who is getting on it? And screw the rest.   So, as you can see we may have complicated feelings on 5/21.

Sun oppose Saturn is about one thing---grow up.   Did you know you can be light and breezy (Gemini) while taking on responsibility (Saturn) and telling the truth (Sag)?   Yeah, it hurts my head, too.

5/21: Venus opp Pluto:  Values okay? Or do they need to be overhauled?  Power and love at war.  Or need to die and be overhauled.
5/22: Sun opp Saturn:  Will power versus structure.  Rigidity versus flexibility.

5/25:  Venus Sq Uranus.   Twice a year we get this aspect that pits love, values, resources against CHANGE.    Try to remain flexible.