Monday, September 28, 2015

This Astrology Week

Last night’s spectacular lunar eclipse is still with us as the Full Moon continues until early in the morning on October 1.
How are you relating to self?  How are you relating to others?  How are you enmeshed?  How are you disconnected?

October 1
4:04a  EDT 

Focus on:  How are you sharing your values?  How are you sharing your practical skills?  How are you sharing money?   How are you sharing your ability to build something from the ground up?

Special focus:

10/1:  Sun conjunct Mercury.   Thoughts that are practical and inspiring. 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Aries Full Moon - Lunar Eclipse

Aries Full Moon
Lunar Eclipse
September 27, 2015
10:50pm EDT

Aries Full Moon

Let’s first talk about the drama around this moon.  Yes, it is a blood moon.   Yes, it will be pink slash reddish.   It is a SuperMoon which means it is close to earth.   It hasn’t been this close since 1982 and we won’t see it again until 2033. When you look at the full moon it will be jumbo size.  It is about 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter.   Hanging low in the sky in the Pacific Time Zone and higher up in the other zones.
You can read more about the technicalities eclipse HERE.

For my friends in LA the moon will rise at 6:39pm

As for the blood moon part and the apocalypse and other biblical stuff, well, that’s not my style and I will leave it to others to opine on and on.   Just Google that if you are so inclined.

In the meantime, the astrology of the moon speaks to considering how you are in relationships.   If this was Cosmopolitan or Glamour magazine you would be reading all about your husband or boyfriend and how you should use this full moon to find new ways to connect with your lover.   Yeah, well this is NOT those magazines so let’s take a different path.  The first relationship you should care about is the relationship you have with self.   How is it going?  How are you taking care of your emotions?  Are you too thin skinned?  Getting worked up and personalizing stuff that has nothing to do with you?   Or are you too thick skinned? Looking the other way when people are doing something crappy to you?   Or how are you finding your inner compass?  What direction are you heading because YOU want to go there?  Or are you being pushed there by others?    Where are you a bully?   Or where are you a wuss?   When do you need to be alone?  When do you need to be with others?  Do you have any idea to find balance?   This is not the full moon to pretend you aren’t on a planet with others.    Every action has a reaction and what are you activating in self and others?   Does it speak to your integrity?   Or are your actions just you bumbling through your day?     How is that working or not working for you?

Yeah, this is not a light moon. 

You don’t get to be that big a moon with a shadow on you without some bounce back on us earthlings.    Emotions will be high but the good news, Saturn in Sag is speaking through this big ass moon with lessons that come fast and our growth will be big.    Watch and see what you learn about yourself and what you learn about yourself in relationships.   Nothing will be lost on you. 

This is a gift.   

Pluto Direct

Pluto turns Direct
On September 24 Pluto turns direct at 13 Capricorn.  Now would be a good time to remind all you with planets at 13-15 degrees of Cap, Aries, Cancer and Libra that Pluto is on your ass.   Those of you who don’t really know your chart are probably already feeling it,  but in terms of super generalizations if you are born around January 4-7 or April 3-7,  July 5-9 and October 6 – 9th give or take a day …you are feeling Pluto.   It is really simple, if you are holding on tight to something so deep in your soul you need to let go…consider letting go.   It may mean overhauling everything in your world but the truth is, it is time to overhaul it anyway.    If you feel blindsided by something, you have my compassion, one hundred percent.  But please do the best you can to get yourself out of the pain and start to rework your life.    This is one of those aspects that beg us to change our DNA.     Pluto has been retrograde since April 16.   Where have you been feeling pressure?  What have you been focusing on that needs regeneration?  Where have you been mulling a big overhaul?   Given Pluto turns direct on Virgo Lunar phase, consider how you can do a little bit of overhauling or change day by day so that months from now you are in a new place?

Saturday, September 19, 2015

This Astro Week

This Astro Week
On Monday we move into First Quarter Moon.  What seeds did you plant back on New Moon.  And what did you learn during Crescent which wrapped up early in the morning on Monday and now this is the first quarter where we ACT.  What actions do you need to make that support your goals on Virgo New Moon. 
What is going on with your daily schedule?
Is it the life you want?
What actions can you take that support how you want your life?

First Quarter Moon
September 21
4:59am  EDT

Focus on:  What actions can you take that speak to building a bridge?  What actions can you take that expand your world?  How are you stretching?  What actions can you take that speak to your real philosophy?  Or your real opinions? 

Special focus
9/23: Sun in Libra Equinox: 4:20 am EDT
9/24: Mars enters Virgo .  Here we go micromanaging the world. Sigh.
9/24:  Venus trine Uranus.  Fun doors open. Creative. Love. Money all get a shot of “new”
9/24: Sun sextile Saturn.  Work infused with play.   Finding buddies to do fun work.  

Gibbous Moon
September 24
5:40pm  EDT   


Focus on:
What have you missed about your friends?  What have you missed about being a part of a group?  What have you almost neglected in being a part of a community?   Where are the people who have similar thinking as you?  How are connected? 

Special Focus:
9/25:  Pluto turns direct 12 CAP 58  2:57pm  (Post to follow)
9/25:  Mercury square Pluto.   Harsh words.  Harsh thoughts.  Thoughts around power.  Thoughts around passive aggressiveness. 

9/26: Mars square Saturn.   Don’t win a battle and lose the war.     Actions based on microscope thoughts will not win against telescope thoughts.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Saturn Returns to Sag!

Saturn returns to Sagittarius September 17

Last December (Dec 23) Saturn moved out Scorpio and into Sag.   We went from being serious about money, taxes, power, control, sex, death & rebirth issues to education, traveling, philosophical, newsmakers, literature and international issues.      Yeah, a whole different energy, right?

We didn’t get that far before it turned retrograde on June 14th and returned to Scorpio for us to go look at our money and power issues one last time and now having turned direct, Saturn returns to Sag where it will be until 2017.      Issues around freedom and optimism and adventures are accented.    The last time Saturn was in Sag was in 1985-1989 and before that 1956-1959.  

It is interesting that when Saturn moved into Sag earlier this year, it was announced that the US would normalize relations with Cuba.   How timely given that 50+ years ago when Saturn was in Sag, Castro and his guerillas were deep in their battles and by the time it wrapped Castro became president.     And  the build up for the Berlin wall to come down also took place while Saturn was in Sag in the 1980s.    Now it is kind of interesting as we watch refugees from all over migrate to Europe through Germany. 
For sure, keep your eyes out for newsmakers since we already had a taste of Saturn in Sag  

And we should all remember that hypocrites will be BUSTED.   Saturn in Sag is all about pushing those people who do not walk their talk.  And yeah, big blowhards will be in the news.

In terms of how Saturn will influence you personally and you know your chart take a read of this write up: