Saturday, December 21, 2024

Jupiter Square Saturn - December 24


Image: Spectrum 

Jupiter square Saturn 


August 19:         17 Gemini/Pisces   (#1)

December 24:    14 Gemini/ Pisces  (#2)

June 15, 2025   01 Cancer/Aries     (#3) 


Last August we had the first of three rounds of Jupiter square Saturn.   Jupiter wants to spread out and get bigger while Saturn seeks constriction.     Our second round of this aspect will take place on December 24 and the final aspect will be next June.  This aspect in December will be at 14 degrees in Gemini/Pisces. 


Jupiter in Gemini as discussed is high on rhetoric.  Communication can be too big.  Jupiter can appreciate peace, but it is also judgy.  Saturn in Pisces longs for deep compassion.  It understands hard work and struggle especially for the greater good and remembering humanity. Jupiter wants to expand but Saturn restricts.  These two energies are at odds with one another.  This struggle will be evident.  There may be some big event that is deep in conflict or duplicity.   Because Jupiter is in Gemini watch for social media posts that are NOT accurate or strident opinions that feel ‘off.’ Beware of gossip.  Discipline could be difficult to find.  Or it may be found because there is no other choice.  Standing still could be important.   Retreat and contemplation may be needed.   Next year’s final round is at 1 Cancer/Aries and is a whole different animal than this date in December.   All things considered, next June is more emotional and thinner skinned, just sayin’ 


Astrology for the week of Dec 22 - 29


Last Quarter Moon Phase

November 22, 2024 

2:18pm PST 



Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

What actions are you taking that impact your relationships?  How are you finding balance?  How are you reacting to others?  How are others reacting to you?    How are you making big moves that connect to nuance negotiations?  


Special focus 

12/23: Sun square North Node.  Hanging on to status quo versus going out there and carving a new way.   What to do?  

12/24: Jupiter oppose Saturn (see separate post) 

12/26: Mercury oppose Jupiter. Strident conversation serve who?  Righteousness versus flakiness, how to find balance is difficult.  This is the second round,  Dec 4 was the first hit.   Anything coming that reminds you from the beginning of the month? 



Balsamic Moon Phase


December 26, 2024 

5:43pm PST  


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on:  How are you releasing your controlling energy?  How are letting go?   How are you releasing the dead?   How are you releasing anything that you are bringing in that is not good for you?  



Special focus:


12/26: Mercury square Saturn.  Constricting conversations.  Conserving mental energy.   Everything feels like a hard lift.  Lean into pragmatism. 

12/27: Venus square Uranus.  Creativity and joy and values feel like they are cracking under pressure.   Should something new be folded in?   

12/29: Chiron station direct at 19 Aries.   The planetoid of self-wounding knows there is healing that comes with some type of independence.   What have learned since July 26 when it retrograde?  


Happy Winter Solstice!


The first day Winter rolled in early this morning.    Capricorn has landed.  

Astrologer Chani Nichols has a great write up.    Go to her link for her whole piece.  


When the Sun enters Capricorn on December 21st, it signals the seasonal Solstice. If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, this is the shortest day of the year, when the dark presides over more of our waking hours. If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the opposite: The Sun shines longer on this day than on any other.

The word “solstice” combines the Latin words sol (the Sun) and sistere (to stand still). Symbolically, this is a time of hush and peace but also celebration. In the Northern Hemisphere, the December Solstice is a symbolic rebirth; the Sun’s light has reached its lowest point, and from this day on, it begins increasing again. In the Southern Hemisphere, the light has reached its glorious culmination. Both events are threshold moments and transitions to honor.


Just like the equinoxes, the solstices are entangled with the cycles of sowing, harvesting, and regeneration. Light is life for all agricultural cultures, so this turning point in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun has profound implications for human survival. In the Northern Hemisphere, the December Solstice marks a time of hope, miracles, and reverence as we anticipate the resurgence of Sol’s light......... (continues) 

Monday, December 16, 2024

Astrology for December 16 - 21


This week starts with the full moon phase in Gemini which launched yesterday.  A lot of data and information unfolding during this three-day phase.  Some of it is clarifying.  Some of it still cloaked by the Sun square Neptune on the 18th.   There may be pings on your psyche.   Note anything that comes up on intuition, it may get clarified down the road.      




Special focus 

12/18: Sun square Neptune.  Confusion, things feel out of focus.  Intuition seems unplugged.  Identity can feel a little ‘off’.  Get lost in TV.   




December 18, 2024 

2:29pm PST          



Focus on:   How are you sharing your strength?  How are you sharing your creativity?  How are sharing your pride?  How are you connecting to others through your self-esteem and generosity?  



Special focus:

12/19: Venus trine Jupiter.  Joy, pleasure, fun, novelty, getting together with others is inspiring and satisfying.  

12/21:  Sun enters Capricorn – Happy Winter Solstice  




Sunday, December 15, 2024

Mercury Station Direct - Dec 15, 2024 12:56pm PST


Mercury station Direct 

December 15, 2024 

12:56pm PST 

6 Sagittarius 23



11/7        Mercury enters shadow 6 Sag 23 

11/25      Mercury retrograde 22 Sag 40 

12/5        Mercury cazimi 14 Sag 27

12/15      Mercury station direct 6 Sag 23 

1/2          Mercury shadows 22 Sag 40 




Mercury stations direct Dec 15 at 12:56pm PST.  This is about twelve hours after the Gemini full moon launched.     With the Gemini full moon, we are plugging into our inner computer.   We are processing a lot of information during this three-day phase.    Having Mercury turn direct right on the Gemini full moon is auspicious.   More information will become available that has been hidden or just not out there since the end of November.   Today begins anew .   It feels like a plot point in a spy movie where the heroine gets important information and now her tasks, actions and goals take different paths.    

Ever since November 25, Mercury has been retrograde reminding us to slow down.   In Sagittarius, Mercury is looking for big ideas.    Big opinions and our personal philosophies are highlighted during Mercury’s journey in Sag.  During the retrograde we could have been reassessing those opinions.  Did they match the facts on the ground?     There may have been disconnects with friends and families as you figured out what you believe or not believe for the last three weeks.    Sag is fiery and maybe conversations were strident.   Did you get pissed by someone’s questions?   Did you piss off someone else by your questions?     Did your beliefs rub up against someone else’s opinions?    Did the strident approach work for you or not work for you?   

Now as Mercury unwinds you may consider what you have learned about self when beliefs are pushed.     In many ways it is as we all went to a three-week course at the University of Beliefs.    Now the tests are over so what did you learn about yourself and your core?  

See what comes up between now and January 2 when Mercury exits the shadow and how it may again shift your opinions.   There is a lot of data coming to all of us during this three-day full moon phase and also as Mercury unwinds.     

For those of you who are traveling, double check one more time all your reservations and trip details to make sure nothing got screwed up during the retrograde.    

Of course, Sag is good for a laugh and Mercury is good for a fun idea.   Look for the humor and joy now that Mercury is on its merry way.    

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Gemini Full Moon - December 15, 2024


Gemini Full Moon 

December 15, 2024 

1:01am PST 

23 Gemini 52


During Gemini full moons we tap our inquisitiveness.   Gemini is all about rooting around for more facts and data.   Gemini likes to ask a question, get an answer and turn around and do it again.    Gemini is always focused on feeding the intellect.    Sagittarius is focused on the broader outlook.    Sag looks for the bigger picture and from that forms wisdom.   Obviously, intellect and wisdom not the same.    But both Gemini and Sag understand the power in being adaptable.   


During the full moon, where the Sun in Sagittarius is opposing Moon in Gemini, we are challenged by the task of making sure the facts on the ground match our big opinions.    Curiously, when this Gemini full moon launches, Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini is retrograde which can cloak some of the facts.   But then later in the day, (12:56pm PST) Mercury stations direct at 6 degrees of Sagittarius.   It is kind of a big deal to have Mercury station direct on a full moon that is under its influence.    At the same time, the ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter, which is in Gemini, thus both planets are mutually receptive (Mercury in Jupiter’s ruling sign Sag and Jupiter in Mercury’s ruling sign Gemini).   If your head is spinning, good, that means you are paying attention because that is a lot of Gemini and Sagittarius energy juicing up this full moon.     For three days the inner computer that lives within us will be processing a lot of stuff.   And the inner philosopher that lives within us will be trying to figure out what it all means.    It could be overwhelming.


One more note about Mercury:  When Mercury stations direct it is very close to an exact trine with Mars in Leo.   This is a perk to the full moon.   There will be some facts that inform us and resonate in the heart (Leo) which provide impetus for swift actions.   We may say yes to do something that is magnanimous and big which speak both to Sag & Leo.      


While facts and data may get clarity, there could still be some stuff that is opaque due to Neptune.   On the 14th the moon squares Neptune (a monthly aspect) and then on the 18th, the sun squares Neptune (twice a year).  If some of the facts stir up mental angst, take a beat and see if more clarity comes later in the week after the full moon has waned.    Some opinions and beliefs may change or soften as we wait for more answers.    Adding to the case to take a beat is Venus trine Jupiter on the 19th.     Looking for good, tapping the heart, fellowship with others, reaching out to groups and a willingness to find answers in perhaps a different landscape can bring joy.    We will all need that trine on the 19th.     


For the three-day full phase, our brains will be receiving so much data, and we will be trying to sort through it all and try to make it make sense.    The rub is Gemini freezes because of a need to analyze everything and Sag can rush and make quick decisions with all its fiery ‘know-it-all-ness’.    During this full moon, if you are over analytical, unplug.   If you are racing in righteous indignation, take a beat.     A short trip is Gemini, and a journey is Sag but you don’t need to leave your home to do either.   Consider starting a book or watching something entertaining on TV and above all find the funny because Gemini and Sag are long in humor.    

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Astrology for the Week of December 8 - 14


First Quarter Moon 

December 8, 2024 

7:26am  PST   


Focus on:   What actions are you taking that lean in faith?  How are you focusing on spiritual or metaphysical matters?  How are they important to your goals?   How is your philosophical nature connected to faith?  What actions can you do that support both?  



Special Note


12/9 :  Venus sextile north node.  Fun and creative projects that speak to values such as love, money, investment, beauty and creativity.   

12/10 : Sun trine Chiron.  Healing is easy today.  Whatever the psyche needs or wants may be clear.   Get it. 


Gibbous Moon

December 11, 2024  

4:59pm PST     




Special focus How are you refining your possessions?  How are you sorting through your finances?   How are you focused on your property?   Where has any of those matters suffered from any neglect?   How can you step up your focus?  



Focus on:  


12/12: Venus oppose Mars.  Love of others versus love of self.  Being there for the greater good versus doing a personal victory lap.  

12/12: Venus sextile Mercury.   Fun thoughts, talks, communication that is inspiring, novel and fresh.   The brain is given oxygen.  


Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Pluto Stuff: Inner Planet Aspects

Photo by NASA 

Pluto Stuff 

Nov. 19, 2024:   Pluto re-enters Aquarius 

Feb 2, 2025:       Pluto exits the 2024 shadow (2 Aquarius 06) 


Now that Pluto has returned to Aquarius we are in a new twenty year era.   It is impossible to know exactly how it is going to all play out, but we can get informed around the inner planet contacts with Pluto which will occur this cycle on the following dates: 


Dec 5: Mercury semi-square Pluto (0 AQ 20) 

Dec 6:  Sun semi-square Pluto (0 AQ 22) 

Dec 7: Venus conjunction Pluto (0 AQ 23) 

Dec 21 Sun semi-sextile Pluto (0 AQ 46) 

Dec 28: Mercury semi-sextile Pluto (0 AQ 58) 



Mercury contact Pluto speaks to transformative information especially if it involves new technology.  And if it is a bit odd that is also perfect Pluto in Aquarius.  Are we connecting with friends and groups in new ways?   Because Mercury will is retrograde we get two rounds of Mercury in Sag semi square Pluto in December. 

Venus the planet of love, money, beauty with Pluto is also transformative as we consider how all of those things and what else we value speaks to our future.   What technology do we love?  Is it fresh and does it bring evolution to our values?   


The Sun semi-sextile Pluto is the first solar aspect to Pluto in Aquarius.    The sun at zero Capricorn is like an apartment tenant moving next door to Pluto.   Completely different energies except for their focus on rules.  The sun in Capricorn likes rules and keeping the status quo while Aquarius likes to blow up rules especially if they no longer serve the greater good.    

Neptune Station Direct: Dec 7


Triumph of Neptune - 3rd Century AD Musee Archeologique Tunisia 



Mar 11:     Neptune enter shadow 

Jul 2:          Neptune station retrograde 29 Pisces 56

Dec 7:         Neptune station direct 27 Pisces 08 

Mar 28,     Neptune exit shadow 



During this summer and fall, Saturn and Neptune were retrograde, getting the last drops out Pisces before they go into Aries next year.   Neptune is going to have to shed its cloak of ‘vague’, when it transits into hot ass and bright Aries.    Like a human spelunking in a deep wet cave and then exiting into a hot desert that is what is going to happen next year when Neptune moves into Aries.     Our psyches will be drawn to something hot and stark and independent next year but during the retrograde Neptune retreated into the cave.  On Dec 7 Neptune stations direct.  Since July 2 when it retrograded we have had to dig down deep to consider where we fit into this big ol world.   Many of us had to tap our inner landscape and ask questions:  Where do we find our intuition, our creativity and our humanitarian?   How do we access those kind, gentle energies?  What do we do when we feel lost?   Where is creativity and art our salvation?   What path did we find to help us find faith?   Whatever we learned could serve us next spring when we are in stark bright experiences and need to remember the power of tapping our quiet.  What has your intuition told you?  What was that thing you kept thinking about and was unsure of its meaning?  Did you connect the dots?    

Watch and see what comes up around the stationary date of December 7 for more insights.  

Let's Talk Mars: Mars Retrograde Dec 6 - Feb 23


Photo: Kevin M. Gill 



Sept 4:   Mars enter Cancer 

Oct 4:      Mars enters shadow (17 Cancer 01)

Nov 3 :    Mars enters Leo  

Dec 6:      Mars station retrograde (6 Leo 10)

Feb 23 :   Mars station direct (17 Cancer 01)

Apr 18 :   Mars re-enters Leo

May 2:     Mars exits shadow (6 Leo 10) 

June 7:     Mars enters Virgo 



On December 6, Mars will officially station retrograde.   Since September, we have been discussing Mars.  Normally Mars is in a sign for five weeks but during a retrograde it is in a sign for seven months.   On December 6 Mars stations retrograde at 6 degrees of Leo.  Then on January 6 Mars re-enters Cancer where it will continue to trek backwards until Feb 23 when it stations direct at 17 degrees of Cancer.    Mars will eventually leave Cancer on April 11 and then leave the second shadow point of 6 degrees of Leo on May 2.    This is a long time to be experiencing Mars in Cancer and early Leo.   Let me be clear, all of us will be sick and tired of Mars retrograde by time it wraps next spring.  We will also be assessing what deserves our warrior nature and what does not.  


The last Mars retrograde in Cancer was Nov 2007 – Feb 2008, covering 24 Gemini through 12 Cancer.   Before that time there was Nov 1992 – Feb 1993 covering 8-24 Cancer.   And the closest Mars retrograde to the current degrees we are about to experience was Dec 1977 with Mars retrograde 11 Leo through 22 Cancer in March 1978.  You may want to think back to those periods for insights to your personal experiences of Mars retro Cancer and Leo.    Also, consider what has come up since October 4 when Mars entered the first shadow point.   Once the retrograde begins, look backward and consider actions you took between October 4 and December 6:  What worked and what did not work?   What would you do differently?     

In general, Mars in Leo is a time for bold action, enjoying the pleasure of drama and pulling focus to self.  Juggling how to be confident without being arrogant can be tricky.    Tapping the power of strong self-esteem is important but no one wants to strap on wax wings which melt heading up to the sun.  Mind your ego.   Find a way to express your creativity but also be respectful to others as they share their own big ideas.   Mars in Cancer is all about EMOTING especially around mothers, home, family and childhood.  Memories are pronounced, emotions are peak, and sensitivity is great.  Some of us will feel protective and put up a big hard Cancer-the-crab shell others will use the crab’s pinchers and do a lot of snapping.  Of course, there is a possibility that many of us have outgrown our shell.  There could be patterns, behaviors and habits that no longer serve us and during the shadow and retrograde we have a skirmish or two and realize something inside us has changed.  We may sense we have outgrown something.   Will we let our shell crack?   Mars opposition to Pluto could show cracks. 


Consider the three dates of the opposition to see if there is any personal cracking which could be the case for those folks at planets around those degrees.   Also watch the news for cracks.  

Nov 3:    Mars oppose Pluto (29 Cap 46)  #1

Jan 3 :    Mars oppose Pluto (1 Aq 08)  #2

Apr 26 :  Mars oppose Pluto ( 3 AQ 48) #3



As always, more to be revealed.   

Astrology landscape Dec 1 - 7


Dec 1

We continue the New Moon Phase: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more results.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:    How are you finding your inner light?  When things are thrown in your way can you find your inner compass?   What shows up when you take a beat and ask your inner philosopher for advice?   



Special note:

12/1:  Mercury trine Chiron.  Thoughts that are self-healing.  

12/2: Venus trine Uranus.  Creativity is inspired, freshened and dynamic.   Favors money and values. 

12/4 : Mercury oppose Jupiter.  Strident conversation serve who?  Righteousness versus flakiness, how to find balance is difficult.  (#1)

12/4 : Sun square Saturn.   Know-it-alls versus martyrs.  Neither are appealing and yet stories about both get our attention.  

12/4: Venus sextile Neptune.  Creativity and values are inspired by the unworldly.  Mysticism and religion have a place today. 


Crescent Moon Phase

December 4, 2024

5:27PM PST



Focus on: What are you learning about your executive skills?  What are you learning about tapping your inner CEO?  What are you learning about navigating systems?  What are you learning about being super practical?  



Special Focus

12/5: Mercury conjunct Sun (inferior) Big ideas, big opinions can be satisfying but are they accurate?  Do they still make sense?   

12/6: Mars station retrograde 6 Cancer 10 (see separate)

12/6: Mercury square Saturn.  Strident conversations pitted against martyr talk.  No one wins when you go too long in being the teacher or being the victim.  

12/6: Venus enter Aquarius .  One month of creativity that is different and experimental.   Love of friends and groups is important.  

12/7: Venus conjunct Pluto (00 AQ 23) (see separate) 

12/7 : Sun oppose Jupiter.  Too much information can cloud our inner landscape.  It is difficult to get a compass heading.  

12/7 : Neptune station direct 27 Pisces 08 (see separate) 

Friday, November 29, 2024

Sagittarius New Moon: November 30 10:21pm PST


Sag candle next to the toaster 

Sagittarius New Moon


November 30

10:21pm PST

9 Sagittarius 33

Sagittarius knows how to tap the flame in all of us.   The flame of a candle can be used to light another person's candle or light another person tinder in a fireplace or it can sit in a window to remind others that someone is 'home' and maybe would welcome a friendly conversation.    Sag is the final fire sign and it is here to keep the flame going in all of us.  Some Sag new moons and 29 day lunar months are easy to tap inspiration and fire.   Others are a little more  difficult.   This one is definitely a bit more complicated but still it is important to look for inspiration.   It's half the journey.   

Please read my full article     HERE.  

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Mercury Retrograde November 25 6:42pm PST


Mercury photo from NASA 

November 25, 2024  at 6:42pm   

Mercury stations retrograde.    We went into the shadow on November 7.   

Topics that started between the 7th and now may be revisited.   The retrograde ends on December 15 and the final shadow point ends on January 2.   

This will no doubt feel like a long holiday season.   

You can read more about the retrograde HERE

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Astrology Landscape for Nov 18 - 26



November 18, 2024 

10:16pm PST         



Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full moon and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:   How are you sharing your feelings and how is it transformative?  How are your emotions speaking to a clear out debris?  How does your family help you share your emotions? 



Special focus:

11/19:  Pluto enters Aquarius (see separate)  

11/21 : Sun sextile Pluto.   Transformative energy to release that which no longer serves and gets uplifted.   

11/21: Sun enters Sagittarius the season of big adventures and big ideas.  

11/22: Venus sextile Saturn.  Support for love, money and values.  Structures are helpful.  

11/22 : Mars trine North Node.   Independence and new journeys are inspired with new vigorous actions. 





Last Quarter Moon Phase

November 22, 2024 

5:27pm PST    



Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

What actions are you taking that are based on facts?   How are the seeds you planted on the new moon benefiting by micro-actions? What are you sifting through and how can you act on it? 



Special focus 

11/25: Mercury station retrograde 22 Sagittarius 40 (see separate) 

11/26: Sun trine north node.  Independence and self-agency are amplified with new energy. 

Friday, November 15, 2024

November 19. Pluto and the New Era


Photo from NASA 

Pluto in Aquarius


January 9, 2024, Pluto enters new shadow (29 Cap 38) 

January 20, 2024, Pluto returns to Aquarius 

Feb 1 Pluto exits old 2023 shadow (0 Aquarius 22) 

May 2, 2024, Pluto stations retrograde (2 Aquarius 06) 

Sept 3, 2024, Pluto re-enters Capricorn 

Oct 11, 2024, Pluto stations direct (29 Cap 38) 

Nov. 19, 2024, Pluto re-enters Aquarius 

Feb 2, 2025, Pluto exits shadow (2 Aquarius 06) 



Finally, we are here.   My gawd we have been talking about it for so long, I’m exhausted by it.   But finally, it’s here.  On November 19, Pluto will re-enter Aquarius where it will be for twenty years. 


Aquarius is the power of people.  It connects to unique people, unique thinking.  It speaks to societal groups.  It is innovation, tech, electricity, power lines, computers, the internet, broadcasting, aviation, AI and social media.    Pluto is deeper, transformative aspects of life like the subconscious, hidden truths, major life changes, and of course, death and rebirth.   Pluto is a deep unseen influence.  There could be big events that speak to these topics in the news around the 19th.   If not around that date it will no doubt show up early into this 20-year cycle.   


Given the USA election is so close to this date it is reasonable to suggest that it will be a significant influence in the Pluto in Aquarius story. 


It is of course good to remember that the co-ruler of Aquarius is Saturn and for all its restrictions and hurdles that can piss off a lot of people, it is the planet of timing.   Given it is also turning direct in Pisces so close to the Pluto ingress one can consider divine timing may be at play.   



For those people who like mundane astrology, we would be wise to watch the dates of the Pluto aspects for the next year to see if there are any patterns that speak to the new journey. 


Obviously, the bulk of the aspects are the inner planets, and these happen every year.     However, two outer planets will be in the mix as well.    Saturn will have its final semi-square to Pluto on January 26 at 1Aquarius 53.   The two before were on May 6, 2024, at 2 AQ 06 and September 25 at 29 Cap 42. 


Uranus will trine Pluto next year September 19 and although it does not perfect it is still an influence.   This aspect is part of a greater optimistic cycle where Uranus and Pluto trine and they form a sextile with Neptune. You will find a lot of astrologers writing and talking about this new golden era in astrology.   I will write more about it in 2025.   Here’s AstrologyKing’s take about the grand trine which he too  suggests an optimistic influence between 2025 and 2029.       


Nov 21: Sun sextile Pluto (0 AQ 02) 

Dec 5: Mercury semi-square Pluto (0 AQ 20) 

Dec 6:  Sun semi-square Pluto (0 AQ 22) 

Dec 7: Venus conjunction Pluto (0 AQ 23) 

Dec 21 Sun semi-sextile Pluto (0 AQ 46) 

Dec 28: Mercury semi-sextile Pluto (0 AQ 58) 




Jan 3 Mars oppose Pluto (1 AQ 08)

Jan 4 Venus semi sextile Pluto (1 AQ 10)

Jan 9 :  Mercury semi sextile Pluto (1 AQ 20)

Jan 19 Venus semi-square Pluto (1 AQ 40)

Jan 21 Sun conjunction Pluto (1 AQ 43) 

Jan 26 Saturn semi-square Pluto (1 AQ 53) 

Jan 29 Mercury conjunction Pluto (1 AQ 58) 


Feb 15 Mercury semi sextile Pluto (2 AQ 31) 

Feb 20 Sun semi sextile Pluto (2 AQ 40) 

Feb 23 Mercury semi square Pluto (2 AQ 45) 


Mar 8 Sun semi square Pluto (3 AQ 05) 

March 23 Sun sextile Pluto (3 AQ 25) 

March 25 Mercury sextile Pluto (3 AQ 27)


April 20 Mercury sextile Pluto (3 AQ 46) 

April 23 Sun square Pluto (3 AQ 47) 

April 26 Mars opposition Pluto (3 AQ 48) 


May 6 Venus sextile Pluto (3 AQ 49) 

May 12 Mercury square Pluto (3 AQ 48) 

May 24 Sun trine Pluto (3 AQ 44) 

May 27 Mercury trine Pluto (3 AQ 42) 


June 9 Venus square Pluto (3 AQ 32) 

June 23 Mars quincunx Pluto (3 AQ 18) 

June 24 Jupiter quincunx Pluto (3 AQ 16) 

June 24 Sun quincunx Pluto (3 AQ 16) 

June 29 Mercury opposition Pluto (3 AQ 11)


July 7 Venus trine Pluto (3 AQ 00) 

July 25  Sun opposition Pluto (2 AQ 36)


Aug 2 Venus quincunx Pluto (2 AQ 24) 

Aug 10 Mars trine Pluto (2 AQ 13) 

Aug 24 Venus oppoistion Pluto (1 AQ 52)


Sep 3 Mercury quincunx Pluto (1 AQ 44) 

Sep 19 Mercury trine Pluto (1 AQ 30) 

Sep 19 Uranus trine Pluto (Does not perfect) 

Sep 20 Venus quincunx Pluto (1 Aquarius 30) 

Sep 24 Sun trine Pluto (1 Aquarius 28) 

Sep 24 Mars square Pluto (1 AQ 28)


Oct 7 Mercury square Pluto (1 AQ22) 

Oct 14 Venus trine Pluto (1 AQ 22)

Oct 24 Sun square Pluto (1 AQ 24) 

Oct 30 Mercury sextile Pluto (1 AQ 26) 


Nov 6: Mars sextile Pluto (1 AQ 30) 

Nov 7 : Venus square Pluto (1 AQ 31) 

Nov 17: Mercury sextile Pluto (1 AQ 39) 

Nov 23: Sun sextile Pluto (1 AQ 45) 

Nov 27: Mars semi square Pluto (1 AQ 50) 


Dec 2: Venus sextile Pluto (1 AQ 56) 

Dec 8 : Sun semi-square Pluto (1 AQ 05) 

Dec 13: Mercury sextile Pluto (2 AQ 13) 

Dec 14: Venus semi square Pluto (2 AQ 14) 

Dec 18: Mars semi sextile Pluto (2 AQ 20) 

Dec 23 : Sun semi sextile Pluto (2 AQ 29) 

Dec 24: Mercury semi square pluto (2 Aquarius 30)

Dec 26 Venus semi-sextile Pluto (2 AQ 34)