Saturday, May 25, 2024

Astrology for Week of May 26 - May 31


Disseminating Lunar Phase 

May 26, 2024 

10:44 pm PDT        



Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:   How are you sharing your leaderships skills?  How are you sharing your business acumen?   How is your inner CEO helpful to others?   What are you sharing that speaks to systems? 




Special focus:

5/27: Mercury sextile Saturn.  Thinking that is complementary to support resources.  Faith and communication are the pragmatic path. 




Last Quarter Moon Phase

May 30, 2024 

10:12am PDT    



Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

What actions are you taking that speak to faith?   How are you connecting your actions with that which is metaphysical or spiritual?  How is your unconscious and or your dreams speaking to you?  



Special focus 

5/30: Mercury conjunct Uranus. Brilliant and cuckoo thinking.  Communication that is different.  Stories we tell and the way we tell them makes an unusual turn.  



Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Sagittarius Full Moon May 23, 6:53am pdt


You know who in the movie Gravity.  

Sagittarius Full Moon

May 23, 2024 

6:53 AM PDT 

2 Sag 55


 Once a year we get a full moon in Sagittarius where there is usually an extra spring in our step because everything seems like it is an adventure.     A trip to the post office could be part utilitarian part Cirque Du Solei.   You wake up in the morning prepared to do one thing and by the end of the day you are planning a weekend in Rome.    Full moon in Sag is about expanding our world.   For three days we are itching to get out there and do something that inspires us.   The gravity of Sag is immense.  

Sag full moon is also about tapping our inner Mayan Shaman, Wise Old Friar, or Tarot Guru.   We want to put together answers during the Sag full moon.   Big, wise, smart answers.  The only problem is the sun in Gemini is not about philosophy it is about data.   If the facts on the ground don’t match the Sag big opinions than the sun in Gemini says, “I’ll take ideas that are obsolete for $100.”    

A typical Sag full moon is a tricky balance of bringing in fresh new ideas but also comparing those ideas to our personal philosophy.   Do they line up?    Above all on the Sag full moon we can look in the mirror and be compelled to ask, “Am I walking my talk?   Because when Sag is misbehaving the hypocrisy is up.   

So above is a typical Sag Moon.  This full moon is all of that with added steroids.   Yep.  It’s a big-lotta-action moon. 

The chart and three-day full phase will be informed by Venus’s conjunction with Jupiter a few hours before the full moon perfects.    Oh, to be young and in love says Venus to Jupiter and they both tell Moon in Sag, “Can you hear us?  Do you remember how to lean into love and not just your big opinions?”     

There will be unfiltered large laughs.   Probably a lot of laughing at self and any weird landscape where we find ourselves. 

Jupiter, who is the largest planet in the zodiac, has been getting pinged a lot in the last few weeks.   At the end of April Jupiter got on top of Uranus to get an electric bolt of “time to shake things up”.   Now, it has Venus on top of Jupiter right as it gets his own special full moon. (Remember Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, so this is his full moon! )    The sun in Gemini is right next to Jupiter at 29 Taurus.  Phew! A bit of comfort in some Taurus slowness (thank god). The sun is in a sextile with Neptune melting our harsh corners.  This softening supports another important aspect, Sun trine Pluto which speaks to evolution.  We are learning as fast as we can, and this full moon accelerates our desire to evolve.   If there is any belief that is not working, we may fling it off and out of lives during this full moon.  No joke. 

Big and jovial Jupiter is spinning so fast and with that huge gravitational pull it is a wonder how we are standing.     Zapped by Uranus, then zapped by Venus, then the full moon and finally on May 25 Jupiter leaves sure and steady Taurus and moves into Gemini where it will be for a year.      Lord, deliver us.   Things are about to move so fast that the only thing we got is our gravity.   Maybe that is why we are ditching old behaviors that no longer work?   The adventure beyond this full moon may be calling us.   Follow the gravitational pull and see where you land.   

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Astrology for Week of May 19 - 25


Gibbous Moon

May19, 2024  

7:54am PDT    





Focus on:  What refining are you doing to your relationship?   What have you been neglecting in your relationships?  What are you tidying up with partners?    



Special focus

5/19: Sun sextile Neptune.  Joy and pleasure come with a connection to faith.  How is our metaphysical and spiritual world important to our pragmatic reality?  

5/19: Mars conjunct North Node.   Where do we need to be a leader?  Where do we need to be a warrior for good?  

5/20: Moon in Scorpio square Pluto (see separate)

5/20: Sun enters Gemini.   

5/22: Sun trine Pluto (See separate) 



May 23, 2024

Full Moon

6:53 am PDT 

2 Sagittarius 55


(To Come) 


5/23:  Jupiter sextile Neptune.  Philosophy that is marbleized with faith is helpful and hopeful.  

5/23: Venus enter Gemini.  Three weeks of flirty, fun, conversations that know how to pivot quickly. 

5/25: Venus trine Pluto (See separate post) 

5/25: Jupiter enter Gemini (See separate post) 


Saturday, May 11, 2024

Moon In Cancer. For Your Enjoyment.


Moon in Cancer began May 10, 8:12pm PDT until May 13, 3:36am PDT 

Cozy.  Children.   Family.   Cats. 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Astrology Week of May 7 - May 13


Our Taurus New Moon began on May 7.   We are looking at what makes us feel grounded.  


This focus:    How do I find solidity?   Where do I need to build something from the ground up?   Where do I get comfort?  How do I relax?   Where do I need to slow down?   How can slowing down and doing one thing at a time serve me?   Where am I investing my energy?  


Special note:

5/6: Sun sextile Saturn.   Practical application of a system strengthens things that are weak.     When faith is tapped, resources grow. 


Crescent Moon Phase

May 11, 2024

7:41am PDT 


Focus on: What are you learning about your feelings?   What are you learning about your childhood?  What are you learning about your family?   How does everything you are learning connect to your stability now?  How does everything inform your ability to be grounded?  


Special Focus

5/13: Sun conjunct Uranus.  Dynamic energy has practical results.   There is a electric energy that can be revolutionary when slowing down to experience it.  

5/13: Venus sextile Saturn.  Love and values are amplified by faith and systems that tap spirituality.  

Dancing with Pluto - This Round


Fred Astaire in Swingtime 

Pluto Stuff 

May 13:  Moon in Leo oppose Pluto 

May 17: Mercury square Pluto 2 Aquarius 03

May 18: Moon in Libra trine Pluto 

May 20: Moon in Scorpio square Pluto

May 22: Sun trine Pluto 2 Aquarius 01 

May 25: Venus trine Pluto 1 Aquarius 59

May 27: Moon in Aquarius conjunct Pluto  

June 2: Jupiter trine Pluto 1 Aquarius 53

June 2: Moon in Taurus square Pluto 

June 3: Mercury trine Pluto 1 Aquarius 52 


Since Pluto entered Aquarius in January, we are beginning to get an itty-bitty view of this new twenty-year cycle.   We’ll can get a feeling for this journey when we pay attention to the moon aspects with pluto and any inner planet aspects to Pluto.   

Because the moon moves quickly, the lunar aspects can be sharp and focused but also not a lengthy experience.   Note anything that comes up on those days.    

As for the other planet aspects.      


One of the big contacts happening this cycle is Jupiter trine Pluto on June 2nd.   This is not a rare aspect but at the same time it does not come up that often.  The last time was summer of 2016.    Jupiter is a glorious, dynamic planet with a huge gravitational pull.   Pluto is transformative, it is extreme and prefers an all or nothing approach.  The trine is of course a beneficial aspect.   There will be opportunities around effective communication.   Curiosity is important.  Sharing knowledge that is current and not stale from another long dead POV.  Going deep on learning.   Diversifying experiences and pushing the intellect.   Leaning into; new technology, new groups of people, finding the like-minded, trying a unique path, all which amplify evolution on some level.    We will feel this aspect most of June.    


On May 13, Mercury leaves its shadow point from the previous retrograde.  Then on May 17, Mercury squares Pluto.   Mercury always likes to think it has the upper hand with any planet because it is so dang smart.  But Pluto holds its powder until it is ready to shoot.   Watch the news to see who thinks they are the smarty pants and who shows them they are not.  Our own thoughts can be sinister and dark, perhaps about the subject of new technology or corrupt big money.    


Then on May 22, the Sun in Gemini makes a harmonious trine with Pluto followed by Venus doing the same on May 25.    Novelty, finding fun conversationalists, being moved by celebrating the ordinary.  All of this speaks to Pluto who rewards with a new sense of power.   Also,  we all know the people who can travel thousands of miles and visit a wild exotic location but when they come back and tell their story, eyes go half mast, people start thinking about their to-do list.  Then there are others who go down the street to the market and come back and tell a story about someone they saw, and it is as a professional raconteur is relaying the anecdote.  Everyone is riveted.  This is the week we all find our inner Mark Twain.    

Jupiter enters Gemini. May 25, 4:14pm PDT


Jupiter enters Gemini 

May 25, 4:14pm PDT 


The last time Jupiter was in Gemini was June 11, 2012 – June 25, 2013.  


Gentlemen and Gentleladies ---start your engines.   Jupiter is entering the fastest, busiest sign in the solar system.    Jupiter who is the biggest planet in the zodiac likes to bring expanse to a sign.  In Gemini we all are super busy.  Our calendars will have more action than the last year while Jupiter was in Taurus.   Book clubs will grow.  Social Media will be awash in more than usual postings and will be in the news.   Will everything out on the world wide web be truthful?  Nope.  But there could be a helluva lot more people with their magnifying glasses out determining what is fake and what is real.     Jupiter in Gemini is also how we learn to adapt.   We learn the value of pivoting on a dime.   We will be doing it a lot of pivots in this Jupiter in Gemini year.    Our intellect will be lit up.   We figure out how to uplift and zhuz our conversation skills.  We look for ways to freshen up stuff, we have little patience for anything boring.   While we will be seeking fresh and new and interesting we need to take care that we are not hideously superficial.     Shallowness can be a problem and we will all need to avoid the gossip.  If we can.   There will also be lots of short trips!   Even for those people who are not inclined to travel they will be figuring out a way to get there, wherever there is.   Much joy can come from Jupiter’s transit in Gemini.  For additional insights, think back to 2012-2013 and consider what came up for you then that speaks to Jupiter in Gemini.   There may be some echoes from that period to this year.   

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Taurus New Moon: May 7, 8:21pm PDT


May 7, 2024

8:21pm PDT 

18 Taurus 02 

I am always excited for a new moon.  By the time we are at the last phase (balsamic)  of the 29 day lunar cycle I am ready for the new opportunities that come with the new moon.   That's my usual feeling.   But I gotta say the Aries lunar month that started with the Great American Eclipse and the 29 days that followed was perhaps too much energy even for me because I started to find myself longing for good, ol' sure and steady Taurus about ten days ago!  

Anyway, the Taurus new moon has a beautiful chart and there are many opportunities this month.    But a lot of it will come when we slow down.   Consider not juggling to the full force like we normally do.  Just sayin'.  You will find my whole report HERE.   Enjoy this Taurus cycle.   :)  

Monday, May 6, 2024

Saturn Semisquare Pluto. May 6


In January of 2020 Saturn began a new cycle with Pluto when the two formed a conjunction in the sign of Capricorn.   For those of us who remember January of 2020, let’s ask, hmm what could have been going on  that felt transformative and limiting at the same time?    Where was there loss?  Where was there mass experience?  Hmmm, what could it have been?   Oh, yeah, Covid.   


Saturn and Pluto do not form conjunctions that often because their odd shaped elliptical paths only cross 3 times every 100 years.    Such was the case this last century with conjunctions in 1914, 1947, 1982.   Once they connect through a conjunction, they begin a new journey that will usually have something significant come up around their squares and their oppositions.  For example, the window of 1980-1984 conjunction in Libra was followed by a square in 1992-1995 and an opposition in 2001-2002.      In the landscape of 1980-1984, the computer went from room sized blocks of tech in Fortune 500 companies to a two-foot box on a desk in homes across the world.    Pluto, never one to get lost in nuance also brought AIDS that also went across the world.   Then at the square (92-95) there was the First World Trade Center bombing and Bosnia and Rwandan leaders who were hell bent on destroying their population through genocide war crimes.     Of course by the time we got to the opposition (2001-2002) --- we got 9/11.    Okey Dokey.     


Once this new conjunction of 2020 took place we now put the upcoming squares and opposition on our radar which are: 

2028-2029:   Saturn in Taurus  Square 

2035-2026: Saturn in Leo oppose Pluto in Aquarius 

2044:  Saturn in Gemini Square Pluto in Pisces 


Saturn Semisquare Pluto is smaller but potent aspect that folds into these cycles as well which we are in the middle of one of those cycles: 

May 6, 2024 - Pluto 2 Aquarius 06

September 25 - Pluto 29 Cap 42 

January 26, 2025 – Pluto 1 Aquarius 53


In the United States, the Trump Campaign Finance Trial in NY and the student protests are pulling the focus of the media at this first hit of the aspect.   Perhaps there will be a tie into the events of now with events in September and January.    

Let’s watch this space. 

For more information in the conjunction, squares and oppositions of the past go to Jessica Davidson blog from 2019.