Friday, November 21, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
more to come... gobble gobble.
Sag New Moon---It is here!

Where should my focus be during this next 28-day cycle?
For twenty
eight days you have the opportunity to look off in the future for new
directions, new lands to conquer, new roads to follow and new actions which will
take you to the promise land. Of course, “promise” as defined by
A High Octane Vision
always, in a new moon, The Sun and the Moon are in conjunction which means they
are on top of each other –however with this new moon there is an extra perk--on
top of the Sun and Moon are Mercury and Mars. That’s quite a party. What
this means in broad strokes is that the Sun, our identity, the Moon, our
emotions, Mercury, our brains and Mars, our warrior are all united in visionary
Sag. At first glance, it might not seem like a big deal having Mars and
Mercury on top of the Sun and Moon. But if you step back and widen the
lens you will see it is quite significant.
For the last fourteen years, Pluto,
arguably the most powerful planet in the zodiac, has been slogging through
Sagittarius causing as much mayhem (some of it subterranean) as
possible. But now it has moved out of Sag and into the austere,
reserved, cautious Capricorn. What makes this curious is that the
move by Pluto happened about fifteen hours before the Sag New Moon.
And, not to be outdone by mighty Pluto, Uranus also made a significant move by
switching from retrograde to a direct motion less than One hour before the New
Moon. In my book, to have these two powerful shifts occur before the
Sag Moon is downright auspicious.
Remember, Pluto could have
made its final move from Sag into Cap on any date of the year. It could
have happened in May, perhaps the crescent cycle of Taurus. Or it could
have happened on the first quarter of Virgo. But no, Pluto made the move
out of Sag during the balsamic phase of Scorpio just a few hours before the SAG
NEW MOON! It almost felt like Sag, no longer burdened by Pluto, is gifted
with the New Moon conjunct Mars and Mercury as if to say, “Hey the old ball and
chain has finally left my life, Let’s party!”
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The last gasp of Pluto in Sag--More bad journalism

Sagittarius rules publishing/media/journalism. It is the printed word. Yes, I know we are slowly phasing out paper and replacing it with electronic signals sent to your little computer, but cyberjournalism is still journalism and therefore ruled by Sag.
Truly, the saga of Pluto in Sag and its celebration of pulp began almost on minute one. The trial of OJ Simpson for the murder of his wife Nicole began one week after Pluto entered Sag (Jan 1995). Yes, the murder took place while Pluto was in the last degrees of Scorpio (perfect) but the trial began in Sag. And, yes, by the time of the verdict, Pluto had retrograde back into Scorpio. But it did not matter, the die was cast. The frenzy of reporters who threw themselves into the fray at Los Angeles County Courthouse was mind boggling. Circus was an understatement.
Gossip mills popped up everywhere. Neighbors sold stories to trashy magazines and talk shows. God knows, careers were made or at least defined during that period and even a whole new channel was created-- Court TV. And this was all during the first 2 degrees of Pluto in Sag!
The years that followed brought us Matt Drudge and his rumor mill along with NY Times reporter Jason Blair and Oprah Book Club author James Frey who both used a lot of fiction to help sell "true" stories. And then we publicly watched them get their butts kicked over it. Which to me was even more Pluto in Sag. Sigh.
Later we would see News agencies call early results for the 2000 election and then later offer a mea culpa, which I am sure was cold comfort to Al Gore and whoever voted for him. And then what about all of the reporters who we got to know intimately while they covered, Katrina, The Indian Ocean Tsunami and September 11th? One wonders what Edward Murrow would have thought if he watched some of their reports? I think he shuddered from his grave.
The bottom line is that Pluto’s trek through Sag has not been pretty for the world of journalism—hell, even Dan Rather got caught up in the melee. And here we are on the final days and we are once again dealing with the liars and the lies that they tell. Which is bad enough, but what is more bad, is the news agencies who report it!
Currently, the nonsense that came out last week that Sarah Palin did not know Africa was a continent, which was reported from “anonymous insiders” from within the MCCain Camp, has turned out to be jokers who set up a huge hoax. And who reported it? FoxNews, MSNBC and various papers. Shame on all of them! “A pox on all of them” I say.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
General Motors---No surprise, North Node 0 Cancer

I am one of those people that when I have something blow into my path I may or may not note it. But when I have something blow in and then another thing similiar blow in and then a third thing similiar blow in....well, that is when I stop and take a look and see what needs my attention. Such a thing occured yesterday and is the reason for today's post.
As most of you know, General Motors is in the news. Basically GM has run out of money. Or if the coffers are not completely drained they will be by January. This story went into the Nation's zeitgest about 1 minute after Obama walked off the stage in Chicago. I was stunned to hear that for every 1 GM job there are 5 jobs elsewhere tied to GM. It will be a lot of lost jobs if they close. This was the conversation of the weekend and certainly on Monday.
Well, later in the evening on Monday I was poking around on TV and I saw an interview with Michael Moore which included a clip from his first film, "Roger and Me". The centerpiece of the film of course, was Moore's attempt to interview Roger Smith the CEO of GM about the job losses in Flint, Michigan. As I was watching the clip I thought, "Oh, GM again."
Then an hour later I was watching "American Experience" which was about the 1929 Stock Market Crash. While watching that show, one of the acts was focused on a major Wall Street player--- William Durant, the man who started GM. I gotta tell you, I seriously know very little about the history of GM but when I have 3 pieces of information about GM come to me in 3 very unique ways in one day I know it is time to look at GM's chart!
Before I get to GM's chart, it is worth noting that Durant was a Sag with moon in Pisces. Both visionary signs and then add to it he has Jupiter and Saturn conjunct in hard working Virgo plus his Sun in Sag oppose to Uranus in Gemini----well, it no surprise this man could see something where others didn't and build a fortune 500 company with his own hands out of his vision and ideas. The fact that he lost it all in 1929 and would eventually end up running a bowling alley could have something to do with Neptune in Pisces oppose Jupiter/Saturn along with Pluto Square Venus (5 degree orb). It is also interesting (at least to me) that his own North Node in Cap is opposite of GM's north node. His story is one of rags to riches to rags but he was respected among his community and he never stopped working. If a movie was made about his life, I'm sure Daniel Day Lewis would star!
Now, with GM, I drafted a chart for noon since I am not clear what time Durant organized the company but the date can be found easily on the GM Website.
At first blush, I am intriqued that the company is a Virgo with a moon in Gemini. A Gemini moon feels perfect given the company was a collection of other car companies that became GM. It almost feels like siblings, Buick, Cadillac and Oldsmobile (one month later) which is perfectly Gemini. Additionally, Durant being a Sagittarian is pefect since they are good for a Gemini buddy and I can see how a company started with moon in Gemini would be a natural for him.
Unfortunatley, in the last 15 years, Pluto's transit through Sag has been murder for GM's Sun in Virgo and Moon in Gemini. As we know, Pluto will destroy those things that no longer serve. Given GM had the Electric Car and then took it off the market and was documented in a well received film, "Who Killed the Electric Car?" one can scratch their head and wonder if Pluto is now paying back."
And for those of us who live in a city that once upon a time had a beautiful transit system that was systematically dismantled nefariously (dare I say) "well oiled" machine made up of GM and good friends at oil and tire industries (learn more HERE) . Now I'm forced to sit in horrible traffic at any time of the day thanks to their operation. So, I do have to quell the desire to say "Go for it, Pluto".
But that was a long time ago and now I can maintain a cool reserve and suggest that Jupiter's Zero degree Virgo could benefit by Pluto's move in Capricorn which will be at the end of November and December. But it will not be without an overhaul given GM's North Node is Zero degree in Cancer. I would say that it is possible GM has operated more for its south node in Cap than its north node in Cancer. Truly, had it come from a place of "What's best for families" and not "What's best for GM" it might not be in the place it is in. But given Pluto is about to run over the south node like a Monster SUV, I would guess it is time to overhaul everything about GM. Perhaps they will resurrect the Electric Car? Perhaps they will be the first major real American Green Car company. However, if they ask us for money and just proceed to do business (South Node Cap) as usual, they will be dust. Afterall, Pluto demands a Metamorphous. The key in my mind is these changes had better have long vision because GM's has Saturn at 7 degree Aries and it will be experiencing an opposition by Saturn in Libra in a few years along with another round of Pluto Medicine. If they can make the changes they have to make then they could be the real auto company with a future and reap some rewards (which can occur under Saturn-Saturn aspects).
Perhaps the little company with Sun in Virgo and Moon in Gemini will finally get religion. Which of the 4 mutable signs, is the most difficult for these two!
One last tidbit about the birthdate of GM, from the Wiki Timeline
A company called General Motors was established on September 16. Its initial
holdings included only Durant’s Buick Motor Company and went un-noticed in the
news media, with the major business news story that day being the announcement
by the White Star Line shipping company that it would begin construction of the
world’s largest ocean liner, to be called the Titanic.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Full Moon November 12 2008

In my Scorpio Lunar Phase report which can be found HERE I discussed the Taurus Full Moon would be a doozey and tempers could be short. I would like to flesh it out a bit more.
First of all, this full moon is called a SuperMoon. When the moon is closest to the Earth it is called a perigree. When the moon is either New Moon or Full Moon it is a syzgy. When it is a perigree and a syzgy it is a SuperMoon. I will be honest with you I don’t follow SuperMoons more closely than regular New and Full Moons, but there are astrologers who are versed in the distinctions and Richard Nolle has a list of SuperMoons HERE.
I am intrigued by the astrologers who track earthquakes and Tsunamis and if you do a google search you will find a couple astrologers who have tied large Earthquakes, volcanoes and Tsunamis (2004 Tsunami) near a SuperMoon. We will have a SuperMoon this month (full) followed by another in December (full) and a third in January. That does seem like a lot of tension on our little Earth!
By the way, here’s an interesting discussion on Moon Quakes caused by the gravitational pull of Earth. How hard is it to think of the opposite? Would not the Moon pull on Earth?
Seismic activity or not, it can be an emotional Moon.
Tempers could be short with Mars and Sun sitting right near each other (conjunction) along with mouthy Mercury a smidge to their east. When the Mars and the Sun are in conjunction in Scorpio they are pretty covert and usually James Bond lethal. That alone is pretty powerful stuff but then when you add that these two are digging in (square) with our favorite illusionist Neptune it is pretty clear (can you say that with Neptune?) subterfuge will be paramount. I would say expect undercover activity but then if you can expect undercover then it really isn't undercover, is it?
If you can’t get a clear answer from someone, it is not personal, blame Neptune. But if you get jabbed or jettisoned by someone (Sun/Mars Scorpio) lick your wounds, retreat for a bit and then consider your next move later, perhaps in the next lunar cycle. OR maybe you will be relieved. Maybe you needed to get prodded a bit so you could release them? As always, “release” is a great Scorpio word.
Given the moon is in the sign Taurus which is a money sign and Scorpio is a debt/loan/financials sign. I would certainly expect some seismic activity on Wall Street. If it a huge drop it could be due to Neptune-y things like Oil, natural gases or Pharmaceuticals. If it is a big gain, it would be due to the same. And of course, someone could just be doing some big smoke and mirrors which jerks the stocks up and down. Maybe just some old big hedge fund funny business.
Also, remember Taurus loves things that are concrete, things that are built upon, things that are used for structures. Scorpio likes to tear things down. Destroy. Having Mars the warrior right there next to the Sun can give a bit more weight to the ‘destroy’. But as always, from the ashes something will be born. What will you birth on this full moon?
Luckily the 3 days of the Full Moon phases will have:
Jupiter sextile Uranus (11/13) Unexpected luck, unexpected foreign influence, big meets unusual
Mercury trine Uranus (11/16) Mental capacity is sharp and unique. Unexpected thoughts lead to unexpected communiqués
ETA: Many apologies, I can't believe I forgot (this is what happens when I have notes on my yellow stickums!) There is a another major support from the universe during the Full Moon phase from Saturn's (Virgo) grand trine with Jupiter (cap) and Moon (Taurus). These three planets in earth signs harmoniously interacting with each other give us the brace we need. Even if we feel we can't do one more thing and are fatigued by "what else?" there will be some glimmer of support and help. And here is the good news it won't be airy fairy help. It will be concrete help and potential solutions. There used to be an old expression, "When I ask for the time, I don't want to know how to build a watch." In the case of this grandtrine you will get the time!
So, even if we feel blindsided by anyone or anything the Universe will give us a boost by the end of the phase . In my best, Tim Gunn voice, "Carry On."
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Time to tinker a bit regarding Astrology and Elections

So in the end, what did we learn about Astrology and this election? I
believe the following points are noteworthy for future election forecast by
Mundane Astrologers:
1. The casting of the first vote on Election Day
is no longer the true chart to use for ascertaining the results of a USA
presidential election. With the advent of “pre-election day” voting, over a
third of the vote in many states was completed before November 4, rendering the
first vote at 12:01:00 AM, November 4, as meaningless. The early voting results
showed Obama scored a 58-40% advantage before November 4. After the voting of
November 4, he won the election with 52% of the vote. This furthermore rendered
the results of the New Hampshire primary as invalid, which contained similar
Moon-Jupiter in Capricorn transits as November 4Read the rest of the thoughtful piece here
Friday, November 7, 2008
Moon in Aquarius -- Obama Action noted!

Barack Obama Launches A New Website -
Barack Obama seems
be keeping his promise of change, starting with a website. Today the site was launched.
The site is an open
platform, that hopes to engage the American people in
the governmental process.A perfect example of how his Aquarius Ascendent with the Moon in Aquarius is
reaching out to America (which also has moon in Aquarius). It will be
interesting to see what else he does when the moon crosses his first next
Virgo & Taurus--It is finally your time

I have spoken volumes on the changes we will all be experiencing as Pluto begins its trek in Capricorn. But instead of focusing on the economic and infrastructure issues-- that we all know is in our future, I would like to take a minute to talk to a few interesting folks who will not be pained by Pluto but instead will be in awe of Pluto.
Yes, there is a select group of you who have got some interesting times ahead. Those Tauruses who are born April 20-24 and those Virgos born August 23 - 27 take special note...something good is coming to you. Yes, of course an astrologer gets in trouble when they talk about good & bad--- we rather say Opportunities and Challenges.. But my point is, I would encourage you to get ready to see more good and experience it. What is about to happen is Pluto will go into earth sign Cap and the minute it does the bells will be ringing in the other two earth signs--Virgo and Taurus.
What does this mean? Well astrologicallyspeaking I am talking about an aspect called a TRINE. We love a good ol' trine. It is a beneficial aspect. Three is a strong position, don't believe me, why is a camera always on a tripod? Because three legs is stronger than four and definitely better than two. Think of the holy trinity. We love 3's. And in the astrology all of the elements are divided into four elements with 3 signs each. The trine means the 3 signs are 90 degrees apart and if you drew a line between all three it would be a perfect Triangle. Except for Bermuda---We Love Triangles.
When Pluto goes into Cap and says, "Hey, Virgo, I'm over here with my big Trine ready to help you!" "And you, Taurus, let me see if there is something I can do that with my big Trine that will make life easier for you."
However, the funny thing about Pluto is that it is not a Santa Clause aspect, that is more Jupiter (Santa and his fat gut!) instead the image of a trine from Pluto is very much like the image I picked above, an open lock with a key. Pluto finally helps you find the keys in which you have been searching.
For Virgo this is a welcomed gift because for many of the early degree Virgos way back in the late 90's they had the shit end of the Pluto stick. That was when Pluto was all in black and breathing like Darth Vader as he went through your life and house in a storm trooper stomp. I don't have to know the details to know that you got it in the pants. Perhaps it was a death of someone important, perhaps it was the end of a marriage, perhaps it was the end of a career perhaps it was an illness where you came out of it saying, "As god as my witness I will never be ____ again." Or maybe it was not an ending of a marriage but it was not what you expected or a job that turned out not to be what it appeared on the surface. Whatever it was, it was a real drag. Well, guess what? Now Pluto wants to make amends.
And you, Taurus, many of you a number of years ago felt betrayed by Uranus who kicked you with a whirlwind of harsh activity. First you are doing this and then you are doing that, you are living here and working there and then you are not. You are in love and then you are not. You want to be this when you grow up and then you realize you don't what to be that..and frankly you don't even want to grow up. This was a real bitch of a time, think around the mid 90's. Then just when you thought you had enough, then you got Neptune in the late 90's making your life a living hell...with too much frivolous behavior , booze, perhaps some drugs and just good old fashion illusion. Whatever it was Neptune just had you gassed into believing something that was not real. And you were so disillusioned.. such is Neptune sigh.
But now, you both are in store for some Pluto benefits.
For those early degree Taurus and Virgo Sun's..(0-2 degrees) between now and the end of 2009 you can find yourself with some unique opportunities. Perhaps someone offers you something you never thought you would do and in fact you would normally turn this person down but just for some strange reason you say, "yes" and the next thing you know you are in some amazing situation. Or if it is not that obvious, you say yes, and a door opens and you go in and from there another door opens and then another and you find yourself in wildly curious place but it all makes sense and you see your life improve. Improve in an unusual way. Taurus, because you are often stuck in the mud and Virgo because you often can't see the forest for the trees----both of you often get trapped by a thinking that good has to look a certain way. "It has got to be this way or I won't be happy." Well, Pluto in Cap your fellow Earth sign is keen on finding opportunities in the most ridiculous ways and manners and Cap can make use out of anything. But luckily for you, because you trust your fellow earth sign, you will say,"hmm...okay." And that is the KEY.
Of course, you do have to be reasonable with these types of transits. I'm not saying that when the guy on the motorcycle comes up to you and says with a wink, "Want to ride to my leather shop?" And you are having a day where your kids are bugging you and you loathe your husband----- that does not mean you say 'yes' to the biker. Ah, no. Be reasonable! But still keep your eyes open for some lucky breaks. What you don't know is that you earned your luck. And pluto will hand you the key---that you always had in your possession, you just weren't ready to find it until now.
Click your shoes, Dorothy!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Barack Obama's Astrological Natal Chart

If you want to go to Lois Rodden's sight. You can go here to get Barack's chart.
Barack Obama President Elect

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
"Hey, Saturn --quit hitting me with your ring"

November 4 2008, Feb 5 2009, September 15, 2009, April 26, 2010, July 26, 2010---
November 4: 18 Virgo 58 ---18 Pisces 58
Sabian Symbol: “A swimming Race” keyword: Elimination --
Sabian Symbol: “A master instructing his pupil” Keyword: Elucidation
In previous new moons we have discussed that there are several astrological aspects building in the next few years that are going to get our attention. One of those aspects is Saturn Oppose Uranus. The last time these two planets were opposed to one another was between, 1965-1967. At that time, Saturn was in Pisces and Uranus in Virgo, now we have the opposite, Saturn in Virgo and Uranus in Pisces. So, same crowd, but different results. Take note of those years, 1965-1967 was a rebellious time, the anti war movement was heating up, along with equal rights and anti discrimination protests. Martin Luther King marched on Selma. Can you feel the echo from those times now? Unresolved issues from that time will experience movement now. But notice that there are four more dates between 2009 and 2010. Clearly, the troubles don’t end on November 4, if anything they begin. I think for all of us, we need to manage expectations. So, get your head around the idea that we will have troubles come up, be processed, then new ground will be taken, we settle down and then another trouble comes up and we process it, it settles down and then more trouble arises and the pattern continues until the big culmination in July 2010 when the final aspect will take place in Aries and Libra. Also at that time Saturn and Uranus will make tough aspects with Pluto/Jupiter/Mars and Venus. It will be a very stormy period, but before we get into the business of predicting trouble in the summer of 2010 we need to first deal with the matters at hand.
Where Uranus goes, trouble breakthrough follows
As you can see the first date of Saturn/Uranus opposition is November 4, 2008 and most of us are already feeling it—namely fear.
Uranus in Pisces brings up all of our fears. It makes us look backwards and shudder at some of our choices. It is the wreckage of our past. And when we look backward we are so afraid we will repeat those mistakes again. Or we will get caught with our pants down.....
Monday, November 3, 2008
Rockie Gardiner: Rest In Peace

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Pluto In Capricorn--Ice Volcano, anyone?

He sees Americans having to fight for independence once again. As a result
of NAFTA and CAFTA, construction of the Tans Texas Corridor has already begun.
The problems associated with security, seized property and the exportation of
business to low-cost Mexico is obvious and many States are “adopting legislation
to block intrusion into their states.” With a linking of the EC, Free Trade
Association of the Americas, and a Far Eastern organization into a one-world
government, Bill portends a greater intrusion of governmental power and
resistance to it. As the USA debt becomes a global problem, “an international
‘Big Mac’ is appointed to restructure the US. Pluto was conjunct the USA Cancer
planets in the 1930s. It will be opposite from 2008-2024.”