The week continues with the energy of the full moon which launched on Saturday. The astrology of the week is somewhat quiet and god knows we would benefit by a kinder gentler astrological period.
On Tuesday 12/13 Mercury turns direct at 4 degrees of Sag 8:42pm EST. If communication has been bumpy and we have felt wobbly, we should start to feel relief almost immediately.
December 14, 5:46am EST- Disseminating Phase.
Focus on: Where do you feel brave in your heart? How are you sharing that with others? How do you feel generous, perhaps magnanimous? Can you share this with others? When you share your power with others does it empower them? How can this be a bridge in your life to expand your world?
Last Quarter Moon Phase
December 17, 2011 7:47pm
Focus on: What actions need precision, detailed oriented work? How can that work support expanding your world? What are you working on that needs micromanaging? Did you plant seeds on new moon that need more refined actions now? Are there any holes that need fixing?
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