We begin the week with our big ol' full moon in Sag (see previous post). Is it getting cuckoo yet for you? Information must be coming at you full volume, I know it is in my house! What you do with the information says a lot about how you can pivot and maneuver in these somewhat turbulent days. We all need to be adaptable and the full moon will certainly challenge us to pivot.
Also on Monday 6/4 Neptune begins his retrograde motion. Neptune will station at 4 degrees of Pisces and go back all the way to 1 degree of Pisces on November 11 where it will straighten out. Since Neptune spends half of the year in retrograde he is pretty comfortable with a reverse course and he uses the time to his advantage. Like a deep sea diver with a flash light he goes deep into our unconscious brain and finds the curious and weird stuff. The stuff we never thought about before and perhaps how it may or may not impact us.
On Tuesday 6/5 Venus and Mars get into a tussle and there will be sparks and fighting words will be hard to avoid especially among lovers, neighbors and siblings. And of course we are finally at the event I have been talking about for several months---The Venus Occultation!
At the same time Venus will make her glorious transit in front of the Sun. Check the news there will be some local astronomy club that will have their telescopes and the proper lens set up so you can see this majestic event. We won't get it again for about 120 years!
A Rare Transit of Venus Across the Sun on June 5, 2012 Will Catapult Consciousness
_Featured_, SpaceSunday, June 3rd, 2012
The transit of Venus “is among the rarest of astronomical events, rarer even than the return of Halley’s Comet every 76 years. Only six transits of Venus are known to have been observed by humans before: in 1639, 1761, 1769, 1874, 1882 and, most recently, in 2004…The beginning of the transit will be visible from all of North America, Greenland, extreme northern and western portions of South America, Hawaii, northern and eastern portions of Asia including Japan, New Guinea, northern and eastern portions of Australia, and New Zealand. The end will be visible over Alaska, all of Asia and Indonesia, Australia, Eastern Europe, the eastern third of Africa, and the island nation of Madagascar.” (Source: Scientific American, 12 Must-See Skywatching Events in 2012, January 2,2012)
Then on Wednesday 6/5 there is an aspect between Sun and Venus which supports
Disseminating Moon Phase
June 7 2:22pm
Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps
there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and
help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we
find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight. And of course, you too may be ready to teach
and share your own information.
Focus on: What information are you sharing with like
minded others? How are your friends
supporting your knowledge? Where are you
brilliant and how are you sharing it with others? What brilliance is being shared back to you?
Mercury in Cancer http://astrology.about.com/od/mercury/p/MercuryCancer.htm
Sun/Mars: Big ass fighting. Thinking is weird and people are doubling
down on their cuckoo insecurity.
And finally on Friday 6/8: Mercury/Neptune aspect: Inspired, hopeful, brains are seeking
Naslednjič bo Venerin tranzit nastopil dne 11.decembra 2117 in iz Slovenije ne bo viden. Naslednji Venerin tranzit, ki pa bo viden iz Slovenije pa bo nastopil dne 8.decembra 2125. Podatki za Slovenijo so naslednji.
ReplyDeleteZačetek delnega tranzita je ob 14.21 ter začetek popolnega tranzita je ob 14.45.
V Mariboru bo tega dne Sonce zašlo ob 16.08 zato bomo v Sloveniji videli le začetek tranzita. Dolžina vidnega tranzita v Mariboru bo le 1 uro in 47 minut.
Izračuni, ki sem jih naredil iz Lunation map za obdobje od leta 1972 pa do leta 2020, ko nastopi vsaka 5.Venerina spodnja konjunkcija v istem 8 letnem krogu v katerem sta nastopila prejšnja dva Venerina tranzita v letih 2004 in 2012 so sledeči. Upoštevan samo srednjeevropski čas UTC+1h.
ReplyDelete17.junij 1972 ob 16.09
15.junij 1980 ob 8.27
13.junij 1988 ob 1.00
10.junij 1996 ob 17.19
8.junij 2004 ob 9.43 - Venerin tranzit
6.junij 2012 ob 2.09 - Venerin tranzit
3.junij 2020 ob 18.44.
Izračuni, ki sem jih naredil iz Lunation map za obdobje od leta 2014 pa do leta 2133, ko nastopi vsaka 5.Venerina spodnja konjunkcija v istem 8 letnem krogu v katerem bosta nastopila naslednja dva Venerina tranzita v letih 2117 in 2125 so sledeči. Upoštevan samo srednjeevropski čas UTC+1h.
11.januar 2014 ob 13.25
9.januar 2022 ob 1.48
6.januar 2030 ob 14.18
4.januar 2038 ob 2.27
1.januar 2046 ob 14.45
30.december 2053 ob 2.59
27.december 2061 ob 15.11
25.december 2069 ob 3.23
22.december 2077 ob 15.40
20.december 2085 ob 3.44
17.december 2093 ob 15.48
16.december 2101 ob 4.00
13.december 2109 ob 16.03
11.december 2117 ob 4.17 - Venerin tranzit
8.december 2125 ob 16.33 - Venerin tranzit
6.december 2133 ob 4.49.
Vrhunec Venerinih tranzitov glede na geocentrično središče Zemlje do leta 3000.
ReplyDeleteOznake za vidnost Venerinih tranzitov v Sloveniji do leta 3000.
VP - Tranzit bo viden v celoti.
VDV - Tranzit bo viden le delno saj bo med tranzitom Sonce vzšlo.
VDZ - Tranzit bo viden le delno saj bo med tranzitom Sonce zašlo.
N - Tranzit ne bo viden.
Datumi in čas vrhunca Venerinih tranzitov glede na geocentrično središče Zemlje do leta 3000 so sledeči. Upoštevan samo srednjeevropski čas UTC+1h.
8.junij 2004 ob 9.20 - VP
6.junij 2012 ob 2.29 - VDV
11.december 2117 ob 3.48 - N
8.december 2125 ob 17.01 - VDZ
11.junij 2247 ob 12.33 - VP
9.junij 2255 ob 5.38 - VDV
13.december 2360 ob 2.44 - N
10.december 2368 ob 15.45 - VDZ
12.junij 2490 ob 15.17 - VP
10.junij 2498 ob 8.25 - VP
16.december 2603 ob 1.13 - N
13.december 2611 ob 14.34 - VP - Iz Slovenije viden delni tranzit.
15.junij 2733 ob 18.18 - VDZ
13.junij 2741 ob 11.17 - VP
17.december 2846 ob 0.11 - N
14.december 2854 ob 13.19 - N
16.junij 2976 ob 20.44 - VDZ
14.junij 2984 ob 13.49 - VP.
V 3.tisočletju pa bosta nastopila dva bolj nenavadna Venerina tranzita. Tako bo Venera šla skoraj in točno čez skrajni južni del Sonca. Tako bodo ponekod videli na jugu Zemlje popolni tranzit drugje na severu delni tranzit ali pa ponekod na jugu Zemlje delni tranzit ali pa na severu Zemlje tranzit sploh ne bo viden.
ReplyDeleteDne 13.decembra 2611 bo Venera prečkala skoraj skrajni južni del Sonca. Iz Antarktike, Južne Amerike in Afrike bo viden popolni Venerin tranzit medtem, ko bo zaradi paralakse iz Evrope viden delni tranzit. Iz Slovenije bo viden delni tranzit in to v celoti v popoldanskem času saj se bo tranzit končal malo pred Sončevim zahodom. Glede na geocentrično središče Zemlje bo vrhunec tranzita ob 14.34. Upoštevan srednjeevropski čas UTC+1h.
Dne 14.decembra 2854 pa bo Venera prečkala skrajni južni del Sonca. Delni tranzit bo viden le iz Antarktike medtem, ko bo zaradi paralakse v Južni Ameriki, Afriki in v Evropi Venera popolnoma zgrešila Sonce. Iz Slovenije Venerin tranzit ne bo viden saj bo Venera pri nas popolnoma zgrešila Sonce. Glede na geocentrično središče Zemlje bo vrhunec tranzita ob 13.19, čeprav gledano iz geocentričnega središča Zemlje tam ne bo več tranzita, torej se bo glede na geocentrično središče Zemlje Venera ob 13.19 navidezno najbolj približala Soncu. Upoštevan srednjeevropski čas UTC+1h.
In kje bosta po svetu vidna naslednja dva Venerina tranzita dne 11.decembra 2117 in 8.decembra 2125.
ReplyDeleteVenerin tranzit dne 11.decembra 2117 bo v celoti viden iz Avstralije, Antarktike, Nove Zelandije ter iz jugovzhodnega dela Azije. Delno ob Sončevem vzhodu bo viden iz srednjega, južnega in jugozahodnega dela Azije ter iz vzhodnega in južnega dela Afrike. Konec tranzita bo viden tudi iz jugovzhodnega dela Evrope in sicer iz vzhodnega dela Romunije, Bolgarije, jugovzhodnega dela Makedonije ter iz vzhodnega in južnega dela Grčije. Delno ob Sončevem zahodu pa bo viden iz južnega dela Aljaske, na jugozahodu ZDA ter na jugu Južne Amerike. Iz Slovenije ta Venerin tranzit ne bo viden.
Venerin tranzit dne 8.decembra 2125 pa bo v celoti viden iz Južne Amerike, Antarktike ter iz vzhodnega dela Severne Amerike. Delno ob Sončevem vzhodu bo viden iz Nove Zelandije ter iz zahodnega dela Severne Amerike. Delno ob Sončevem zahodu pa bo viden iz Afrike ter iz zahodnega, južnega in srednjega dela Evrope. Iz Slovenije bo ta Venerin tranzit viden le delno.
Podatki za Venerin tranzit dne 8.decembra 2125 za Slovenijo so naslednji. Upoštevan srednjeevropski čas UTC+1h.
Začetek delnega tranzita je ob 14.21.
Začetek popolnega tranzita je ob 14.45.
V Mariboru bo tega dne Sonce zašlo ob 16.08 zato bo viden le začetek tranzita. Dolžina vidnega tranzita v Mariboru bo le 1 uro in 47 minut.
V Ljubljani pa bo tega dne Sonce zašlo ob 16.15 zato bo tam prav tako viden le začetek tranzita. Dolžina vidnega tranzita v Ljubljani pa bo 1 uro in 54 minut.
The next transit of Venus will appear on December 11, 2117 and Slovenia will not be visible. The next Venus transit will be visible from Slovenia will perform on December 8, 2125. Data for Slovenia are as follows.
ReplyDeleteInitiation of partial transit is at 14.21 and the perfect start to total transit at 14.45.
In Maribor, on this date the sun set at 16.08 so we will see in Slovenia is just the beginning of the transit. Length visible transit of Maribor will be only 1 hour and 47 minutes.
The calculations that I have done in the Lunation map for the period from 1972 to 2020, when occurs every 5 Venus inferior conjunction in the same 8-year cycle in which they appeared in the previous two transit of Venus in 2004 and 2012 are as follows. Observed only Central European Time UTC+1h.
ReplyDeleteJune 17, 1972 at 16.09
June 15, 1980 at 8.27
June 13, 1988 at 1.00
June 10, 1996 at 17.19
June 8, 2004 at 9.43 - Venus transit
June 6, 2012 at 2.09 - Venus transit
June 3, 2020 at 18.44.
The calculations that I have done in the Lunation map for the period from 2014 until 2133, when occurs every 5 Venus inferior conjunction in the same 8-year cycle which will perform the following two transit of Venus in 2117 and 2125 are as follows. Observed only Central European Time UTC+1h.
January 11, 2014 at 13.25
January 9, 2022 at 1.48
January 6, 2030 at 14.18
January 4, 2038 at 2.27
January 1, 2046 at 14.45
December 30, 2053 at 2.59
December 27, 2061 at 15.11
December 25, 2069 at 3.23
December 22, 2077 at 15.40
December 20, 2085 at 3.44
December 17, 2093 at 15.48
December 16, 2101 at 4.00
December 13, 2109 at 16.03
December 11, 2117 at 4.17 - Venus transit
December 8, 2125 at 16.33 - Venus transit
December 6, 2133 at 4.49
The highlight of Venus transits according to the geocenter of the Earth by the year 3000 center.
ReplyDeleteConspicuity markings Venus transits in Slovenia until 3000 center.
VE - The transit will be visible in its entirety.
VPR - Transit will be visible only in part because the sun will rise during transit.
VPS - The transit will be visible only in part because the sun went down during transit.
N - Transit will not be visible.
Dates and time of peak Venus transits to the geocenter of the Earth by 3000 are as follows. Observed only Central European Time UTC+1h.
June 8, 2004 at 9.20 - VE
June 6, 2012 at 2.29 - VPR
December 11, 2117 at 3.48 - N
December 8, 2125 at 17.01 - VPS
June 11, 2247 at 12.33 - VE
June 9, 2255 at 5.38 - VPR
December 13, 2360 at 2.44 - N
December 10, 2368 at 15.45 - VPS
June 12, 2490 at 15.17 - VE
June 10, 2498 at 8.25 - VE
December 16, 2603 at 1.13 - N
December 13, 2611 at 14.34 - VE - From Slovenia visible partial transit.
June 15, 2733 at 18.18 - VPS
June 13, 2741 at 11.17 - VE
December 17, 2846 at 0.11 - N
December 14, 2854 at 13.19 - N
June 16, 2976 at 20.44 - VPS
June 14, 2984 at 13.49 - VE..
In the third millennium will perform two more unusual transit of Venus. Thus, Venus and went almost exactly across the southern part of the Sun. Thus, sometimes seen in the south of Earths total transit elsewhere in the north of the partial transit, or in some places in the south of the partial transit of the Earth or the Earths northern transit would not be visible.
ReplyDeleteDecember 13, 2611 will be close to Venus crossed the south ern part of the Sun. From Antarctica, South America and Africa will be visible complete transit of Venus, while, due to parallax from Europe seen partial transit. Slovenia will be visible from a partial transit, and this is entirely in the afternoon because the transit ended shortly before the Suns set. According to the geocenter of the Earth will be the highlight of transit at 14.34. Considered Central European Time UTC+1h.
On December 14, 2854 Venus will cross the southern part of the Sun. Partial transit will be visible only from Antarcica while due to the parallax in South America, Africa and Europe Venus completely missed the sun. From Slovenia Venus transit will not be visible because the Venus of us completely missed the sun. According to the geocenter of the Earth will be the highlight of transit at 13.19, though viewed from the geocenter of the Earth there will no longer transit, that will be the geocenter of the Earth to Venus at 13.19 apparently closest to the Sun. Considered Central European Time UTC+1h.
And where in the world will be displayed in the next Venus transit of December 11, 2117 and December 8, 2125.
ReplyDeleteVenus transit of December 11, 2117 will be fully visible from Australia, Antarctica, New Zealand, and from South-East Asia. Partly at sunrise will be visible from central, southern and south-western part of Asia, and the Eastern and Southern part of Africa. The end of the transit will be visible from South Eastern Europe, namely in the eastern part of Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia and south-eastern part of the eastern and southern part of Greece. Partly at sunset and will be visible from the soutern part of Alaska, in the southwest United States, and in southern South America. From Slovenia, this Venus transit will not be visible.
Venus transit of December 8, 2125 and will be fully visible from South America, Antarctica, and in the eastern part of North America. Partly at sunrise will be visible from New Zealand and from the western part of North America. Partly at sunset and will be visible in Africa and in the western, southern and central part of Europe. From Slovenia, this Venus transit is only partially visible.
Data for the transit of Venus on December 8, 2125 for Slovenia are as follows. Considered Central European Time UTC+1h.
Initiation of partial transit is at 14.21.
Start a complete total transit is at 14.45.
In Maribor, on this date the sun set at 16.08 so will be visible only the beginning of the transit. Length visible transit of Maribor will be only 1 hour and 47 minutes.
In Ljubljana, on this date the sun set at 16.15 so there will also be seen only the beginning of the transit. Lenght vision of transit in Ljubljana will be 1 hour and 54 minutes.