Saturday, January 17, 2015

Fr. Serra and Sabian Symbols

I had one of those moments this week where I thought, "Wow".
I have been writing up my Aquarius New Moon article (which will be posted soon) and I kind of did a double take on one part of the report.   I don't particular live and breathe for Sabian Symbols but I always include them for the New Moon.    So, I went to look up the Sabian Symbol for 0-1 degree of Aquarius and it is:

An Old Adobe Mission In California

I thought, "Wow" because this week Pope Francis made the following announcement.  

His admirers have long campaigned to have Fr. Serra proclaimed a saint. On Thursday, they got their wish. While traveling from Sri Lanka to Manila by air, Pope Francis made a surprise announcement: “In September, God willing, I will canonize Junipero Serra in the United States.” 

It almost seems like Pope Francis has a link to the Sabian Symbols.  

Personally, I am resistant to Serra canonized, not cool what happened to the California Native Tribes but I could not believe the tie in to the symbol.


  1. Love this brilliant insight! I posted about it and linked to this on my page.

  2. Thank you! I thought it was remarkable as well.
