Thursday, March 5, 2015

Virgo Full Moon...It's ON!

Virgo Full Moon
14 Virgo 50

March 5, 2015
1:40pm EST

Once a year we get a big ol’ fat full moon in Virgo.   Virgo pushes on us to look at the facts.   The black and white details that is our life.   Our bank balance, our diet, our schedule, our health, our exercises, our to-do lists and our insecurities.   What are those insecurities that you carry around with you every day?  Do they show up when you speak to your spouse or your boss or your neighbor?   And how do your insecurities hold you back?   And let’s look at your nervous energy: is it getting old yet?  And when was the last time you said or did something out of impulse?   How did that work for you?    Are you starting to feel yucky about your answers to these questions?   Great.  Moon in Virgo is getting your attention. 

Now let’s move over to the other partner in a full moon teeter-totter---The Sun in Pisces.    Pisces is not on this planet to wallow in facts.   Pisces will dissolve facts as soon as he touches them.  Pisces is the dreamer of the zodiac.   He is not really walking on this planet with all of us, he is dreaming you and I into his life.   Pisces can get lost and go down silly roads for no other reason than they have a penchant for being ‘out there.”    Of course, let’s not get too worked up with Pisces dreaminess because it doesn’t always look like the parking lot of a Phish concert.   Case in point, no one questions Pisces Albert Einstein’s ability to lock on to data.  However it was his Piscean dreaminess that took the facts and spun them into a new world.   Only a Pisces could dream up E=MC squared.

On the Virgo Full Moon we are being called upon to look at the details of our life that work and don’t work and AT THE SAME TIME let Pisces speak to us for solutions to melt away the yuck or expand on the good.      Do not get bogged down with what is broken, instead, acknowledge the flaws but let your higher and dare I say “dreamy” self generate a solution.  There is no problem in your life or in this world that can’t be solved or improved upon with  some intuition, prayer and creativity, all in the world of Pisces.

Of course we need to look at the full moon in a larger context.  Where is this full moon in the bigger astro world?    We go into the full moon three-day cycle flush with abundance and breakthroughs after Tuesday’s Jupiter/Uranus trine.   What new doorway has opened this week?  How will it support you as you process a full moon focused on facts and new inspiration?   Venus got into it with a lot of planets this week, which may have some people feeling undervalued.  Use the full moon to sort through solutions to fix where you feel less than, such as unloved, underpaid, not pretty or lacking creativity.   Then there is next week—oh, Nellie, yeah, next week.    We have a whole world of change next week.   Mars gets into it with Uranus and Pluto with accents on explosions but also monster breakthroughs.  Perhaps even long waited breakthroughs.   Saturn will turn retrograde next week launching five months of getting our beliefs in alignment with our goals.  And beware where we are out of alignment we will be busted.  Hypocrites are put on notice.  And on March 16th we have the final round of Uranus square Pluto.  This long journey that started in 2012 finally wraps next week.    Have we let go of the status quo that no longer is valid?   When we look at the stuff that is our life that we take for granted how is it working?   Have we been asleep at the wheel?   Are we doing stuff because we have always done it but it really is not serving us?    Take this full moon to consider solutions to broken down patterns that need to disappear.

The next ten days are full of dynamic energy, use Full Moon in Virgo to launch big changes.   And remember it can all be done, bit by bit.  Yes you can transform your world.  Let Virgo & Pisces speak to you. 

And on this Virgo Full Moon I have a gift for you. 

I was lucky enough to be able to attend a conference last weekend chock full of bright, inspired, daring speakers, including Marianne Williamson.   I want to give you the links to these great speakers and their valuable information.   And I know you all are smart and know shit but seriously a big special shout out to Cathey Painter and all her phenomenal nutritional advice, which is PERFECT for Virgo Full Moon.

Find your inspiration right now!  You deserve it. 



  1. tracy-- wonderful post as usual! i had a dream recently that i would reach my goals via a megajet but only if i left my new luggage behind and boarded the plane without it. 'nuff said! xoxo fishgirl

  2. Ha! Yes, we all need to leave our baggage before we get on a megajet!

  3. Napovedoval sem točno to kar se je sedaj zgodilo. Očitno si pričela tekati v tem kraju kjer je doma tvoj satanov služabnik. Štartala si od njegove hiše vse proti vzhodu do jezera in nazaj in si končala pri njegovi hiši. Očitno si to noč celo prespala v tej hiši kjer je doma tvoj satanov služabnik.
    Vem pa tudi to, da to ni samo tvoj zadnji tek od njegove hiše in nazaj do njegove hiše. Še večkrat boš štartala izpred njegove hiše in boš pri njegovi hiši tudi končala, pa ne samo podnevi tudi zvečer ponoči in to zato, ker živiš za tega satana in tega satanovega služabnika. Zato še boš večkrat šta tekati izpred njegove hiše. Prav nič se ne motim. Res je temu tako!

  4. S svojim satanovim služabnikom si se spoznala v neki diskoteki v noči iz 15. na 16.november 2014. Z njim pa si pričela hoditi tam nekje po 1.decembru 2014.

  5. Še to bi rad povedal, ker nisi hotela imeti mene tudi ne boš živela v moji in tvoji župniji, pa ne zato, ker jaz tega nočem. Že tvoja starša želita, da bi ti živela pri njiju doma, toda zgodilo se bo točno tako in ne bom se čisto nič zmotil. Ti boš živela pri njemu in ne on pri tebi. Živela boš pri njemu 20 km od tvojega doma. V tej župniji kjer je on doma je celo največ pijancev in alkoholikov v naši državi. Diskoteka, ki ni daleč od tvojega bodočega doma, zunaj te diskoteke se dogajajo sami pretepi, pijanščina je v tej diskoteki ogromna. Ta diskoteka je samo 1 km oddaljena od tvojega bodočega doma - doma tvojega fanta. In v tej diskoteki je mene pred 10-imi leti hudobni duh zelo napadal. Nevem kako si se lahko odpravila v tak pokvarjen, brezbožni in pijanski kraj iskati svojo ljubezen svojega fanta.
    Res je, čisto nič se ne bom zmotil, še celo staviti bi se bil pripravljen za to, da on ne bo živel pri tebi, ampak boš ti živela pri njemu. Res bo temu tako, ne bom se niti malo zmotil.
    Toda resnica je ravno v tem, da ti temu satanovemu služabniku ne pripadaš, v resnici pa pripadaš le meni. Res je temu tako!

  6. Ne vem kako lahko greš gledati ta moški striptiz in da greš gledati tega nagega satanovega služabanika. Meni pa potem 41 ur kasneje napišeš, da ti ne smem več pošiljati sporočil, pa čeprav veš da sem bil 7 krat v Medjugorju. Tega nagega satanovega služabnika si sprejela, mene ki pa zate molim pa si zavrgla. Kako se sploh lahko kaj tako satanskega dogaja.
