Saturday, August 29, 2015

This Astrology Week

The Pisces Full Moon launched on Saturday will continue through Monday.    We work on our faith and intuition for three and half days.   Then on Tuesday 9/1 we move into disseminating phase which will play out the rest of the week.     Also we are in our last week of Venus retrograde.    Venus will turn direct on September 6 so make the most of this important time.   Look at your personal value.  Look at what you value.  How are you being valued?  Who are you valuing?   What and who do you love?  How is it reciprocated?  What does your daily life look like and how is your value and what you value playing out every single day?  

Special focus:
8/31:  Sun oppose Neptune.  Vagueness.  Illusions.  Lack of truth, over identifying with fantasy bug.   

September 1
7:31pm EDT 

Focus on:  How are you sharing your independence?  How are you sharing your singular visions?  How are you sharing your “others’ opinions, be damn!”  How are you sharing true leadership?

Special focus:

9/1: Venus Con Mars.  Brazen actions, pride motivates big moves.   Self assuredness with some rashness. But lively for sure.

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