Saturday, February 2, 2019

Balsamic ....Yes, I can sure feel it. Release!

Balsamic Moon Phase

January 31, 2019 
9:06pm EST 

Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  

Focus on How are you releasing your beliefs?  How are you releasing your ‘big opinions’?  How are you releasing your prejudicial thinking?  How are you releasing your ‘know-it-all’?  

Special Focus:
1/31:  Saturn sextile Neptune.  
2/1: Mars Square Pluto.  Warriors conflict with radicals.  Breaking new ground versus holding the ground.   Status quo versus new territory.   Get out of the way, there may be a fight. 
2/2:  Venus Trine Uranus.  New encounters enhance values.  Breaking out to new groups supports finances and love. 
2/3: Venus enters Capricorn

February 4, 2019  4:03pm EST 15 Aquarius 45     (Post TO Come)

1 comment:

  1. Ko sem še živela in se ne bi borila proti ovcam se naša domačija ne bi prodala tujcem. Moji bratje in sestre bi imeli vsi dom. Danes bi hodili na obisk na ta svoj dom. Če se ne bi borila proti ovcam, bi se danes v tem prelepem Gaju pekla in jedla zelo okusna jagnjetina, ki je več kot le specialiteta. Namesto jagnjetine se danes tukaj je veganska hrana, ki meni ni čisto nič dobra hrana.

    Če se ne bi borila proti ovcam ne bi bila protiovčerejska diktatorka. Če se ne bi borila proti ovcam bi bila zelo poštena ženska.
