Friday, June 18, 2021

Jupiter Station Retrograde June 20, 2021 2 Pisces 11



May 13, Jupiter enters Pisces 

June 20, 8:04am PDT  Jupiter Station Retrograde 2 Pisces 11

July 28  Jupiter re-enters Aquarius 

October 17, 10:39pm PDT station direct 22 Aquarius 20 

Dec 29  Jupiter re-enters Pisces.  


Every year Jupiter is retrograde for about four months.   It’s always thrills and spills when the biggest planet goes back to see what large mess it left in its wake or what it missed.  In this case, Jupiter only got to 2 degrees of Pisces where it got a taste of faith, spirituality and perhaps a little metaphysics  and now it must return to Aquarius with the knowledge that there may actually be something bigger than the human experience at play.  Is it god?  Is it faith?    Jupiter rules higher education and interesting to note that when Jupiter was in its home sign (also ruler of higher education), Sagittarius, the college scandal broke, rife with bribes from mega wealthy and celebrities.  It was a big story.   When Jupiter was in Capricorn, the sign of infrastructure and economy and businesses, the Covid virus spread with a speed and depth not seen in a hundred years impacting every business on earth and challenging infrastructures within governments.    At the end of 2020 Jupiter moved into Aquarius and the vaccine for covid started to bring relief to humanity, an Aquarian word, but when it moved into Pisces a month ago the “haves’ versus the “have nots” with vaccines, became so apparent and painful.  Countries like India and Argentina need help and Jupiter in Pisces speaks to the volume of help they need.  Pisces is unworldly but compassionate.     Jupiter has a strong inner compass focused on the righteous fight, and our humanitarian love is for all of us to see and process.   Love of spouse or family is easy but with Jupiter in Pisces we are moved to love the icky side of our loved ones and more to the point, the stranger.  We will learn more about those other humans on earth as Jupiter moves back into Aquarius July 28.   Jupiter will retrograde all the way back to 22 degrees of Aquarius then on October 17th it stations direct, chugs through the sign and then returns to Pisces December 29 and begins that year journey again.  See what comes up for you between now and October 17th.  Can you appreciate your fellow human?   Can your fellow human appreciate you?   Lots to learn, ah, a Jupiter word.  

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