Friday, October 8, 2021

Pluto Station Direct: October 6, 2021


Pluto Station Direct 

October 6, 2021

24 Cap 19

11:28am PDT


On April 27, Pluto changed directions for its annual five-month retrograde motion.   Technically Pluto moved (rounding out) from 27 – 24 degrees.   Those people with planets between 24-27 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn have been feeling like they’ve been walking through a tunnel of tumultuous change.  Perhaps it has been a personal hell.   Pluto can take us to our knees in one form or another, but we do come out of it and in many cases perhaps better or with a new sense of purpose.   


While Pluto spends half the year in retrograde motion every year, there is a component to this Pluto retrograde that has global implications.    Back in the spring I wrote that this is the final Pluto retrograde before the USA has its Pluto return on Feb 21, 2022.   To distill my longer post, this is the first time Pluto will be exactly where it was on July 4, 1776, when the American colonists declared independence.    Not one American has ever lived through the USA’s Pluto Return.  Not one.   Because Pluto is such a slow-moving planet, we have been feeling the Pluto return for the last couple of years growing more intense as it gets closer to 27 degrees of Capricorn.    You don’t have to be an American to understand that the USA is going through tremendous changes.   For those people curious about the power of a nation’s Pluto return, search the web for USA Pluto Return where you will find a plethora of articles that speak to what America is processing.   With Pluto there is a death, rebirth and a lot of soul searching.   This is not easy work, but it is profound.   


One thing I had not noted back in spring was the fact that Pluto stationing direct for the final time before it reaches the USA Pluto return point, was the fact that it was taking place on the Libra new moon.    Libra new moon which seeks to find equilibrium and balance is a meaningful landscape for Pluto to change direction, dust itself off and head towards the return point.  I anticipate there will be stories in the news about equality and equity and seeking balance.    To be clear this period of unrest that we are experiencing as the USA processes the Pluto return does not end in Feb.  It is a slow exit and there will be shifts and transformations after Feb 21, 2022.  But arguably to be on the other side of the Pluto return date will have some lessening of tension.   I wonder often about some curious contract we signed with our maker, where we agreed to be here on Earth as an American during the USA Pluto return.   I am not one to choose to ride roller coasters but here I am during this tumultuous time but I am not alone.  I look at all my fellow Americans and think, “We’re all here.  What’s our part of this story?”


There will be more about the Pluto return going forward.  But watch the news this 29-day cycle and see if you can find needed areas of transformation.    



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