Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Cancer New Moon: June 28. 7:52pm PDT.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Welcome to the Solstice
On June 21 at 2:31am the Sun left Gemini and moved into Cancer. In the northern hemisphere we say goodbye to spring and welcome summer. To our friends in the southern hemisphere may you enjoy your first day of winter.
Astrology between June 20 - 28
Last Quarter Moon Phase
June 20, 2022
8:10pm PDT
Last Quarter moon: Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense. And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action. It is a time for living “The serenity prayer”
God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.
Focus on:
What actions are you taking that speak to your faith? What actions are you taking that tap your humanitarianism? How are you connecting to something that is bigger to you?
Special focus
6/20: Mercury sextile Jupiter. Thinking broadens out. Thinking from others, perhaps “foreign” are supportive.
6/21: Venus trine Pluto. Love, money and values get revived. Letting go is easier. Releasing that which is not love is easy.
6/21 Sun enters Cancer. Summer arrives.
6/22: Venus enters Gemini
Balsamic Moon Phase
June 24, 2022
5:10pm PDT
Balsamic: We let go. By releasing we can prepare for the new.
Focus on How are you releasing stubbornness? How are you releasing rigidity? How are you releasing stick-in-the-mudness? How are you releasing “controlling”?
Special focus:
6/27 Mercury sextile Chiron. Thinking that feels breakthrough, independence is highlighted.
6/27 Mars sextile Saturn. Our energy to build up new structures is emphasized.
6/28 Neptune station retrograde 25 Pisces 27 (see separate post)
6/28 Sun square Jupiter. Beliefs feel in conflict with emotions and family. How to find a balance when everything is so big?
6/28 Venus sextile Jupiter. Resources and values get an added boost. Bridging new groups is supported by love and money.
Cancer New Moon June 28, 7:52pm PDT 2022 7 Cancer 23
Sunday, June 12, 2022
Astrology of this Week June 12-18
Full Moon Phase
We spend Sunday 6/12 & Monday 6/13 in Gibbous phase that is Focus on: What is going on with your sex life? What is going on with shared resources like money, investments or debt and taxes? Where do you need to drill down? Where do you need more information and research?
On Tuesday we move into
Full Moon Phase
June 14, 2022
4:51am PDT
See report HERE.
Special focus
6/15: Mars conjunct Chiron. Independence and seeing new opportunities, gets a bolt of energy.
6/16: Sun trine Saturn. Building new structures starts with new thoughts. Inspired thinking could open new work and career opportunities.
6/16: Venus conjunct North Node. A big value forward day. Money and love get our attention. Who gets us?
6/16: Sun square Neptune. Confusion, bewilderment. Facts may not be facts. Take things slow.
June 17, 2022
9:15am PDT
Focus on: How are you sharing your friends? How are you sharing your skills within a group? How are you sharing the power of collective work? What group taps your values?
Special focus:
6/18: Venus square Saturn. Values and money feel tweaked. Love feels off. Coldness. Somber.
6/18: Venus sextile Neptune. Love gets something small and inspiring. The universe may be hearing us.
Sagittarius Super Full Moon: June 14
A jetliner is silhouetted against a Supermoon in Austin, Texas on November 14 in 2016, photo by Jay Godwin
Full Moon Phase
23 Sag 25
June 14, 2022
4:51am PDT
Full moons occur when the Moon is opposed the Sun. It lands two weeks after the launch of the new moon and is the equalizer to the energy that has been swirling around during the waxing phase. In the Gemini lunar month, there is an accent on communication, getting data, using our brains, (perhaps over thinking), getting down into details and figuring out the facts on the ground. Now with the Sag full moon, we step back and ask:” But, what do all the details I have learn mean?”
During the Sag moon, we reflect on our beliefs. We reflect on our philosophy and judgements. Are they accurate? Do our beliefs match the ground reality? Are we coming to any situation with prejudgments? Is it working for us? We also need to figure out if our source of information is baked in gossip or innuendo? Of if the facts are being amplified for a purpose? Who are the amplifiers? Who are the filters?
During the Sag full moon, we should consider what we say and certainly look at any judgments we are making. But also, if we have been resistant to having opinions, we may be asked to form one. If we have resisted it may be time to opine.
In the chart, the moon and sun form a T square with Neptune, so there is a fuzzy factor to the moon. Neptune dissolves what it touches. It could be the facts, but it also could be the high walls that surround us if our desire has been to remain non-committal. Or if we have been leaning in righteous know-it-all, Neptune may bust us. The bust could come from others, or the bust is something we feel in our heart and soul. “Shit, I think I got that wrong.” Okay, learn and do better. That's a perfect response in Sag full moon. Also with Neptune being so pronounced in this chart, there could be humanitarian issues that get our attention.
The Sun forms a trine with Saturn and sextiles Moon so we are not just floating through our days without an anchor. Saturn in Aquarius gives us a circle of people whom we can tap.
If we need help sorting something out, reach to someone you respect. Perhaps someone who feels like a teacher (Sagittarius), even if they aren’t one by trade but they have a way about them that can hear a dilemma and offer advice, seek them out. Tap your heart and intuition to figure out who that person is to have a solid conversation (Gemini) and sort through any thing that is making you jittery.
In the meantime, remember you don’t have to answer every text or email or call. You can take a moment to process stuff.
Additionally, this moon is closest to perigee meaning it is closest to earth and identified as a SuperMoons. There are four this year and this is the second. It is also called a Strawberry Moon (Native American). There is a connection of SuperMoons and earthquakes, perhaps due to the gravitational pull as the moon is close to earth.
It should be glorious to observe in the sky.
Saturday, June 11, 2022
Neptune Retrograde: June 28, 2022
Neptune Retrograde
June 28, 2022
12:54am PDT
25 Pisces 26
Neptune enters shadow
March 7, 2022
Neptune stations direct
December 3, 2022
22 Pisces 38
Neptune exits shadow
March 24 2023
Neptune spends half of every year retrograde. In 2011 Neptune entered Pisces and in 2025 it will have its first entry into Aries. When Neptune enters Aries, it will be part of a team of important astrological changes. Three of the generational planets will all transit into new signs ushering in a big astrology era. In 2023 Pluto goes into revolutionary Aquarius, in 2025 Neptune enters Aries and in 2026 Uranus moves into Gemini. There is now and then there will be then. It will be a world of difference. We will talk about it a lot going forward. However, now as Neptune is still in its home sign of Pisces, it is digging into matters that are humanitarian, artistic, spiritual, both traditional and metaphysical. The dream state is very active. We benefit by getting the most out of these Neptune retrogrades. Reflecting on our place in humanity. How do we connect to others? Do we need to ask for help? Do we need to offer help? During the Neptune retrograde we can feel overwhelmed and want to escape. Some may rely on addictions and booze. Or are we stuck in guilt? Kindness goes far to others and self. Helping others even small can assuage overwhelming feelings. Getting lost in movies and music or researching metaphysics can be satisfying.
Let’s see what we learn about our place in the big wide world and how we connect to the cosmos between now and December when it stations direct.
Sunday, June 5, 2022
Astrology This Week: June 3 - June 11
Crescent Moon Phase
June 3, 2022
7:37am PDT
Focus on: What are you learning about family? How does family influence your thinking? What are you learning about your emotions? How do your emotions move your thinking? What happens to facts when emotions are triggered? What happens to emotions when thinking engine is on?
Special Focus
6/6: Sun sextile Chiron. We continue to learn independence and be our own agent. What new information or communication is landing that strengthens your independence.
First Quarter Moon
June 7, 2022
7:48am PDT
Focus on: What actions are you taking that need refining? What actions are you taking that tap discernment? What actions are you taking that enhance your schedule and calendar?
Special Note
6/10: Mercury trine Pluto. Deep thinking that questions structures that may or may not be working. Thoughts that help shed that which no longer serves.
Gibbous Moon
June 10, 2022
10:44 pm PDT
Focus on: What is going on with your sex life? What is going on with shared resources like money, investments or debt and taxes? Where do you need to drill down? Where do you need more information and research?
Special focus
6/11: Venus conjunct Uranus. Values and resources get an electric bolt. What is getting shaken up? What brilliance is showing up? How are you open to change that connects with your values?
Thursday, June 2, 2022
Saturn Station retrograde June 4
Saturn Retrograde
June 4
2:46pm PDT
25 Aquarius 25.
October 23, 2022
3:22pm PDT
Saturn direct
18 Aquarius 35
Saturn enters Pisces
March 7, 2023
Saturn went into Aquarius right when the world went into lockdown in March of 2020. Obviously, we are still impacted and still processing it all, but we have learned and continue to learn the importance of community, friendships, and our circles. We are not done with our lessons. But it should be noted this is THE last Saturn retrograde in Aquarius because next March it enters Pisces for those lessons (lord, take the wheel please!). People who have been feeling lonely should take this retrograde to make new friends, join some groups. Given the retrograde is launching in this lunar month where we lean into our ability to adapt and change, well, perhaps the universe is giving us the impetus to get out of our own way if our thinking is “I’m not a joiner”. Maybe you start with something easy like a book club. Some place you show up in person or on zoom and break figuratively bread with others. We have a lot in front of us before Saturn moves into Pisces and remember we will not have another Saturn retrograde in Aquarius until 2050. If you have issues around community now, what will it look like then?
Mercury stations direct June 3 PDT June 2 EDT
Mercury Retrograde
April 26: Mercury shadow begins
May 10 4:37am PDT: Mercury station retrograde 4 Gemini 52
May 22: Mercury re-enters Taurus
June 3 1:00am PDT Mercury station direct 26 Taurus 5
June 13 Mercury enters Gemini
June 18: Mercury shadow ends
As Mercury unwinds from the retrograde, we may learn something that will change our thinking on matter(s) since May 10th (date of retrograde) and even going back to the shadow point on April 26.
The greatest takeaway from Mercury in Gemini and the period of direct motion after the retrograde up until the crossing the shadow point (June 18) is the ability to adapt. Perhaps our thinking was one way and now with more information we realize that the previous thinking is incomplete or misguided so now we pivot.
What data is lapping up on our shores now that informs us of something new? How does it impact our thinking? What changes do we need to make with this new information?
When Mercury returns to Gemini on June 13th, we will be halfway through our Gemini lunar month. This is a good time to take a breath.
We should feel like there are some new mental landscapes after June 18.
Give yourself mental diets. Do you have to watch wall to wall news? Can you put down your screens and catch up with a friend or family?
Remember during Mercury in Gemini (retrogrades included) are periods when we benefit by rebooting our brains. Take the 13th to get quiet. Don’t worry your phone and laptop will be right where you left them, and you can proceed on the 14th.
Our next Mercury retrograde is September 9 – October 2. Enjoy your summer!