Saturday, October 8, 2022

Aries Full Moon: October 9


Full Moon in Aries with Jupiter in night city light. 

Aries Full Moon

October 9, 1:54pm PDT 


The full moon in Aries is when we tap our independence.    We dig deep into our reservoir and find the energy to do propel our needs, our desires, our goals.    We find our inner warrior to tackle something very personal.      While we are focused on our personal goals, we also have an eye on the Sun in Libra which asks, “Is this fair?”    We use the lens of equity and balance for our personal efforts.       


Resentments can pop up on an Aries full moon, “Why is it always me that has to do ____?”   Sure.   Perhaps the answers are: “Maybe it is only important to you.”   “Maybe you take on too much.”   “Maybe you need a break.”     Instead of digging in on resentments maybe it is time to re-evaluate your actions and energies and see where you are out of balance (Libra Sun).  


This full moon chart Venus is in conjunction with Sun and opposite the Moon emphasizes how we love and how we are loved.    At its core, Venus speaks to values and is associated with love, money, beauty and creativity.    Sometimes we get lost in the money or the beauty of Venus and miss the bigger point of values.    Every human wants to be valued and when there is a disconnect, it can cause problems.    The Moon is in conjunction with Chiron in Aries.   The lesson of Chiron in Aries is independence, learning to trust self, finding our inner beat, and grow our confidence.    This full moon will provide a healing through a challenge where the answer is listening to our gut.    If anyone is trying to gaslight us suggesting that we are not enough in some manner, we will push back.   Even if we do not say anything we may find ourselves releasing the person’s power to influence us.    


Saturn in Aquarius trine Sun/ sextile Moon is supporting our efforts to find self and build upon our goals.   Saturn provides structure and discipline.   If we have some hurdles, Saturn could provide friends and members of the community to help us get the job done.   This is a great time to join a twelve-step group or find a community that has similar personal issues and goals.      While Moon in Aries always reminds us of the power of self, this full moon is very pronounced in its message of, “You don’t have to be alone when you find self.”   


This is a very vibrant full moon.   A lot can be accomplished, and a lot can be healed.  

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