I am happy to report that the Libra Full moon, with all its thrills and spills, has now passed and we are in the waning phases of disseminating, last quarter and balsamic. On April 10th, Venus moves out of Taurus and into Gemini. Beauty, money, pleasure, creativity take a lighter form. Desire to move about, get up, bring in new influences is highlighted. Flexibilty and changes brings new joy. In addition the second aspect between an inner planet and Pluto since its ingress in Aquarius takes place this week. On April 11, Venus trines Pluto. Playful, mercurial, fun and values in sync with groups, associations, social endeavors. Money could be in the news as well, there is some influx of new energy perhaps through new alliances.
Additionally, the sun conjuncts Jupiter on April 11th. Watch the news for some event that speaks of Big energy, Big Force. Big Move for Self Interest. There could be a tapping of authentic warrior spirit. There may be enthusiasm and perhaps an opportunity to bridge with others. Go big or go home is felt by many. Not a small day for sure.
Saturn brings a somberness on the 14th. Venus squares Saturn and Saturn sextile North Node. We want to retreat, we want quiet and solitude. We may feel or see coldness. Our creativity could feel blocked or there there is a feeling of being put on ice. At the same time, if we are called to build any structures or make concrete actions we benefit by tapping faith.
Normally, the waning phases of the Aries new moon would start to feel less energetic, less fiery as it heads to the Taurus new moon. However, this year is different, as the March Aries New moon wraps up, it is heading us right into the second Aries New Moon on April 19th at 9:12pm PDT. Aries energy spirit is still with us, still some fighting, tangling up, doing what we can to find self. Self agency will continue to be tapped. For those people who did not make a Treasure Map on the March new moon, you get another shot starting with the April 19th New Moon. Make your map!
April 9, 2023
2:24pm PDT
Focus on: How are you sharing your wisdom? How are you seeking wisdom from others? Where are you finding a teacher who can share knowledge? How are you sharing your ability to expand your world? How are you building doors to others? How are you building bridges?
Special focus:
4/10 : Venus ingress Gemini
4/11 Venus trine Pluto (see above)
4/11: Sun conjunction Jupiter. (see above)
Last Quarter Moon Phase
April 13, 2023
Last Quarter moon: Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense. And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action. It is a time for living “The serenity prayer”
God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.
Focus on:
How are you taking actions that capitalize on your place in the world? How are you taking actions that speak to your leadership for others? How are you acting out in the world that speaks up to authority?
Special focus
4/14: Venus square Saturn.
4/14: Saturn sextile North Node.
Balsamic Moon Phase
April 16, 2023
11:07am PDT
Balsamic: We let go. By releasing we can prepare for the new.
Focus on: How are you releasing your fuzziness? How are you releasing vagueness? How are you releasing any victim patterns?
Special focus:
The Second Aries New Moon April 19, 2023 9:12pm PDT 29 Aries 50
So update on my treasure map (I wrote the first comment). I put some exercise classes on my map and the first week after the eclipse I was really motivated and going to zumba and other classes but then thr lunar eclipse I got really ill with Covid (1st time) and so it's like the eclipse wiped out all my motivation to do with the classes. I have since been on a yoga retreat and yoga was on there so I'm hoping the other stuff will come true. The main thing is relationship and baby (I've been putting that on treasure maps on and off since 2016) and the relationship I was in around the eclipse didn't work out....I'm still kind of watching this space ad it's Venus retro and I know things will shift in Sept. But I just thought it was interesting that I got very ill on the lunar eclipse. Anyway I don't know if anyone has got any tips on how to help make the maps work? Meditate on them?