Saturday, February 15, 2025

Astrology for Feb 15 - Feb 27




February 16, 2025

6:08am PST           




Focus on:   How are you sharing your strengths in relationships?  How do you find balance?  How are you sharing it?  How do you share your ability to sit across from another person and ‘get them’?  How do they respond?   How are groups and friends supporting you in your relationships?



Special focus:

Feb 18:  Sun enters Pisces

Feb 20:  Mercury square Jupiter.  Thinking, conversations that are too big and perhaps not even factual are problematic.  Try not to fall for it or participate in it.  



Last Quarter Moon Phase

Feb 20, 2025

9:32 am PST 



Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

What actions are you taking bridge you to something that is ‘foreign’?  How are you acting on your opinions and your philosophies?  How are friends or groups informing you about your opinions?  


Special focus 


Feb 23: Mercury trine Mars.  Thoughts beget actions.  Actions are aligned with thinking.  Everything is moving fast.  

Feb 23:  Mars stations direct at 17 Cancer 00 (see separate post


Balsamic Moon Phase


February 24, 2025 

6:05am PST  


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on:  How are you releasing your greed?  How are you releasing any snobbery that is buried in an insecurity?  How are you releasing any negativity you have around the concept of ambitious?  How are friends and groups supporting you in this release? 


Special focus:

Feb 25:  Mercury conjunct Saturn.  Straight thinking, no fluff.  Focused, laser and productive. 


Feb 25: Venus conjunct Saturn.  If love is problematic, the universe will send a message to begin trimming or releasing.  Diets on love, money, beauty and creativity.   Love and money and values become serious. 



Pisces New Moon February 27 at 4:44pm PST  9 Pisces 40

Monday, February 10, 2025

Leo Full Moon. February 12, 5:53am PST


Leo.  Illumination Book of Hours.  Italian. 1475. Pierpont Morgan Library. 

Feb 12, 2025

Full Moon – Leo

5:53am PST

24 Leo 06    


The Leo full moon is an opportunity for us to lean into our talents, creativity, strength and perhaps our inner hero/heroine.   We give ourselves permission for a victory lap.   The Leo moon is for tapping self-esteem through an awareness of others.   Of course, every sign has its stumbling blocks and for Leo, the Achilles heel is the ego. 

By the way, there is a difference between self-esteem and ego.    


People with low esteem can have high ego.   People with low ego have high self-esteem.  I saw this a lot in my career in the entertainment business.   Many a time, I watched, the super talented, award-winning performer walk into a room with zero fuss.  Polite, ready to do the job of working with others and doing it with a quiet confidence.   Then the other performer, perhaps also a big ‘star’ but whatever is going on inside them is not translated into self-esteem, instead it is all about ego. Sucking up the oxygen with ‘look at me’ comments, physicality and just plain, pulling focus.  All, high ego.  Of course, those patterns are not limited to Hollywood.  It is everywhere.  The truck stop, the bowling alley, the corporate board retreat.   Ego versus self-esteem is in every circle where there are humans.    However, we can find self-esteem and separate it from ego during the Leo full moon.  


On the full moon the Sun in Aquarius reminds Leo, ‘We will honor your talents but leave your ego at the door”.    And by the same measure the Moon in Leo reminds Aquarius, “Groups are important but if you think I’m just signing into a cult with group think you are out of your mind.”   Somewhere in the middle we find the answer.  That is the gift of the Leo full moon.    


On the full moon chart, Mercury is conjunction the sun (exact 2/9) so our thoughts are going about a million miles an hour.  Our brains are making a lot of connections, and we could observe things that we have not seen before or connecting them in ways that are novel.  Our thinking may have a bit of time travel in them as we could pull out big thoughts from our past or maybe our future.   


The big tension in the full moon is the Moon, Sun with Mercury and all three forming a T square with Uranus.   We should anticipate breakthroughs that may manifest as breakdowns.  In the mundane world, we may see money and things that we rely upon being solid cracking in unexpected ways.   During this Leo full moon it could beckon a response.  Perhaps a group heroic response. 


On the personal level, being small and hiding in the crowd, could eat at some of us.  If we have been ignoring our talents or hiding in groups, we may feel compelled to step out and into the light.   This could be in the workplace, the school, the church, again wherever we gather with others.    Given Pluto’s placement in Aquarius any full moon impulse to break out and help others, could be an important part to the new 20-year journey of Pluto.  


Like all lunar phases, the full moon is a three-day phase however these tensions are a wider span of days.  This tension will begin to get riled up on the 9th when Mercury squares Uranus, then the 10th when the Sun squares Uranus and finally on the 12thabout an hour before the full moon the Moon squares Uranus.   The unwind will probably take through to disseminating phase on the 16th.   


While the drama may unfold there is an opportunity for healing.  The moon’s monthly trine with Chiron is on the 11th is an extra boost of ‘I got this” which should help soothe any insecurities.    


Also, remember Leo is where we are long on love, romance, loyalty, strength, fun, play and games.  And yep, drama.  So even in the middle of whatever is going on, find the joy.  You can do it. 

Mars Stations Direct. February 23.


Photo: Kevin M. Gill 

Mars Station Direct 


Feb 23, 2025

5:59pm PST

17 Cancer 00


Sept 4:        Mars enter Cancer 

Oct 4:          Mars enters shadow (17 Cancer 01)

Nov 3 :        Mars enters Leo  

Dec 6:         Mars station retrograde (6 Leo 10)

Feb 23 :      Mars station direct (17 Cancer 01)

Apr 18 :      Mars re-enters Leo

May 2:        Mars exits shadow (6 Leo 10) 

June 7:       Mars enters Virgo 


We have been in a Mars retrograde since December 6.   The shadow started October 4.  When Mars is in a sign it is usually for six weeks but when it is retrograde it is extended to six months.    Finally on Feb 23, Mars will straighten out and fly right and I suspect we will all feel better for it.   


Since October, Mars has been ping-ponging between Cancer and Leo.   The station occurs at 17 Cancer.   Mars is in its fall when it is in Cancer.  The warrior planet just can’t find its normal bearing in watering Cancer.  Less of its weapons are available to Mars.    However, feelings are pronounced especially around family, and it will get into squabbles to protect family and home.   The crab pinchers will be sharp and extra pinchy until Mars leaves Cancer and re-enters Leo on April 18.    Once Mars returns to Leo it will be more comfortable and ready to face outward for bold action.  We will cover that later in spring.   


On a personal level for those of you with planets between 17 and 29 Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn you are no doubt feeling the need to harness your energy and do work that your emotions are telling you that must be done.  Even if it is scary or overwhelming you could be feeling a ‘must do’.  Be measured if you can and always check your interior compass to make sure you are doing the move that feels right and is not too excessive.   


Going forward Mars will have the following planetary aspects through to the end of the shadow:


2/23          Mercury trine Mars (17 Pisces/Cancer)

3/8            Sun trine Mars (17 Pisces/Cancer)

3/26          Mars square Chiron (22 Cancer/Aries)

4/4            Mars sextile Uranus (24 Cancer/Taurus) 

4/4            Mars trine Saturn (24 Cancer/Pisces)

4/4            Venus trine Mars (25 Pisces/Cancer)

4/11          Mars trine N Node (27Cancer/Pisces)

4/19          Mars trine Neptune (0 Leo/Aquarius 

4/20          Sun square Mars (1 Taurus/Leo) 

4/26          Mars opposite Pluto (3 Leo/Aquarius) 

5/3            Mars quincunx Jupiter (6 Leo/21 Gemini)


I’ve highlighted two aspects with Mars that I have on my radar.  


Mars trine Neptune is interesting because Neptune will be in the fresh new sign of Aries.  Aries is fiery, independent, desirous of going forward in whatever it wants, and Neptune is dreamy, artistic, intuitive, long on a humanitarian love and fantasy prone.   The last time Neptune began its journey in Aries was on April 13, 1861, the day after the American Civil War began.  Gulp. But also kind of perfect.   Who was steeped in illusion for the launch of that war?   What happened to humanity during and at the end?   (and then there is the fact we were a slave nation).


It is unclear what will be going on March 30 when Neptune enters Aries this time.    It will be something, for sure, by the time we get to Mars trine we’ll have the flavor of this new era which lasts until 2039.   The Mars trine Neptune in April could be a helpful prodding.  Perhaps some big drama filled with all kinds of theatrics that might be helpful.    


The other aspect on our radar is of course the third and final Mars opposition Pluto.   We are not in a subtle era in astrology.  The information spinning out from the planets seems to be on brand.  Big time.  There is a lot about the first two hits of Mars and Pluto that speaks to the USA election.   What will be revealed at the April 26th date?   


Nov 3:       Mars oppose Pluto (29 Cap 46)  #1

Jan 3 :       Mars oppose Pluto (1 Aq 08)  #2

Apr 26 :     Mars oppose Pluto ( 3 AQ 48) #3


Lots to watch with our warrior planet Mars.   Lots-o-Actions.   

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Astrology landscape for Feb 8 - Feb 14


Gibbous Moon

February 8, 2025  

12:31 pm PST     




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.   How are we perfecting our goals? 


Special focus How are you refining your feelings?   How are you refining your emotions, so they guide you and work for you?  How are you refining your ability to sort through feelings that are wounded and maybe no longer helpful?   How are friends and groups supporting you in this process?   


Focus on:  


Feb 9: Mercury conjunct Sun. What are we learning from groups?  What are we learning about our friendships?  How are we all fitting together? 

Feb 9: Mars trine Saturn.   Hard work and discipline for goals is easy to tap today.   Make it work for you.  

Feb 10: Mercury square Uranus.  Beware of the provocateurs.  Caution should be taken if anyone’s conversation is trying to go big and possibly tosses out the baby with the bathwater.   

Feb 11: Sun Square Uranus.   Energies about breakthroughs can appear as breakdowns.   Resources and stability feels rocked.  




Feb 12 , 2025

Full Moon – Leo

5:53am  PST

24 Leo 06    



Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually, emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us. There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Focus on  How do we tap our voice? How do we tap our drama?  How can we use the power of theater to help others?   What do our groups tell us that is not in synch with our power or big voice?  Is there a need for a new group?  Or how our friends and groups supporting our vision?  How can we all be heroes?  


(Fuller post to come)

Special focus 

Feb 14:  Mercury enters Pisces.   A cycle of gentle and fuzzy and creative thinking and conversations.