Monday, February 10, 2025

Leo Full Moon. February 12, 5:53am PST


Leo.  Illumination Book of Hours.  Italian. 1475. Pierpont Morgan Library. 

Feb 12, 2025

Full Moon – Leo

5:53am PST

24 Leo 06    


The Leo full moon is an opportunity for us to lean into our talents, creativity, strength and perhaps our inner hero/heroine.   We give ourselves permission for a victory lap.   The Leo moon is for tapping self-esteem through an awareness of others.   Of course, every sign has its stumbling blocks and for Leo, the Achilles heel is the ego. 

By the way, there is a difference between self-esteem and ego.    


People with low esteem can have high ego.   People with low ego have high self-esteem.  I saw this a lot in my career in the entertainment business.   Many a time, I watched, the super talented, award-winning performer walk into a room with zero fuss.  Polite, ready to do the job of working with others and doing it with a quiet confidence.   Then the other performer, perhaps also a big ‘star’ but whatever is going on inside them is not translated into self-esteem, instead it is all about ego. Sucking up the oxygen with ‘look at me’ comments, physicality and just plain, pulling focus.  All, high ego.  Of course, those patterns are not limited to Hollywood.  It is everywhere.  The truck stop, the bowling alley, the corporate board retreat.   Ego versus self-esteem is in every circle where there are humans.    However, we can find self-esteem and separate it from ego during the Leo full moon.  


On the full moon the Sun in Aquarius reminds Leo, ‘We will honor your talents but leave your ego at the door”.    And by the same measure the Moon in Leo reminds Aquarius, “Groups are important but if you think I’m just signing into a cult with group think you are out of your mind.”   Somewhere in the middle we find the answer.  That is the gift of the Leo full moon.    


On the full moon chart, Mercury is conjunction the sun (exact 2/9) so our thoughts are going about a million miles an hour.  Our brains are making a lot of connections, and we could observe things that we have not seen before or connecting them in ways that are novel.  Our thinking may have a bit of time travel in them as we could pull out big thoughts from our past or maybe our future.   


The big tension in the full moon is the Moon, Sun with Mercury and all three forming a T square with Uranus.   We should anticipate breakthroughs that may manifest as breakdowns.  In the mundane world, we may see money and things that we rely upon being solid cracking in unexpected ways.   During this Leo full moon it could beckon a response.  Perhaps a group heroic response. 


On the personal level, being small and hiding in the crowd, could eat at some of us.  If we have been ignoring our talents or hiding in groups, we may feel compelled to step out and into the light.   This could be in the workplace, the school, the church, again wherever we gather with others.    Given Pluto’s placement in Aquarius any full moon impulse to break out and help others, could be an important part to the new 20-year journey of Pluto.  


Like all lunar phases, the full moon is a three-day phase however these tensions are a wider span of days.  This tension will begin to get riled up on the 9th when Mercury squares Uranus, then the 10th when the Sun squares Uranus and finally on the 12thabout an hour before the full moon the Moon squares Uranus.   The unwind will probably take through to disseminating phase on the 16th.   


While the drama may unfold there is an opportunity for healing.  The moon’s monthly trine with Chiron is on the 11th is an extra boost of ‘I got this” which should help soothe any insecurities.    


Also, remember Leo is where we are long on love, romance, loyalty, strength, fun, play and games.  And yep, drama.  So even in the middle of whatever is going on, find the joy.  You can do it. 


  1. Dne 9.novembra 2024 AC so podrli hišo zgornje protiovčerejske diktatorke, 11 dni kasneje dne 20.novembra 2024 AC je umrla spodnja protiovčerejska diktatorka.
    Spodnja protiovčerejska diktatorka je umrla v istem astronomskem mesecu, ko so zgornji protiovčerejski diktatorki podrli hišo.

  2. Zgornja protiovčerejska diktatorka je umrla v astronomski lunaciji ALN 201, spodnja protiovčerejska diktatorka pa v astronomski lunaciji ALN 307. Spodnja protiovčerejska diktatorka je umrla 106 lunarnih mesecev za smrtjo zgornje protiovčerejske diktatorke, Število 106 pa je moja hišna številka.

  3. Spodnja protiovčerejska diktatorka je umrla 3129 dni oziroma 447 tednov za zgornjo protiovčerejsko diktatorko.

  4. Dne 2.februarja 2025 sem videl v živo podreno hišo zgornje protiovčerejske diktatorke, 10 dni kasneje danes dne 12.februarja 2025 pa sem videl v živo mrtvo spodnjo protiovčerejsko diktatorko v krsti.

  5. No sedaj pa je spodnja protiovčerejska diktatorka že v zemlji. To noč je prva noč, ko je že v zemlji.

  6. Moja soseda a veste zakaj vam včeraj nisem šla na pogreb, ja ker mi niste dali vaše penzije in 10 tisoč evrov denarja.

  7. Spodnja protiovčerejska gestapovka

    (20.september 1929 - 20..november 2024)

  8. Spodnja protiovčerejska gestapovka

    (20.september 1929 - 20.november 2024)

    Na to kmetijo spada le jagnjijada.

  9. Katica bo baje 17.februrja 2025 umrla, tako je rekla ena jasnovidka dne 12.februarja 2025.
