Mercury turns direct December 30 2:20am EST
Just a few more hours to go and Mercury will be flying straight. And together we say "Phew". I know I said back in the beginning of the month that I didn't believe this was going to be an extraordinary awful retrograde. And I dared to say that I think I might 'like' this retrograde.
“How much do things really cost us?” This is part of the dialogue that we will be processing the entire time Pluto is in Capricorn (18 years) but whenever we have a Mercury retrograde in Capricorn we will get a gift of a personal experience. Watch what comes up during the retrograde? How is your inner CEO going to fix it? What does your brain tell you is the smartest solution? How can you think on your feet and come up with strategic solution? I dare say, this could actually be a ‘fun’ retrograde as you learn how to be a CEO of your life. Yeah, there will be eff ups. Yes, tickets will be purchased and no one will have a record of it, yes, you’ll leave a message for your friend to meet you on the corner of this and that and she will have sworn you said to meet at the other this and the other that. But how you successfully navigate these bumps will teach you how to have the life of a successful executive. Isn’t it time?
How did you come out of it? Were you an executive in charge of your life or did you feel like a flotsam and jetsam being pushed by the winds around you? I hope you were able to rise above those feelings. Not because I am judging it but more to the point is that Capricorn speaks to getting up to a higher, loftier position. Did you do it? Did you think like a Capricorn?
As we all know, this retrograde was rife with weather issues, not just the US but world wide. And with weather problems comes a lot of changes in plans and schedules and a certain amount of mental fluidity is necessary. Luckily, fluidity is perfect for a Sag lunar cycle so we were in good hands with that timing. What we did as individuals with last minute changes speaks to our ability to be a great CEO. Even if we don't see ourselves as CE Os.
I saw it in effect when I watched the local news in Los Angeles the day of the big huge snow dump in the East, the local reporter was at LAX interviewing people affected by the flight cancellations and one couple, interviewed were newlyweds who had just wrapped up their honeymoon in Maui. They were suppose to fly from Hawaii to their home somewhere on the East Coast. The airlines called them and told them that they could fly them to Houston and put them up at a hotel there for two days and then send them on their way to the East Coast. The husband told the reporter, "I asked the airlines if they would send us to Los Angeles instead so we could stay with our friend and sight see in the good weather." They bride said, "It is like we got an extension on our honeymoon!" Right then I thought, "good for you guys getting the benefit of this retrograde!"
Of course when you are in love and happy it is easy to fly high and turn something lame into something good but still to the point is we should all have tried to do that during this retrograde as it will be a new skill we can call upon later.
And with that in mind, the 20th degree of Sag where the Mercury is stationing direct has the following sabian symbol
20ยบ Sagittarius: In winter people cutting ice from a frozen pond, for summer use.
Doesn't that say it all? Doing something now that will serve later in the future. Ask yourself what skill did you learn or finesse or refine that will serve you later? And if you did not, can you learn from it now and the end of the month when Mercury crosses its shadow point?
I can see you from the other side of the screen that you are nodding your head, 'yes'. Great.
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