Friday, February 1, 2013

Bad Hair Good Hair

I found a really fun and clever article at outthecometass blog all about beauty trends.  Bad hair, good hair and their companion astrological trends.   Very smart write up.  I am only putting up  a small portion of the article.  Go to link for full article.  Well worth the ready.

Also, Hair, when it's big, is ruled by Sun.  Jupiter likes Big.  Eyes are ruled by Sun and Moon.  Sun rules the right eye in a man, left in a woman.  Moon rules the Left Eye, in a man, right in a woman.Rulership of the eyes is always too confusing to think about.  They are the windows to the soul and who knows what rules that?  (Neptune?)

After looking at the bad fashion trends listed in the article it does seem as if bad fashion trends seem somehow associated with Saturn.  Especially when Saturn touches another slow moving transit during a particular year.  Saturn rules solid structure so is related to the design process.  Bad fashion trends do seem to look like Saturn trying to have a lot of fun, or trying to get along with the rest of the planets who are running around all out of control.  Sort of like the weird animal that my Iliad teacher said he saw while on Safari in Africa.  One of his fellow hunters said that its parts were so lopsided and out of proportion that it could have only been birthed by a committee.

Both Saturn and Uranus are associated with 7 year cycles.  Saturn squares itself every seven years and Uranus changes signs approximately every 7 years.  So maybe super bad trends take seven years to get over.  I know fashion came back when the Gays did.

Astrologically, It appears that sometimes Venus will show what will be popular in two ways.  In a year when she is traveling slowly one can sometimes see a fashion influence in the sign that Venus retrogrades in.  Or, in the years when Venus is traveling quickly and doesn't Retrograde, the trends will often be shown through the signs which she passes through twice during the year. 

Astrologically, It appears that sometimes Venus will show what will be popular in two ways.  In a year when she is traveling slowly one can sometimes see a fashion influence in the sign that Venus retrogrades in.  Or, in the years when Venus is traveling quickly and doesn't Retrograde, the trends will often be shown through the signs which she passes through twice during the year. 

Okay, article says bad fashion trends and years they are most associated with:

1953: Serious Tans, skin is Saturn.  Color is for darkness, warmth, health

Sun - sunbathing

Saturn - skin

mars - burning

Saturn was passing over the Libra-Scorpio cusp. Saturn c. Neptune in Libra, Saturn square Uranus in Cancer,, Neptune in Libra sextile Pluto Leo, Chiron Capricorn, NN Aquarius-Capricorn.  None of this makes sense to me.  Just looks like a Pluto in Leo thing overall.  Power in the Sun...  Obviously people were feeling okay with running around without their clothes on at the beach so this could be a Lightheared Uranus thing.  Or with the Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Libra maybe they were dealing with feelings of depression by getting out into the Sun.  Since we're looking for the way this is a bad fashion trend this indicates an overcompensation thing, so maybe depression is the reason.

Venus was Rx in Spring over the Taurus-Aries cusp, , wide conjunction of Venus to Mars in Leo in September.  So Venus having contact with Fire Signs and planets might show a desire for warmth.

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