Saturday, April 5, 2014

What's Up this week?

How is the tension of the cardinal energies playing out in your life?   The crescent phase continues this weekend so expect to hear more odd perhaps heavy conversations.    There will be information that could overhaul people’s life.  Not that you have to do anything more than give a supportive ear but don’t be surprised if you hear a lot of stuff.

On Saturday Venus moves into gentle Pisces.   Nice time to pursue humanitarian and spiritual endeavors.  

Our ClusterF$%k cycle will be start this Saturday evening (April 5) when the Moon moves into Cancer.  Then of course it hits off all the cardinal cross stuff.   Here’s the program:

Sat April 5 Moon enters Cancer 5:40pm EDT
Sun April 6 Moon conjunct Jupiter 5:33pm EDT
Sun April 6 Moon square Uranus 7:02pm EDT
Sun April 6 Moon Oppose Pluto 8:42pm  EDT
Mon April 7 Moon square Mars 8:34a EDT

Early in the morning on the 7th we move into First Quarter Phase.   The emphasis will be on emotions.  And to a certain extent feelings.   I would like to remind everyone that there is a difference between emotions and feelings.  How are you going to let your emotions motivate you (in a positive manner)?    And by the way if you are a person who never loses it, it could be positive to final let it rip.  I’m not judging your emotions.  You will know if you are going on a path that leads you to your---treasure map.   Just sayin’  

First Quarter Moon (Sun square Moon)
April 7
4:30am EDT

Focus on:   What actions are you taking that support your emotions?  What supports your family?  What actions are you taking that speak of your roots or your childhood?  Do those roots serve you now?  Or are they damaging?  How can you use it to further your dreams?

4/7:  Mercury enters Aries 11:35am EDT

4/8: Sun/Mars—watch the temper tantrums. If not yours than the other people tantrums.

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