Saturday, June 8, 2024

Hot Zone - Pluto and Friends


Hot Zone with Pluto 

On June 8 Mars moves into Taurus and begins lining up its square with Pluto on June 11.  At the same time the Moon will be entering Leo.   As in previous lunar reports, we are watching the inner planets when they form tough aspects with Pluto.   This can give us a window to some themes for the next twenty years.  



June 9:  Moon in Leo square Mars oppose Pluto. 

June 11 : Mars (Taurus) square Pluto 

June 17: Moon in Scorpio square Pluto 

June 23: Moon conjunction Pluto 

June 30: Moon square Pluto 

July 3: Mercury oppose Pluto  


Between June 8th and June 11th is red flagged as an intense window. Roughly every two years Mars and Pluto form a conjunction which begins a new journey involving power issues.  

Mars is the warrior on the battlefield exerting power.  Whereas Pluto’s power is the covert assassin and/or covert mogul who funds the war.  Their last square occurred in October during the week of Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.   

Looking back on Feb 13, at the conjunction, the new Mars Pluto journey began at zero Aquarius.  At that conjunction, tech exploded with the launch of Open AI which generates life like videos that are by their nature fake but appear realistic.  This new technology can be rife with problems in a good year but in a year with elections it can be hyper troublesome.   Will we see an echo off Feb 13 during this window?    For terrific insights into this topic, check out The Astrology Podcast (March2024) with astrologers Chris Brennan and Austin Coppock who go deep into other mega Mars-Pluto mundane events (Rafah, Russian nukes in space, crowd torches autonomous vehicle, strikes in India and South Korea).   On a personal level, consider how in mid-February you tapped power?   How were you using strength and tenacity?  How might you tap it again around June 11th?  How and where are you drilling down deep?   What is going on with your possessions?  What is going on with your properties?  How are your finances feeling pressurized?   What is happening that involves big tech and you?   How are you working with groups of people?  


Looking ahead we will see the next Mars/Pluto aspect on July 21 (Mars Trine Pluto) which is harmonious.  Then November 3 (Mars oppose Pluto) which may revisit the tension of June 11th.    


On July 3Mercury in Leo opposes Pluto which connects back to Feb 5 when Mercury also formed a conjunction with Pluto.  On the mundane level let’s watch the world for big news events where the actual reporting of the news may be the news.  Perhaps a merger of big media or a big scandal.   Journalism could be rocked.  When it comes to Leo versus Pluto, there is a push for dynamic personal expression but if it teeters on selfish, then Pluto in Aquarius calls it out.   There also could be a round of disinformation that has everyone in a dramatic tizzy.   There could be conversations that jump start a major self-evolution.   Maybe it is a conversation that is born out strength and resolve and sends blood through the body which launches serious changes.   “I think therefore I am” might be the result after a passionate (Leo) discussion.  


Looking ahead we will see the next aspect on October 13 (Mercury square Pluto) which will be tense and then on November 2 (Mercury sextile) we get a productive and healing aspect.  

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