Saturday, June 29, 2024

Neptune Station Retrograde: July 2, 3:40am PDT



March11: Neptune enter shadow 

July 2:       Neptune station retrograde 29 Pisces 56

Dec 7:        Neptune station direct 27 Pisces 08 

March 28: Neptune exit shadow 


Neptune begins his annual retrograde at the end of the Gemini lunar month.    It is interesting that in one of the most logical signs, Gemini, Neptune, the gassy, vague, muted, fuzzy planet turns retrograde in Pisces, the vague and softest sign.   By the time of this retrograde we already have teacher nun Saturn retrograde in Pisces and now we get Neptune going backwards.    Sure, this is all clear as mud.   

Neptune and Saturn retrograde are getting the last drops out Pisces before they go into Aries next year.   Neptune is going to have to shed its cloak of ‘vague’, when it transits into hot ass and bright Aries.    Like a human spelunking in a deep wet cave and then exiting into a hot desert that is what is going to happen next year when Neptune moves into Aries.     Our psyches will be drawn to something hot and stark and independent next year but now at this retrograde Neptune retreats to the cave.  Between now and December 7 during Neptune retrograde we will be doing one more round of tapping our inner landscape.  Where do we find our intuition, our creativity and our humanitarian?   How do we access those kind, gentle energies?   It could serve us later when we are in stark bright experiences and need to remember the power of tapping our quiet.  

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