Jupiter Station Direct
Feb 4, 2025
1:40am PST
11 Gemini 16
Mar 23 Jupiter exits shadow (21 Gemini 20)
Jun 9: Jupiter enters Cancer
It takes one year for Jupiter to transit a sign. While there is a lot of opportunities and gifts with the planet Jupiter, we should all get down on our knees and be grateful that Jupiter is ONLY in a sign for one year. It is so dang large, and the gravity pull of Jupiter is so huge that it can be exhausting especially in some signs more than others.
An argument that the Jupiter in Gemini transit is one of those exhausting transits. Jupiter is in its detriment in Gemini meaning that the nature of Jupiter and the nature of Gemini are complicated. Gemini likes to bop around, pick up a piece of data then drop it, go futz with something else, then pick up a new piece of data and wonder if it had anything to do with the other data, then get bored and move on. You get the point. Jupiter, the planet associated with big thinking, big philosophy, big opinion is overwhelmed by the rapid-fire data during its Gemini period. It has trouble finding up from down. Not a comfortable place for Jupiter.
Fortunately, in Wednesday's (1/29) New Moon chart there is a fruitful aspect between the Sun, Moon and Jupiter. This suggests some opportunities to be gleaned around the new moon and during the lunar 29-day month. Doors could open, connections could be made, a fresh new group of peple can appear who are helpful. Jupiter stations direct in the Crescent Phase of the moon which is when we gather information which is kind of perfect for exhausted Jupiter who will no doubt use its gravity to find some semblance of a thoughtful narrative that it could have missed in the last few months. Media, especially more traditional, may have some big moves especially with Uranus stationing direct just a few days earlier.
On a personal level, siblings and neighbors could be more active in our lives. Communication that was dormant in some area may get a fresh start. Stories could come to us at lightning speed. As always avoid gossip. For those folks with planets between 11 and 29 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sag and Pisces, if you are feeling overwhelmed, please unplug. Go get lost in a movie or streamer.
One other note, on August 19, (17 Gemini/Pisces) we had the first of three rounds of Jupiter square Saturn. Jupiter wants to spread out and get bigger while Saturn seeks constriction. Our second round of this aspect was on December 24 (14 Gemini/Pisces) and the final aspect will be on June 15 (1 Cancer/Aries). On that date it will be a different expression of emotions and family versus break through independence. More to come.
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