Thursday, January 30, 2025

Uranus --Stations Direct - January 30, 2025 --- Here We Go!


Uranus Station Direct 

January 30, 2025

23 Taurus 15

8:22am PST 


May 17: Uranus leaves shadow 27 Taurus 15


Double downing in the prepare-for- weirdness- &- innovativeness is Aquarius’s modern ruling planet, Uranus who stations direct 24 hours after the launch of new moon.   Have you ever been in a room and maybe down the hall someone opens a door and even though you are 20 feet away that breeze swishes over you?  Well, this New Moon is minding its business, setting a tone for the 29-day lunar cycle when who should open the door and swoosh in?  Uranus, Aquarius’s landlord.  

Mr. Weird, Ms Eccentric, lets-be-different-Uranus will be mixing it up.   For these 29 days, those who expect the unexpected will be wise.   


Uranus spends five months retrograde each year and this retrograde started September 1.  Then On July 7, after seven years of transiting through Taurus, Uranus will move into Gemini.   Between now and July 7 there will be something akin to a dress rehearsal for the world as we figure out what we still need from Uranus in Taurus.   Taurus is a food sign, a construction sign, it manufactures, and it is our currency. Uranus still has work to do in terms of new technology that impacts food.   Construction.  Money.  Buildings, etc.   Uranus wants to make it all ‘new’ and if something is broken, Uranus will no doubt create attention, albeit weird focus.  But for all of Uranus dynamic and disruptive energy it does not do it in a vacuum.  If there is an issue or has been an issue that NO one has been dealing with, that is when Uranus gets our attention.  Even if it feels out of the blue there is probably a theme of ‘broken’ that has not been addressed.   


It is interesting that ever since Pluto dipped into Aquarius last year and now has returned for good and Uranus is in the last ten degrees of Taurus, the bird flu has wrecked the egg and poultry business.   Innovation is clearly needed.   Let’s see what additional problems Uranus finds in Agri Business for the next six months and then what innovation can present itself when the planet moves into curious, smart, fresh Gemini.    


On a personal level those folks with planets in late degrees (23 to 29 degrees)  of  Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius,  you should try and  remember that swoosh of wind.  Uranus could be telling you there are some changes you may need to make between now and July 7 and again late in the year and beginning of 2026.   


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