Saturday, March 1, 2025

LA's ONLY Astro Event! April 25- 27


First Annual LA Astro Festival 

April 25 -27 

You know friends, I have been practicing astrology for a long time and have lived in LA County my whole life and in Los Angeles for 40+ years.  I remember the 1980s and the trips to the Bohdi Tree for lectures and classes.   There would be an occassional whole earth expo where there would be a lecture by an astrologer also in the 80s.   In the 90s and 00's the same would occur at the LAX Hilton but that too was much broader than astrology and in fact this year there was no astro talk.   What I do not remember is an actual Astrological Festival in LA.    I certainly would get together for a meal with fellow astrologers and we would discuss this and that in the astro landscape.   But an actual festival, just for the LA community?   Nope.  I do not recall any such event. 

This is why I am so thrilled that my friend and astrologer Vivi Henriette has put together what we all hope will be the 1st of many, Annual LA Astro Festival.    It is April 25-27 and Vivi has got a whole slew of astrologers who will be speaking.   I have heard many of these folks and I really appreciate their fresh and nuanced approach to astrology.   With Pluto in Aquarius, the sign of astrology, I think there is a nice opportunity for hearing fresh approaches.   

Anyway, I will be attending the April 25-27 weekend.    Take a look at the calendar, see who you want to hear, I have my eye on the Diana Rose Harper Workshop.   :)