As we have been discussing for some time, Saturn conjuncts Neptune in Aries exact on February 20, 2026. It is only a one time hit. However, the influence is longer because the two of them will be co-present in Aries between May and October. Then they re-enter and are co-present in Pisces between October and January. During their retrogrades, Saturn goes back to 25 Pisces 09 and Neptune goes back 29 Pisces 22. Finally, in January they both re-enter zero Aries (Neptune on January 26 and Saturn on February 14).
As many of you have no doubt noticed I think it is important to do shout outs to other astrologers and their insights especially when focusing on mundane astrology. With these spring aspects being so pronounced I started to find some great information and research in the astrological community.
Obviously, I vectored in on this conjunction awhile ago. The last conjunction was in 1989 in Capricorn which I remembered very well. At the time I wrote letters to friends telling them to put it on their radar and suggested actions they could do to personalize the aspect. The average human lifespan will experience only two of these conjunctions because the cycle only happens every 36.4 years. When the 1989 aspect began to unfold it was apparent that it was tied to Russia because the former USSR began to break apart. That conjunction was in Capricorn and because I knew that their elliptical paths were uneven, I wondered how many times the conjunction occurred in Aries. Luckily, astrologer Richard Nolle did the grunt work in July of 2005 and compiled a list of Saturn conjunction Neptune for the last two thousand years. As I suspected, their conjunction in Aries has only occurred six times in two thousand years and they never formed a conjunction at zero Aries. I wondered about the time before 500 BCE.
My pursuit continued and two years ago I bumped into astrologer SJ Anderson with Dan Waits of The World Astrology Report and their episode “The Astrology the 2020s: The New Frontier. I was intrigued by the title and was excited to see that SJ did the calculation and found a conjunction at zero Aries over six thousand years ago in the year 4361 BCE. He and Dan Waites discuss some of the history which is broad given our information is limited for that era but still interesting. Prior to that, we really don’t know, and what it means would be silly since who knows what man was doing during the Ice Age besides painting in caves. So, this conjunction that we are experiencing is a brand-new uncharted territory.
Zero Aries is the beginning of the directional movement of the tropical zodiac. Technically, the sun crosses the equator at zero Aries and it is the midway between the winter and summer solstice. It marks the completion of endings and the freshness of new beginnings. Sometimes both endings and beginnings can come quick and hard. As discussed in a previous post, Venus and Mercury are going back and forth between Pisces and Aries and are driving three times over zero Aries. I believe the universe is doing all it can to prepares on some level for zero Aries. Let’s see how this season unfolds, how summer quickens the information then we will get a reprieve in the fall and by January we will be ready to take it on with a new gusto.
If you feel like going super deep on why zero Aries is significant I encourage you to check out Astrology Hub’s YouTube with Gemini Brett and Amanda Walsh. Brett is an astrologer who spends a lot of time bridging the gulf between astronomy and astrology which once upon a time were very happy married to each other. His research is excellent. He was also on Chris Brennan’s Astrology Podcast in 2017 discussing the importance and former alliances between the two worlds.
I will keep you updated on my insights and the work of other astrologers along the way as we head into our new horizon.
Dne 27.marca 2012 AC je spodnji protiovčerejski diktatorki zgorela hiša, dne 25.novembra 2022 AC je spodnja protiovčerejska diktatorka padla in si zlomila kolk in ramo, dne 20.novembra 2024 AC pa je spodnja protiovčerejska diktatorka umrla.
ReplyDeleteKatica niso umrli 17.februarja 2025 kot je predvidevala neka jasnovidka ampak med popolnim Luninim mrkom dne 14.marca 2025, pogreb pa bo takrat zanjo, ko se Marija prikaže Mirjani Soldo, to pa je 18.marca 2025.
ReplyDeleteJagnjetine ti nobeden ne je, pri kakih kozah in pri ovcah si še nobeden ni nič pripravil, prekleta ovce, boljši krave kot pa ovce, Jože je grant čisto zapravil, Jože ima grunt po smrti in bi že zdaj grunt rad imel. Prekleta spodnja protiovčerejska diktatorka, v gnoj bi te mogli pokopati, ne pa da so te pokopali na brozgo v Škofji Loki. Prekleta vaša prehranska diskriminacija, vsak ima pravico jesti kar želi, tudi jagnjetino če želi. Vi se še v grobu ne boste se spremenili.
ReplyDeleteČe se proti ovcam in jagnjetini ne bi borili, bratje in sestre doma ne bi izgubili in teh veganskih fanatikov na to kmetijo ne bi dobili. Kmetije ne bi vegani uničili, če vaše protiovčerejske pameti hudiči ne bi ustoličili.
ReplyDeleteSpodnja protiovčerejska diktatorka, ker ljudem do 12.februarja 2025 niste pustili jesti jagnjetine bi vas bilo boljše pokopati nekje v gnoj kot pa v Škofji Loki na britof.
ReplyDeleteJa gospa spodnja protiovčerejska diktatorka, ja zakaj pa je vaš pogreb bil na dan, ko je minilo 20 let od smrti fatimske vidkinje Lucije dos Santos. Ja Luciji dos Santos se je takrat, ko je pasla ovce prikazala Marija, že to pove oziroma Bog nam hoče s tem pokazati in dokazati, da na teh 8 hektarjev te kmetije spadajo le ovce in pečena jagnjetina kot v Logatcu kot pa ta crkovalnica od česa se ne da plačevati položnic.
ReplyDeleteSpodnja protiovčerejska diktatorka ali se spomnite kaj vam je rekla lastnica sorodnica zgornje protiovčerejske diktatorke, ki ji na njeni kmetiji niste pustili ovac in pečene jagnjetine. Rekla vam je, saj bo spodnja protiovčerejska diktatorka še dobila plačilo od Boga in da Bog ima zelo dolgo šibo.
ReplyDeleteMilijon krat povedano vsak ima pravico, da je kar želi, tudi pečejo jagnjetino, če dobra.
Če bi naj tej kmetiji lahko bile ovce in pečena jagnjetina, ta kmetija nikoli ne bi bila prodana tujcem in uničena od tujcev. Vegan kmetijo uničuje, živinorejec pa jo obdeluje. Vegan za denar fehta, živinorejec pa ne, ker od mesa preživi, vegan pa od crkavanja živine ne more.