Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Week Ahead

I would like to wish all of you Happy New Year.
I hope your 2013 is abundant, joyful, creative and full of wonderful adventures. 
hugs  Tracy

On New Year's eve, Mercury moves into the much more sober sign of Capricorn than outgoing Sag.  Hopefully that will help the drivers on the road.
There is also a lovely creative aspect between Mars and Uranus which should inspire creativity and sensible risk taking.  At the very least there may be a new level of inspiration for changes people want in the new year. 

12/31: Mars/Uranus: fun lively, actions for merriment.  Creative energy.

New Year begins with Mercury & Neptune. 

1/1: Mercury/Neptune: Inspired, lively thoughts, gifted thoughts from the universe
January 1  2:09am
Disseminating Moon Phase

Focus on:  where are you sharing with others issues of pride?  What gives you pride? What gives others pride?  Are there common themes?   Where are you receiving information that strengthens your resolve to reach your goals? 

Special focus:
1/3:  Mercury/Uranus: Rough language, tough thoughts, stormy brains, tension
 1 4: Mars/Jupiter:  Actions based on faith and philosophy.  Stretching and building bridges.

Last Quarter Moon Phase
January 4, 10:58a  EST

Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living  “The serenity prayer

God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.

Focus on:  What actions do you need to take that support your goals but also engage your partners?   How do you find balance when you are pursuing your goals.   What bridges do you need to cross but you simply realize you need someone to help you get their—who is the ambassador who can take you where you need to go?   

When was the last time.... went to Michael Lutin's site and checked out your monthly report?

You may want to indulge and get a yearly report as well.

Friday, December 28, 2012

On this Full Moon---- Putin signs law

I could not help but see the full moon in the latest news out of Russia.  

MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin signed a law on Friday that bans Americans from adopting Russian children and imposes other sanctions in retaliation for a new U.S. human rights law that he says is poisoning relations.

The law, which has ignited outrage among Russian liberals and child rights' advocates, takes effect on January 1. Washington has called the law misguided and said it ties the fate of children to "unrelated political considerations."

It is likely to deepen a chill in U.S.-Russian relations and deal a blow to Putin's image abroad.

Children?  Children in orphanages?  Children with special needs?  Can you see the Moon in Cancer?   Can you see Sun opposite in Capricorn?   Did someone say, "deep chill?"    

Pro-Kremlin lawmakers initially drafted the bill to mirror the U.S. Magnitsky Act, which bars entry to Russians accused of involvement in the death in custody of anti-corruption lawyer Sergei Magnitsky and other alleged rights abuses.

The restrictions on adoptions and non-profit groups were added to the legislation later, going beyond a tit-for-tat move and escalating a dispute with Washington at a time when ties are also strained by issues such as the Syrian crisis.

Tit for Tat power move in response to anti-corruption law, escalating dispute strained by Syria crisis..... together we say, "Uranus Square Sun, Square Moon, Square Pluto".  

Very sad move by punitive Putin.  

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Cancer Full Moon : December 28, 2012

Sun conjunct Pluto square Uranus oppose Moon---gotta give you a food reference with this one.   Please enjoy this photo of a Century Egg.  

Cancer Full Moon
7 Cancer 06

December 28, 2012
5:31am  EST

When the Sun and Moon are tugging on each other, it can be rough.  With the Moon in Cancer our emotions can floor us.   However, the Sun in Capricorn as riled up as it is will resist showing feelings.   The desire is to be “cold as ice”.    

Before the Moon goes full, it receives a shock from Uranus.  Something unpleasant will certainly occur, globally for sure and perhaps personally for many.   Before the shock wears off we go into the full moon --which will be like a deep freeze.  

Pluto is in conjunction with Sun and opposed Moon on the full moon chart.  Pluto will exactly conjunct the Sun on December 30 so we are feeling the power of Pluto for several days.   It happens once a year but NOT always with the opposition to Moon.     I know…lucky us.    Where are we feeling blocked?  Where are we feeling disconnected from power?    Where are we feeling cut off from the things we really want?    Why?   Why is it going down this way?   What does it look like to freeze our emotions and get practical about real work?     Bitching about stuff that you have been bitching about for year(s) will feel out of place.   No one is listening.  No one cares.   What would it look like for you to freeze your emotions and just change shit? As Uranus and Pluto continue to slog it out this year there may be a personal gift in the tension of these days that will serve us later as Pluto and Uranus do their thing.    We would all be smart to learn from these three days.

Those people with planets at 7-10 degrees of cardinal signs will be feeling the tension more than others.    Pluto demands dedication and focus.  But at the same time he demands work he also empowers.   Imagine a person who has lost fifty pounds.   God knows weight loss takes a lot of focus and commitment but as the pounds fall off-- the person gains more and more confidence.    That speaks of Pluto.   Metamorphosis.    What needs your power?  Where do you need empowerment?  What needs to be transformed?  If you are slightly confused…you won’t be after these three days.  Something will get your attention.

I find it mindboggling that this pretty tough full moon is taking place while the US congress and President have to maneuver their way to avoid a fiscal cliff.    Will they do it?    Or are they just a preserved duck egg.   Don't know.     

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

On this Christmas Day....

I wanted to share with you a thoughtful piece written by Suzi Dronzek at her website  Starcana  I have to admit when I heard of the tornadoes in the gulf states on Christmas day (!) I thought of Mars in Aquarius.  

Mars enters Aquarius, Brutal Winds in Friendly Skies, Astrology for December 25, 2012, Christmas

weelogoOur recent movements through life were to be more structured and thorough during the past weeks with Mars in responsible Capricorn. Today on Christmas Day, we’re ready to break some rules and leap out of bounds as Mars (energy, actions) enters individualist Aquarius. It is the time to go out and make life happen, leaving tradition behind. Experience dreams and happiness by stepping outside the box. This fixed energy will keep us focused in the next four weeks to rebel against our normal circle and regular routines, to make more out of life.
With Mars in this airy element, it is suggested to spread ourselves more toward others, into larger groups while creating new friends… to utilize the power of communications and socializing, to relate with people on a higher level. It’s about taking on a new perspective, and making a major positive impact. Aquarius is the humanitarian, and Mars is the hero. Put these vibrations together, and you will understand that we as individuals CAN make a real difference, in our own lives – but more so, in the lives of others. It’s magical energy added to this special day, and to this season of giving. Ask for nothing in return, and simply offer a gift of love with a kind act. It’s the thought that counts. Share gifted presents, cards, and phone calls with loved ones, but remember your lonely elderly neighbor, and a stranger that you pass by.
Experience more joy in giving, rather than in receiving. Have gratitude in detachment. For when we form attachments with material ‘things’ and possessions, we can assume that this is where true happiness is. Eventually, when what we already have is not making us happy, we want more… which develops into materialism which feeds insecurities, greed, obsessions, feelings of power – recently described in my tarot post about meaning behind The Devil. As we let go of our own desires and extend our heart to another, we  allow our ego to transcend into light altruistic wings of an angel. And the more we give, the more we receive.. because a heart that is filled with love can never go empty.
On the flip side, know that the winds of change are upon us, and they can be fierce, direct, and merciless. We can force ourselves against their strengths just to scratch at locked doors, or we can flow with the breeze and see where new powerful gusts take us. The weather may be surprising brutal, but the truth in our actions may just as cruel as freedom is sought from ‘normal’ behavior. As in the title I used ‘Brutal Winds in Friendly Skies’, things may appear to be going fine, then all of a sudden we hit a bump or two – which can create a frenzy, put us in a panic, and force us to react out of fear. Or we can release the fear and sit calmly until the bumpy ride is over. How we choose to react in the weeks ahead, will affect the final outcome considerably.
Where work or relationship struggles exist – make a difference by strolling through an alternate route, sprinkling YOUR unexpected kindness along the way. Display the gentle truth that lies within. Do something big. Do something right. Do something humane and decent from the heart, that no one would expect. Then let it go. Hold onto nothing, and let it fly away freely… as if it were a dove from the heavens. Appreciate the opportunity to experience something positive. One nice gesture costs nothing. Pay it forward. Create distance from worn-out routine. Love. Grow. Learn something new about yourself.
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” Oscar Wilde
May you and yours, experience this special day in a quiet light that is loving, peaceful, and blessed

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Michael Lutin on........

....Uranus.   Actually on Earth talking about Uranus.

Earlier this month before Uranus turned direct (12/13) Michael Lutin put up his take on Uranus upcoming move.   I did not get a chance to listen to it until today.    The tie in to Newtown is obvious when you listen.   I have suggested this act is not going to result in 'business as usual'....(uranus/pluto)...  I am glad Lutin suggests similarly without even knowing the situation that would take place a few days after he posted it.     Give it a listen.  

You can find it HERE

The Week Ahead

First of all, Merry Christmas.   I wish you a bright and cheery holiday.

Gibbous Moon
December 24 1:29am  

Focus on:
What are you sifting through that speaks to your practical nature?  What hard work can you do now that support your bigger goals?  How can you build upon something important bit by bit?

Special Focus:
12/25: Sun/Uranus:   The need to conform versus the need to breakout generates tremendous tension. 
12/26: Saturn/Pluto   rebirth and rebuilding.   Commitment to a new beginning. 

Full Moon Phase
December 28 5:21 EST
7 cancer 6

Focus on:  Emotions are strong and big.  With Pluto on top of Full Moon and a square from Uranus…this is no small moon.  I will put up more detailed post later in the week. 

Friday, December 21, 2012

Wayne LaPierre-- NRA's leader has spoken

Today at 11:02am Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the NRA fought for the rights of mass killers to use any weapon that want in the United States.      

At his press conference which many noted was more of a commercial than a press conference since he took no questions.    He said the only weapon of protection for a bad guy with a gun was a good guy with a gun.  He said that the only answer is an armed police officer at every school in America.

Forget the fact that Columbine high school had armed sheriff deputy on duty and we know how that turned out.   And there was a good guy with the gun, (security) in the parking lot in Tucson.   How did that work out for Gabby Giffords and the people killed including the 9 year old girl?

Then Wayne got to the bottom line--- He is opposed to laws banning 100 round ammunition round (Aurora) , 30 round (sandy hook), assault weapons or access to ammunition.  No speed bumps to slow down mad men.

And in what can only be the most callous move of all, he sat up there and smugly said "the media calls semi automatic rifes machine guns.  They tells us the .223 round is one of the most powerful calibers.  When all of these claims are factually untrue."  

Wow.  He is going to quivel with members of the media because there might be something more deadly?  The fact is that those bullets hit those small 6 and 7 year old children at 3 times the speed of sound and 26 people were killed in less than 10 minutes.    Can he stoop any lower?

We don't exactly know where Wayne was born but if we take a stab and guess Roanoke VA, and per wikipedia his birthdate is November 8, 1948.

Taking this into account, he has Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Aquarius and I am going to guess he DEFINITELY has a square between his moon and sun.    His Venus is at 8 degrees of Libra which at this time is getting an opposition from Uranus and a Square from Pluto.
No shit.

Forget the Mayans, forget the fiscal cliff, Wayne La Pierre is singlehandedly taking his four million NRA members off a cliff. And every politician that the NRA backs and who does not burn their NRA membership card after today deserves to go off that cliff.  

If you have not heard your senator speak against these mobsters called the NRA and Wayne LaPierre than you know what side they are on.    In my mind, they are on the side of evil.

December 21, 2012 --Happy Solstice & End of the World...NOT

Happy Winter Solstice!   Here we are the first day of winter and may I say, "Fall, don't let the door hit your ass when you leave."   That was one skanky fall and I'm glad to see it end.  

Three hours after winter began,  the country took a moment of silence for the twenty six killed in Sandy Hook one week ago.   The horrific actions of December 14, 9:30am cannot be over stated. No one is forgetting it any time soon.    I was sadden by the boom of assault guns sales the day after this horrible tragedy for fear of "Obama is taking my guns away."   And yeah, that is the Obama born in Kenya and is a Muslim.  Sigh.   The fringe.

More than half of the senate has insisted on remaining  mum on the subject of gun control until AFTER the NRA makes its statement later today.  Wow.  No one standing up,  one way or the other,  they are waiting for the NRA to tell them the way the wind is blowing.   Twenty dead little six and seven year olds shot a dozen times each.  Who exactly can sleep at night thinking about those little babies?  And half the senate refuses to say something about guns?   They are completely missing a morale conviction. They are about self preservation.    They fear the fringe will replace them.  

On the Solstice chart Saturn in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn square Moon in Aries---is pointing the arrow toward cowards.  Ppoliticians who remain in their little corners hiding from the big bad wolf which should be their conscience because they are afraid to speak for fear of the fringe element--well, Pluto Square Uranus is not going to be kind to that behavior.  

This is the chart not just for the day but the chart for Winter.    Will the YOD take over for the next three months?   Will Jupiter get us to where we need to get?   Will Pluto & Saturn push him there?   Jupiter in Gemini when it excels, cuts a lot of slack and can find something good everywhere it looks.  One thinks of Will Rogers famous line, "I never met a man I didn't like."     Jupiter in Gemini  can take a lot of disparate energies and weave something big out of it.  
Assault weapons, violent movies & video games, mental health ---will the YOD prevail and bring all of these together for over haul and rebirth (Pluto)?  

I believe YES.   But I believe it will not be pretty.   Bargaining with extremists is no longer tolerable. Who is going to stand up and say, "I'm done being afraid, I'm going to stand up and get something done."  And yes, you may piss off some of your base but Jupiter in Gemini is saying, 'we are bigger than our ideologies."  


On another note, I found a beautiful gift from Mountain Astrologer for this solstice day.   You can take a look at the current issue of Mountain Astrologer right HERE.    I don't know how long it lasts but take a peak.

And finally,  here is a little something for the end of the world....sort of,  since we'll all be here tomorrow.  Still pissed off no doubt.  

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Mary Plumb on the end of 2012

Mary Plumb put up a nice piece on the end of 2012.   She posted on 12/10 but I just now read it.  I wanted to share with you.   You can go to Mountain Astrologer Website for the whole piece.  Here is part of it.

Although I don’t really understand it, my capacity for mythic imagination is touched by a modern interpretation of Mayan cosmology, whereby the Sun, the essence of the masculine, is crossing into the dark rift, the deep feminine center of the Milky Way, whom the Maya saw as the cosmic mother. (As the good people at NASA remind us, the Sun is 28,000 light years away from the Galactic Center, so the Sun will not literally fall into the dark rift. But, if you just heard about the Sun falling into the dark rift and bringing our entire solar system with it, that could be cause for anxiety.)
We know change is everywhere — invisible and subtle sometimes, and also with enormous and blatant display.
Although everything counts, so I’ll just mention a few current planetary aspects as markers of this time in the calendar year.
Saturn’s first exact sextile to Pluto is on December 26. (The aspect will be exact again on March 3 and September 20, 2013.)  I find this an omen that we might be demolished and reconstructed — on whatever level or in whatever area there is a need — with a hint of gentleness and ease. (This is the waning sextile in the cycle that began with the conjunction in 1980; the waxing square was in 1993-4; the opposition in 2001-2, and the waning square in November 2009 through August 2010. The transition in the calendar year between 2009 and 2010 was accompanied by the waning square between these two planets.)
Perhaps we are in a time where the experience of being at the abyss, i.e., “the bottomless gulf, pit, or chaos of the old cosmogonies,” is becoming familiar and the moments for creative acts, resurrection within despair, the compression of death and rebirth into one easy flow, and the alchemy of transforming perceptions accompanies every step we take. (4)
And there’s Saturn’s trine to Neptune guiding us also across the end of 2012. This aspect forms exactly between October 2012 and July 2013; these two will not form a trine again until 2036.
There is a Sanskrit word, sav karuna, which means self-compassion — the practice of diving deeply into our own hearts towards compassion for self that then might be extended to others.
Saturn-Neptune suggests engaging with the invisible worlds, feeling the space between thoughts, cultivating our unique artistry, finding a pathway that is inclusive and spacious enough to hold our wildest imagination and aspirations.
I had a Saturn-Neptune moment the other morning. I was just awake from a series of dreams. My first conscious thought was, I don’t want to open my eyes; it was such a deeply contented state. (And unusual for me as I usually bound from bed several hours before dawn to go out and look at the sky.)
Sometimes the instruction to choose between fear and love is obvious and easy, but Saturn in Scorpio can also bring an inquiry into the contours of fear. Saturn is an anchor, and in Scorpio it suggests that ongoing openness to Scorpio motifs might keep us steady on the path. The sign has countless correspondences, of course, but the connection to that which is hidden, denied, or uncomfortable in the feeling life is an edge that we can notice.
The process of going back into the muck, into what is stuck or afraid, the experience of contraction, is a step toward the greater expansion that will inevitably and naturally follow. Staying open and vulnerable right at the edge of our defenses can be a practice itself, and the circumstances of our lives can change.
I watched a video about 2012. (4) My favorite part was an Indian gentleman, whose name I missed, who said: “Sprinkle some spirituality into whatever you do; be a sane person in this insane world.”
Have a great week everyone.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Moon is in Pisces.....

Today the Moon is in Pisces.    Arguably one of the tenderest places for the Moon.  
It is close to a trine with my own Moon in Cancer right now so I am probably a bit more pulled than others....but today when I read this in the NYTimes my heart spread like a waxing moon (which we are in) as I read about this six year old boy at Newtown.   He was brave and in that crazy horrific moment still had the reason to think of his friend.    It touched me in such a deep way that I wanted to share it on this most tender moon.  

Aidan, a 6-year-old boy, told his mother everything later.
“He said the gunman burst into the room,” his mother, Diane Licata, said. “He shot Ms. Soto and then began shooting the children.”
Aidan was screaming.
“He was running around, as were many of the children,” his mother said.
Some dashed behind the gunman, lunging for the door.
“They just ran,” Ms. Licata said.
Before reaching the hallway, Aidan paused to hold the door for his friend Emma.

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Last few days.......

Crosses planted by members of NGO Rio de Paz (River of Peace) on Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Thoughts on the last few days…..

Like the rest of the nation (and world) my thoughts have been about Newtown CT.  What is to say that hasn’t already been said?  Innocent children gunned down by a disturbed young man for what reason?   I dunno.   We don’t know.  Will we ever know?  

Astrologically there are charts drafted for the event.  I already posted one link to Lynn Hayes and you can also find chart information HERE and HERE.   

But I have been thinking a lot about my new moon article that I put up a few days earlier.   On Friday we were still  in the new phase of this Sag lunar cycle.  During the New phase we start something.     How does it fit in than environment?    Well, Sagittarius is the sign of the education and teachers.   The connection is clear.   Sag (& Jupiter) rules things that are international.   The response by the world to the events in Newtown has been great.   Something has started.   I don't know about you but this one feels different.   20 children at ages 6 & 7..those numbers will not fade with time. 

On New Moon I wrote of this 28 day cycle: 

This is not a time to beat our selves up, for god sakes, it is Sag cycle not Virgo, but we need to access what is the truth that is beating inside of us that is not being realized.    

I repeat:  “What truth is inside of us that is not realized?”   And more importantly, “What are we going to do about it?”  ……………..

Like I said, Uranus shakes things up.  So, now given Uranus the planet of change turns direct within a few hours of Sag –do you think Uranus is getting our attention?  Yep, me too.    And if you think you know what needs to be your goals you may be surprised.   In fact seriously, prepare yourself to be surprised if during this 28 days you find yourself with a new drive towards something you never considered. ……………..

Jupiter is the bridge planet and he rules Sag.  How curious that on this Sag cycle we have a YOD with Jupiter as the trigger planet.  A yod is called a Finger of God.  Or Finger of Fate.     You can read more about YODs here:  

But what is most important for you to know is that the serious business of bridging, changing and above all expanding is paramount this Sag cycle.

What do you need to bridge?  Where do you need to be the bridge?   Where do you need to expand?   Why are these questions so important? Because they directly connect to your rebirth and transformation (Pluto) and they directly connect to your responsibilities and security (Saturn in Scorpio).

It is vital that you expand. ………..

There is a lot of subtlety this Sag lunar cycle.   Which is amazing considering Sag is not particular subtle.   But there will be switches going off with many of us that will point us in new directions.   And given it is Sag I can actually say, “right” direction.    Yep there is a right way and a wrong way to do much and now in this cycle where Uranus will shake us up and the Galatic Center is speaking to us and the Yod with Jupiter guiding us, we are all being asked to stretch, grow and put ourselves out there to use common sense and go for stuff that is right and true and in our heart.  

For those of us living a life that is half measure and full of excuses to stay small---well like the Maya Calendar, that life is over.   If you insist on living small into this new world that we are clearly in, then you do it at your own peril.  For the rest of us, we intend to be what we were put on Earth to be.    We are not selling out and taking crumbs.   Together we say, “Thank you, Jupiter for guiding us”………

There are moments that can be turning points, Selma, Appomattox… I believe Newtown will have this importance.      Those who defend assault guns and hide behind the 2nd amendment, it is a new day.  Those who produce violent movies and hide behind the 1st amendment, it is a new day.   Those state and federal legislators who hide behind budget crises and cut mental health resources and hide behind “cost savings”, it is a new day.

Those of you who follow me know that I don’t give too much to the Maya and their calendar’s closing days.  One of the reasons why I don’t give them much is because of their practice of child sacrifice.   My thinking has always been, “ You guys knew a lot about astronomy  BUT you still threw small babies off cliffs?  Screw  you.”  
But as my mind circled the events of this weekend I had a cold feeling---did we sacrifice our children on Friday to our gods?   The gods of money and self interest groups?  The gods of a blinding righteousness of our liberties?   Or worst of all,  the god of ‘indifference?”    

And then I thought of names.    Sandy.   First Hurricane Sandy and now Sandy Hook.   Both of them brought out Mayor Bloomberg who after Hurricane Sandy said global warming is real and screw the climate deniers and their candidates.  And now Sandy Hook and he said screw the NRA’s talking points, where basically Bloomberg said  “we are better than that.”    With Hurricane Sandy it was New York and New Jersey.   With Sandy Hook it was New Town.      They are just names and for every thought I have that says ‘it is just a weird coincidence’ I also am left with a desire to connect the dots. 
What is sand?  Small granules that once were mountains.    Sand when mixed with other substances makes concrete, when it is heated it makes glass.    One strong and one clear.      Besides New York, New Jersey, NewTown….is it a New Day or New Time?    

We know that we are in a period where Uranus and Pluto are at war with each other and it demanding changes and transformation from all of us.  And here a few mere hours after Uranus went direct Sandy Hook occurred.       Pluto is death WITH rebirth.    Out of the ashes comes the phoenix.    Do not be fooled by people who say nothing will change.     It is a new day.