Monday (as we discussed last week) is kind of tough
5/7: Mercury square Pluto. Words that transform are fighting words. Transformation that needs to be communicated sounds ugly. Under the surface something needs to die in order to be born anew.
5/7: Venus square Neptune. Love and money seem very fuzzy. Values seem askew or unworldly. Things feel ‘off’.
Later in the evening we move into last quarter moon. Then on the 11thwe release all the sturm and drang of independence and a world where we put self first. We release the fiery “me” and “I” so we can get prepare to get practical and earthbound for Taurus new moon.
Last Quarter Moon Phase
May 7, 2018
10:08pm EDT
Last Quarter moon: Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense. And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action. It is a time for living “The serenity prayer”
God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.
Focus on:
What actions are you taking that support your friendships? What actions are you taking that speak to the circle of likeminded people that hang around you? What actions are you taking that connect you with circles of people? What actions are you taking that build community?
Special focus:
5/8 Sun oppose Jupiter. The need to be practical feels big. The need to acquire feels big.
5/11: Sun trine Pluto. Practical transformations that speak to our higher goals and expectations. When we let go and transform in a really practical manner we can raise the bar.
Balsamic Moon Phase
May 11, 2018
8:07pm EDT
Focus on How are you releasing your independence? How are you releasing your need to be alone? How are you releasing your selfishness? How are you releasing your short fuses?
5/12: Mercury square Mars. Fighting words help whom? Think before you speak. Think before you react to someone else’s speak.
5/13: Mercury conjunct Uranus. Genius thoughts arrive with a flash. Fun creative thinking and communication. And just plain old weird things come into play.
5/13. Mercury enters Taurus
Special Focus:
May 15, 7:47am EDT Taurus New Moon & Uranus enters Taurus