Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Happy Equinox - Watch Your World.


Happy Equinox 


March 20, 2025

2:01 am PDT


The first day of spring (in the northern hemisphere) and first day of fall (south of equator) roll out on Thursday morning when the sun enters Aries activating the equinox.   


As discussed, we are in an extraordinary astrological era right now and much of it is centered around zero Aries.     On January 11 the north node entered zero Aries setting off this year’s big activities.   Now the Sun will hit another trip wire on March 20.  


We should watch world events around the 20th for possible topics and themes that will reoccur this year and into 2026.    In our personal lives we may have experiences that could mirror themes that will repeat in our lives this year.  


We may have started to feel or see some stuff come up for us around January 11.    Note if anything then was repeated around these other dates when Mercury and Venus hit zero Aries and note the dates in the furfure. 


Feb 3:        Venus enter zero Aries

March 3:   Mercury enter zero Aries 

Mar 30:     Neptune enters zero Aries

April 15:   Mercury enters zero Aries 

April 30    Venus enters zero Aries 

Sept 1        Saturn enters zero Aries 

Sept 15     Neptune enters zero Aries 

Jan 26      Neptune enters zero Aries 

Feb 14       Saturn enters zero Aries 


In the meantime, enjoy the equinox and welcome the new season (and era).  

1 comment:

  1. Pomlad je prišla in jokala, ker tebe spodnja protiovčerejska diktatorka več ni, kajti ne boš mogla več preganjati in šinfati ovčerejcev in tistih, ki jemo in jedo jagnjetino. Poleg tega ne boš mogla več izgovarjati teh stavkov kot so, da pri ovcah in kozah si še nobeden ni nič pripravil in da jagnjetine nihče ne je ampak je to v resnici nekaj najbolj dobrega.

    Zgornji protiovčerejski diktatorki so hišo podrli, vi pa ste umrli.
