Thursday December 10-- 8:18pm EST
About twice a year we get a Sun Trine Mars and such is the case on Thursday, We should feel the energy bloom as the two planets tangle. Since it is taking place in fire signs you can expect a lot of sparks and fiery conversation. Not necessarily arguments, more like 'spirited debates." Our enthusiasm will run high. And as a Sag you know I am totally looking forward to Thursday.
Frankly, I think we all need a little boost. For the last year we have been dealing with Saturn and Uranus opposition which has rattled many of us to our core. What used to be up is now down, what used to be left is right. And adding injury to insult, starting in November Saturn began its long square to Pluto. Great, more Yuch on Yuch. So, given that environment, when we have a day like Thursday where the Sun and Mars are harmoniously aspected ---well, you don't have to tell me twice to have fun, get energized. Get proactive. Do what ever it takes to get up off the couch and be someone fabulous.
Oh, and you might surprise yourself with a funny quip or two.
Sag is known for her wit. Be witty and charm yourself somewhere glamorous.
Peas out.
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