Friday, December 30, 2011
At the end of January Mars Retrograde
I don't know if you guys noticed but at the end of my Capricorn New Moon article I indicated that a few hours after Aquarius New Moon launches on January 23 Mars turns retrograde. Mars retro happens every couple years so it is not exactly a unique experience but the fact that it is happening on new moon is very notable.
Usually with Aquarius we are searching for like minded individuals. We are trying to find a tribe that makes sense for us. At the same time we are finding what is unique about us. The fact that Mars is going retro in Virgo steps on that tribal energy and our unique energy. Perhaps we have forgotten what makes us unique, perhaps we have forgotten to look for like minded tribe? Whatever, Mars does not like being in Virgo in the first place. That is way too much focus on details and minutia than Mars enjoys. But we have been discussing for awhile that we are going to be processing out our details for much of 2012. Remember, Mars is normally in a sign for about six weeks. But in this case, Mars went into Virgo in November 2011 and it will stay there until July 2012. You think someone is trying to get our attention about details?
There is no place to be sloppy in 2012. I am sure a lot of people are going to use the Mars in Virgo to get their health and diet in shape. They will really fine tune their calendars and make sure they are not wasting too much of their valuable time. There will of course be some people who will get squirrely since Virgo has a high level of nervous and insecure energy. Mars is not great when he is insecure. Ha! That is the understatement of the century.
Anyway, I'm bringing it up now so that you can get your head around what is coming up at the end of January. I will discuss it on the Aquarius New Moon but I would like it to be in your zeitgeist now. Just to think about.
Here's a nice write up I found for you by Lynn Koiner over at her Astrological Research site. Go to the link for the whole article.
From JANUARY 23 through APRIL 14 2012, the planet Mars will be in retrograde motion. This period is inappropriate for activities requiring the normal flow of Mars initiative. Using the constructive aspects of these transits, it is an excellent time to reinforce some aspect of our lives. This will be shown by the House position of this transit.
When Mars is retrograde, it depletes the vitality so that it is never a time to initiate. Whoever initiates loses— a new project, a great love, an argument, a lawsuit, or an international war. With a new project, it will fizzle out and never really go anywhere. With a hot romance, it too fizzles and it rarely gets to the alter. With an argument, the hostility will come back to haunt you later. In legal matters, stoke your opponent into initiating the lawsuit first. It will be etched in granite that they will lose. In an international war, whoever fires first will automatically lose or ultimately withdraw. Matters commenced while Mars is retrograde will be frustrated and plagued with disruptions until they finally fizzle out. At this time, people become irritated when activities do not run smoothly. The anger may disrupt indirectly and inappropriately – like getting a traffic ticket when you feel annoyed with your job.
During this cycle, never buy anything mechanical unless it is heavily insured! Office machinery and computers easily break down. A friend who owned a word processing service found this period to always be a disaster. During one retrograde cycle, the printer, the back-up printer and the rented printer all failed to work. When they finally got one that worked, the mailing labels printed but there was no ink! I often notice that the world needs a brake job when Mars in retrograde.Go HERE for more:
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Dying Teen on Christmas New Moon
As always it is a young person who is so mature for their age that inspires millions. Perfect for a Capricorn New Moon transition.
(CBS News) Austin, Texas teen Ben Breedlove died on Christmas Day, leaving behind a touching video on the health problem that took his life -- a video that's gone viral on YouTube.
For more than a year, he'd been cultivating a following on YouTube, offering kids his age advice on everything from dating to the SATs with the wit and wisdom of someone far beyond his 18 years.
But just before Christmas, Ben made a different kind of video, still funny -- but also terribly sad. Ben shared with the world his personal struggle with a life-threatening heart condition and how that challenged him every day of his life.
Ben's video has been viewed more than one million times on YouTube, CBS' Anna Werner reports.
Samoa is skipping Friday
Last summer, Samoa decided it had enough of being tied to the east and America and decided it was time to align itself with China and the rest of Asia. They chose tomorrow as the day of transition. Everyone on Samoa will go to bed, tonight on the 29th and will wake up on Saturday December 31st. There is no December 30th. I cannot imagine what astrologers will do in the future when they have to do a chart for some baby born in this window, (probably a professional foot ball player) because it will be confusing, for sure. I know that I still struggle when I do charts for people born in Indiana and Illinois between the 40's and 60's and try to figure out 'to daylight savings time or to not daylight savings time. Darn farmers made it all so confusing.
(APIA, Samoa) — The tiny South Pacific nation of Samoa and its neighbor Tokelau will jump forward in time on Thursday, crossing westward over the international date line to align themselves with their other 21st century trading partners throughout the region.
At the stroke of midnight on Dec. 29, time in Samoa and Tokelau will leap forward to Dec. 31 — New Year's Eve. For Samoa's 186,000 citizens, and the 1,500 in Tokelau, Friday, Dec. 30, 2011, will simply cease to exist.
Read more:,8599,2103243,00.html#ixzz1hwSZsIYM
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Astrologers' astrologer
This morning I was listening to jazz pieces by Vince Guaraldi who was a San Francisco composer and musician that you probably know from all the Peanuts cartoons. Anyway, with that backdrop I went dreamily and merrily along the road of the world wide web and who did I bump into? Dane Ruhdyar! Which of course is amazing since Dane has been dead since 1985. Isn't the WWW wonderful?
I jest but the truth is Dane Rudhyar is a famous astrologer who most of us astrologers (of a certain age and older) have his books on our shelves. Born in France he spent most of his life in the United states working as a musical composer, artist and then later philosopher and astrologer. He lived all over the US but certainly San Francisco was one of his 'home' towns. I wonder if he knew Vince Guaraldi?
Anyway, I was thinking about the Pluto/Uranus action coming up in 2012 and I was reading about the conjunction in 1965, the last time these two hooked up and I bumped into an article Dane Rudhyar wrote in spring of 1964 about the 'upcoming' conjunction for the fall of 1965.
I encourage you all to read the whole thing which is very interesting since he ties it back to 1851, the last conjunction.
here's a snippet:
The history of this century is unfolding under two great symbols: the symbol of the "Globe" and that of "Heat" — heat being the expression of intense molecular disorder and in its extreme aspect leading to the "ionization" of matter, which then exists in its "plasma" state — the newly revealed fourth state of matter (solid, liquid, and gaseous being the familiar states). Neptunian awareness leads to the realization of the "globe." Uranus was the light that made obsolete the old traditions of local cultures.
Today, as Uranus approaches Pluto, science has discovered a new form of light — the laser — light so concentrated and one-pointed that a tiny beam of it can pierce any metal and reach in a focused condition to the moon! An amazing symbol, indeed, and one which may perhaps explain new possibilities of events and communication within and beyond the earth field. Pluto acts upon Uranus, and light becomes radically transformed and concentrated. "Spiritual" light, too, could well become condensed and incarnated. Could this be the second coming of Christ or the new Avatar that so many people expect? Could not these condensed "lights" — physical and spiritual — act upon Jupiter and Saturn and upon the infinitely complex social processes these planets represent?
Sharing a higher perspective
In honor of the Capricorn Lunar phase, where we are all climbing up and getting a higher perspective on our life's assets and deficts, I thought I would offer a helpful link. Especially now on the crescent phase of the moon where we typically receive information.
Thank you, Marianne, who turned me on to this paricular link at Carolyn Myss's site.
Take a look at each chakra and see if you have any health bumps in the corresponding chakra. You can click on each chakra and will find a list of helpful questions. Remember Capricorn is where we act like a CEO and cooly judge and manage those things that are effective and fire those things that are not working. I think you may find some helpful information that can improve your 2012.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Mikey on Huffington Post
Well, look what the cat dragged in over at Huffington Post---Mickey Lutin!
I can't believe I have missed it but ML has been posting over there for awhile. This is what happens when I'm going so fast, I miss fun events! Anyway, here's a snippet but go to the LINK for the full write up.
The current Republican debates should be on Nick at Nite. It's a clown show, so don't believe a word.
Obama: Part of him wants out, but he's also pissed enough to keep fighting. The real power behind the thrones will be revealed as it becomes clear that much of what has been passing for democracy is actually the result of worldwide banker manipulation.
Gender roles? Women will be gaining more power and position than we can even imagine. In every corner of the world, the revolution against the patriarchy has only begun to take hold, but you'd better believe that the good ole' boys who have been conducting the orchestra and leading the music are not going to just hand over their batons without a fight.
As huge as this planetary alignment is, we have to remember that even in the greatest crisis periods, there have always been love and romance. In the heat of battle, bombs bursting, casualties falling on the field, there is still the sweet warmth and intimacy of one human being in another's arms.
The week ahead
There is not a lot of outer planet activity this week. Tomorrow (12/28) the Sun will conjunct Pluto which puts the emphasis on evolution. Maybe a snarky money day. How are you empowered? See what comes up on 12/28 that reminds you of your abilities and managing skills.
And on January 1 there is a Mars/Mercury aspect. Watch your conversation. It is not necessary for you to tell everyone what you think, unless you are looking for a fight. Take care with your driving. Plan time, do not rush anywhere. Ideally, you will take this energy and clean out your desk drawer. Or try to finish that book that you wanted to finish all last year.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Capricorn New Moon 2011
Wow. That was close. Capricorn New Moon is up!
As always you will find the whole article on Margaret Wendt's website HERE.
The next 28 days will be a window to the summer. We have got a Pluto conjunct Sun/Moon and they both square Uranus. Pluto and Uranus will be in exact square this summer. We should consider these 28 days as an Open House to the summer. Anything that comes up that highlights changes you need to make in your life... well, do it. Or least put those changes on your to-do list!
Go to the link for the whole article but here is a snippet:
Remember, Capricorn is the mountain goat who spends his time high on the peaks. During the Capricorn phase we need to stretch and put ourselves up high and make sure we are where we belong. We are the ultimate authority (Capricorn word) of our life and from a high authoritative perch we can see our assets and our deficits and then decided what move to make to improve our situation. Remember everyone has Capricorn somewhere in their chart. Where is your Cap? This is the house where you will stretch and make yourself an authority or a leader. We are natural managers where we have Cap. It is the part of our chart where we are the Boss. Of course, the question is, “Are we Warren Buffett or are we Ebenezer Scrooge?”
This Capricorn New Moon the Sun/Moon is in conjunction to Pluto and squares Uranus. Ouch. That is a tight spot. Pluto has been ruthless to big business, big government and world economies since it moved into Capricorn in 2008 and we will be dealing with issues that are broken within government and big businesses for another dozen or so years
But what about us? Where do we personally fit in this big global financial mess and the upcoming changes? That, my friends is the beauty of Capricorn New Moons. Between now and 2023 there will be some Cap new moons that will be right in the sweet spot where they have a Pluto conjunction. I say sweet spot because those New Moon and lunar cycles will gives us a 28 day chiropractic adjustment to get with the program and make some changes or at least become an authority in our life on a new profound level that can prepare us for changes. This year is one of those Cap New Moons.
We will see flaws. We will see cracks and fissures in some area of our life (most likely the house that has Capricorn). We will feel insecure, we will feel ‘less than’. But and this is a big but, from that place of insecurity we will get focused and do something. Something that helps move us from the position we are currently holding to a more elevated position. Where do we have vision? Where do we have executive abilities? Where do we need to be an authority? And why are we hiding our skills? Or how come we have been so busy we have not focused on them? And if we have been playing small and hiding are skills----well, good luck trying to stay small this month! It won’t feel right.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Michael Lutin's Christmas Gift
I had a little time to kill this morning and I went to some of my favorite sites including DailyFix and once again, Michael Lutin delivers. Raquel Welch in Mexico (?) singing Age of Aquarius...if you are like me your brain will be screaming at you, "must watch, must watch, must watch."
How he finds the things he finds is amazing. Had to share with you.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
North Korea in transition
For over fifty years North Korea and its leaders have been an enigmatic force in the world. Hard to understand, complicated relations, discomforting action and of course cuckoo crazy policies. At its core, it as been a peninsula of mystery. And in that environment it is no surprise the chart of the country is also fuzzy. I went looking for the North Korea chart and found it at NeptuneCafe There is a lot of good data and research at the website, totally worth checking out.
Anyway, if we can sort through the fuzziness and take the chart and apply what is going on now astrologically, Kim Jong il's death is interesting. Uranus has been pushing for change with North Korea's natal Uranus for the last couple years. On the 10th of December Uranus turned around and began to move out of the tension and now is moving on into free space. Interesting Kim died in this space. If the chart is accurate the tension is between communication and neighbors (3rd) house and mystery, illusion, karma and hermit like behavior (12th). Uranus demands change, will there be change?
Jupiter which tends to be optimistic and jovial is about to oppose NK's Mars in Scorpio right below the descendant. Mars in that position speaks greatly to the debate that the world has with NK--"Are they a real threat or not?" In the next few months we'll see what is going on as Jupiter pushes the point.
Curiously, the transiting Sun was in a wide conjunction to the Moon and Jupiter of NK at the time of Dear Leader's death. This death could create an opportunity for change that is positive and actually could help the people of North Korea. Will it happen? Or will the son of lil' kim be as misguided as his father? Or will military leaders take over with their own agenda(I do wonder about that Jupiter/Mars aspect)? Hmmm. I dunno. But the accent on change is in the mix.
I hope for the sake of the starving people that things crack and the world can get in and do some good along with positive leadership change. It would be nice for them to finally let the cold war is over alarm clock wake them up. It has been ringing for a long time.
For gawdsake their neighbor China came out, isn't it time for them?
Saturday, December 17, 2011
500 Turtles
So, Sag that I am, which means I'm open to a bit of novelty, I gave myself a birthday gift that satisfied me on many levels. I booked a reading with an animal psychic. Naturally, I booked it for after Mercury turned direct so I delayed it until this week. Why did I do it? I guess I felt the need to find out what is going on with our cat Stella.
Of course, this is totally humorous because seriously, what are her problems? The food does not come out fast enough? The bed is sometimes not soft enough? But still I was curious about several things, like why does she go to the door and emit painful cries when I go to the trashcans or to the market or just walk out to the gym? My husband and son say she does it the entire I am gone. What goes on with her?
I had a few friends who had reading with Ben at 500 turltes and enjoyed the session very much so I called him. I was relieved that I didn't have to put Stella in a box and drive her anywhere and frankly there would be no question in mind worth that noise I would hear in a car with Stella in a box. Lord no. So, there I was sitting on my bed with Stella resting near me while I talked on the phone to Ben who was talking to Stella.
And the first thing she said to Ben was, "I'm worried, where does Tracy go?" Ah, she was as concerned as I was about this same topic. She too wanted to get to the thing that I was pondering. We determined that this was something left over from kittenhood. Someone, probably a woman, was in her life and then out of her life. And now she is in fear that when I go I will not come back. Ben and I "worked" with her and hopefully settled her fears that she will be more calm now when I go to swim.
There were many other things we discussed and one thing she told me that Stella likes to hang out in my son's room. She likes the energy and she likes to see the visitors who come to check in with my son while he asleep. I did think that was interesting since she does go in there at night and will get on his bed or the floor right next to his bed. I learned one of the visitors is my grandmother who had a few words for me. Once we broke out of Stella's views and opinions we had a few other people step in to tell me a few things. All interesting. I don't give myself the gift of psychics very often and maybe you guys don't do it either but every now and then it is fun and I would highly recommend Ben at 500 Turtles. You might be surprised by what you hear what your furry companion has to say and some of those people on the other side not too far away.
Time Magazine Person of the Year
I was humored this week when I heard that TIME Magazine put "The Protester" on their person-of-the-year cover. I thought that was perfect especially given Uranus has turned direct and is now heading for his first tangle with Pluto in June. Clearly we'll see more of those cover gals/guys in the coming month.
However, to me, I think TIME missed the mark, the image of the protester should have been on a cell phone. Because THAT is the real point of 2011 and our future. The cellphone which naturally feeds into Twitter, FB and other social media is the real tool in the arsenal of Uranus versus Pluto. The old adage coined by House Leader, Tip O'Neil---"All politics is local" is more true than ever in the age of Twitter.
Any beef anyone has with big business, big government, hostile regimes, horrible working condition, abused animals....all of it will be televised. Local beefs will be seen by the world.
The fissures and cracks of Pluto in Capricorn are real. Business as usual is no longer working. Sure, we all get up and do what we have to do every day of the week but under it all we know something is 'off'. Uranus in Aries calls for independent thinking and breakthroughs. Uranus is also new technology. Pluto moved into Capricorn in 2008 when the stock market began its slow move down, down, down. As we approach year four of this financial crunch the frustrations are more and more palpable ----in all corners. Now as Uranus and Pluto move to a full on fight in June we will be seeing more and more of these frustrations televised on the social media closest to our finger tips.
Focus on 4th Quarter Moon & the rest of the week
Earlier this week we had Mercury turn direct and of course to that I say, "thank gawd." Hopefully, stuff that got wound up tight for the last three weeks is rewinding positively in your life. One thing that is tricky with this Sag lunar phase is that the New Moon was clouded by the Mercury retrograde. While we were battling all the nonsense that comes up during a retrograde some of us may have lost sight of the purpose of the Sag lunar cycle. Finding our visions for our future.
Now today, (Saturday at 7:47pm 12/17 until 12/21 we will have the last quarter moon.
This is the final phase where we do actions based on the seeds we planted on New Moon. I find around this phase that the new moon feels so far away. In this case Sag New moon was the day after Thanksgiving. How far away does that feel?
What goals and visions have come up since then that speak to your future? Have you had anything come up that emphasizes a more authentic you? Or have you had a glimpse of something that you want more of in the coming days, months years? Did you have a day that was relaxed? Did you have coffee with a friend you have not seen in a long time? Did you complete a project that gives you much pride? Did you visit a place that you can't stop thinking about and wonder what it would look like to move there? Did you disconnect from disruptive situations and realize, 'wow that was easier than I thought. Did you see a real opportunity that could be a genuine asset in your future and did you move on it? What wind blew in and is guiding you?
Now, on this final quarter moon, we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense. And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action. It is a time for living “The serenity prayer”
God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.
And on this particular last quarter moon there is focus on:
What actions need precision, detailed oriented work? How can that work support expanding your world? What are you working on that needs micromanaging? Did you plant seeds on new moon that need more refined actions now? Are there any holes that need fixing?
Then during the week:
12/18: Venus/Saturn: Accent on restrictions and loss and the unloved. Money is crunched.
12/19: Sun/Saturn: Structures and building upon solid foundations.
12/20: Venus enters Aquarius
12/20: Venus/Jupiter: Watch tendency to overreach, over spend and over eat. Moderation in everything!
12/20: Sun/Neptune: Inspired day. Metaphysics and religion are pronounced.
12/21:Venus/Uranus: Unusual breakthroughs. Where can I feel “new”? Feeling invigorated about new resources.
12/21: Balsamic Moon from 12/21-12/24: We let go. By releasing we can prepare for the new.
Special focus:
12/21 Sun enters Capricorn. Your cap needs tenderness this birthday. It is your job to find out what kind of tenderness. Pour some tea and get it out of them.
12/21: Hanukkah begins.
12/22 Sun/Jupiter: Abundance, generous spirit, openings that speak to essence.
12/22 Sun/Uranus: Friction, rebellious, rubbing up against rules and want to breakout.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
The week ahead
The week continues with the energy of the full moon which launched on Saturday. The astrology of the week is somewhat quiet and god knows we would benefit by a kinder gentler astrological period.
On Tuesday 12/13 Mercury turns direct at 4 degrees of Sag 8:42pm EST. If communication has been bumpy and we have felt wobbly, we should start to feel relief almost immediately.
December 14, 5:46am EST- Disseminating Phase.
Focus on: Where do you feel brave in your heart? How are you sharing that with others? How do you feel generous, perhaps magnanimous? Can you share this with others? When you share your power with others does it empower them? How can this be a bridge in your life to expand your world?
Last Quarter Moon Phase
December 17, 2011 7:47pm
Focus on: What actions need precision, detailed oriented work? How can that work support expanding your world? What are you working on that needs micromanaging? Did you plant seeds on new moon that need more refined actions now? Are there any holes that need fixing?
Friday, December 9, 2011
My Birthday Present to YOU!
If you don't know much about asteroids, then you might not know about Pallas Athena. Pallas Athena was Jove's favorite daughter. She was spun out from his head. Gee, wonder why she was his favorite? Anyway, she gave the people of Greece the olive tree and in appreciation they named their largest town in her honor, Athens. The Romans by the way called her Minerva.
Wherever you have Pallas Athena in your chart, you have a warrior. But not an in-your-face-I'm-going-to-get-you warrior. That would be Mars. This is a cool warrior. Not emotional, instead a warrior who relies on intellect. Almost always able to see the big picture and knows how to use strategies and mart logistics to conquer any issue. Interstingly, Pallas Athena's number one trusted animal is the owl and they aren't called Wise Ol' Owls for nothing!
A good write up on Pallas Athena and how it manifests through the sign and the houses is over on Bob Marks website.
Currently, Pallas Athena is in early Aquarius. Not too far from my own Venus. Perhaps that is why she is calling me of late.
If you want to find your own Pallas Athena and other asteroids, I stumbled upon this nice website for you. It is run by Molly and I don't know which Molly but I appreciate what she has put up. check out StudyAstrology
Now why all the noise right now on my birthday about Pallas Athena? And more importantly what does it have to do with you?
First of all, Sagittarius when it is being calm and reasonable is one of the wisest signs of the zodiac. Maybe actually THE wisest. And intellectually, one of the smartest signs of the zodiac is Gemini. So, this weekend we have got a big ol' full moon in Gemini. Will we be smart (Gemini)? Will we be wise (Sag)? Even when emotions get stirred up which is typical on a full moon?
Adding to the pressure is of course Uranus turning direct later today. I suspect even the most staid individual will have a Fellini scene or two in their lives this weekend. Not sure what that means? Well, listen to Nino Rota right HERE and imagine it as your soundtrack this weekend.
And what about that gift I promised?
About a month ago I saw something on Huffington Post about owls that was so sweet that I forwarded it to a few friends. They too thought it was darling. Since then I keep seeing owls, in cards, in art work, everywhere I look I see an owl. What I think is funny is that even the short hand for Occupy Wall Street movement is OWS. Which is so close to OWL. Like I said, I see owls everywhere. Back to the point of your gift. Please watch the video below. I hope it will inspire you to find your wisdom and be smart. And of course I think it will make you smile. I just wish it had Nino Rota music.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Uranus turns direct
Back on the New Moon (around Thanksgiving) I said in my Sag article:
So, what does this New Moon in Sag mean? The Moon/Sun are making a beautiful trine with Uranus in Aries. Aries full of fire and energized by new horizons has a fine companion with Sag who says, “Yeah, let me put my goals on those new horizons right now!” Uranus is the planet of changes. During the 2010 Sag Lunar cycle Uranus was also pronounced and it was then that the revolutions in North Africa were activated. A revolution most certainly televised, twittered, face booked and benefited by all social medias—all things ruled by Uranus. What will be the revolutions this cycle? The mother will be talking to some.
In addition to the Sun/Moon trine with Uranus, Uranus turns direct on December 9 /10th. For the last five months we have been feeling the itch. The itch to change, break free, move, do something new and just differently. But because it has been retrograde, we have been unclear about how to do the changes, now with it turning direct we will begin to get an idea of the changes and how to do them. The mother gives some of us a road map.
In July, Uranus in Aries got very close to a square with Pluto in Capricorn. The gridlock in Washington spoke to the frustrations as one planet was demanding quick change and another planet was demanding something slow. Revolution versus evolution. Aries takes no hostages and is a warrior on all tasks; Capricorn is cautious and holds on to status quo. They almost squared each other but then they drifted and Uranus went back to the wood shed and whittled. Now on this Sag lunar cycle, Uranus turns direct and begin its journey to a big showdown with Pluto (June and September 2012). Of course, Pluto has been doing his own work in Capricorn and we will feel the tension grow in the coming months. Hypocrites will certainly be exposed more and more. The ramp up begins after December 10th. Personally, consider your life last July, you may be revisiting those underlying issues again in the spring and summer of 2012.
Of course we need to take a moment and think about this--What are the odds of Uranus turning direct in a lunar phase where he is making a trine with the Sun and the Moon? Small. Keeping our focus on new goals, stretching and learning are important to Uranus’ new direction. The mother is asking us to find what is authentic and to move on it. Will we follow the impulses that we feel? Can we be that authentic?
And so here we are, a few hours from Uranus turning direct which it will do at 2:05am EST December 10 / 11:05pm December 9th PST. We know that it is no big deal when Uranus turns retrograde or direct because it does both once a year. But when we put this move in a bigger context, meaning the march to the square with Pluto, well, it is a big ass deal.
As of right now, Europe is trying to save the Euro by ...what? Making small moves or big moves? It appears they don't know. How Uranus.
As French President Nicholas Sarkozy said, "The world is watching us." No, shit, Sherlock. And what are you going to do or not to do to us? I think it is wildly weird that is happening right now before Uranus move and full moon. I'm putting on a seat belt.
And not that anyone cares about these sort of things, but is it at all possible for German Chancellor Angela Merkel to put on a tiny bit of makeup ? I mean I get that she grew up in East Germany, but please, before you send the whole world into the crapper put on some lip gloss.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
News of the last couple days
As always when I happen to have time to see a little news I often am taken by the fact that the headlines line up with the current lunar cycle. Such is the case with news from the last few days.
At the end of last week American Airlines filed bankruptcy. Yep, can't get more Saggy than an Airline going bankrupt.
On Saturday, Herman Cain, who is a Sag finally suspended his Presidential Campaign. "Suspended" is a new way of saying, 'I'm not a quitter when I have to book motivational speaking engagements in 2012.'
On Sunday the Russian people voted and by Monday and Tuesday large numbers of protesters were hitting the streets with accusations of voter fraud. Thousands were arrested but they remain undeterred despite Putin pushing back. Taking on Putin like this? I indicated on my new moon article, that there would be people feeling compelled to take on more and clearly Uranus turning direct on Saturday is in the mix.
Of course Sag rules things that are foreign and is, when it is behaving, a natural bridge builder. It can bring disparate energies together like a master. However on the chart for the new moon there was a harsh aspect with Mars and that is pretty much an energy that can blow it. Well, we kind of stepped in a pile of you-know-what when this weekend a super groovy very smart, mega expensive US drone crashed into Iran. Rut-ro. Sure we spy on Iran, we know it, they know it, everyone in the world knows it. But to lose the CIA drone is not a good thing. Especially since Iran will sell the thing on ebay for the highest bidder. And of course the Chinese will buy it, dismantle it, rebuild it and mass produce it by February. Chalk this one up to Mercury retrograde in Sag.
And religious zealots (another saggy thing) did what they love to do yesterday. On a holy day for Shiite Muslims, suicide bombers attacked a shiite shrine in Kabul Afghanistan killing dozens. It looks like the horrific attacks were rooted in Pakistan Sunni group. I'm sorry I clicked on the photo where I saw a small dead boy lying on the ground. Sigh.
Well, this Sag needs to leave this post with something up lifting. I love this dog.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Full Moon Gemini Lunar Eclipse
Gemini Full MoonThe Gemini Full Moon on December 10 at 9:36am EST is also a Full Lunar Eclipse. Much of this eclipse will be seen in North America and for more on the path of the eclipse go to ShadowandSubstance
The significant aspect for the full moon chart is a big ol’ square with Mars in Virgo. Although it is a separating square (meaning it was exact before the full moon—Sun on 2nd, Moon on 9th) I see this aspect as still very much in play.
We got a taste of this tension on New Moon which has set off some friction since November 24. But a bit prior to Full Moon and during it we will feel Mars in Virgo as he fights for details and minutia.
We will see so many people get lost in many small things and lose the big picture. What makes that funny is that there is a very famous military expression, “Sometimes you have to lose a battle to win the war” which every great warrior knows. However, Mars THE warrior planet when he is in Virgo is almost incapable of seeing anything but battles. He can totally forget he is in a war. This is where the tension with Sag Sun and Gemini Moon should be measured carefully.
If misbehaving, the Sag sun will put emphasis on hot head tempers and shooting off one’s mouth in righteous indignation. Over what? Who the hell knows with Sag. Sigh. And the Gemini moon if misbehaving will get lost in shallow thinking, gossip or mindf**ing self and others. Lord.
However, if possible and I do not suggest it is easy work, but if possible try to keep your focus on details that will serve you best in the long run. Is there a big goal (Sag) out there that you have wanted to address? Take the tension totally being stirred up by Mars in Virgo and see what tasks (Virgo) you can do now that will serve that goal. At the same time, ferret out information and ask questions (Gemini) that will serve that goal.
When the bullets are flying around you and people are doing one thing after another that pisses you off remember to ask yourself, “Is this person and their actions doing anything to harm my big goals?” If the answer is “Yes” then you may need to act appropriately. If the answer is “NO” then guess what? Use the beauty of Gemini and get ‘light and breezy’. Simply said, and this is your astro mother over here speaking to you, “You don’t care.” Don’t waste the calorie burn on being that pissed off.
It is possible your ability to raise above (Sag) the fray (Mars in Virgo) and recalibrate your thinking (Gemini) could be a huge gift this Full Moon and perhaps a newfound skill which will serve you in many ways and for many years.
Also, it should be noted that a few hours before Full Moon, Uranus will turns direct between zero and one degree of Aries. We have been talking a lot about this planet of revolution and all the changes he will be bringing us especially in the next six months as he ramps up.
For those of you who know your chart take note which house has 1-5 degrees of Aries and prepare for big ass changes between now and the 2013.
And of course, we should remember that the Full Moon like his companion New Moon back in November is taking place with a Mercury retrograde. Yes, there is still cloudy, fuzzy stuff around us but for many people this is also a time when we are finally dealing with stuff on our very old TO-DO list and we are also finding missing pieces to solutions we have needed. Sometimes it is good to look back and rethink stuff.
But above all, let’s all remember to KEEP CALM AND CARY ON.
The Week Ahead
We continue to be in the Waxing Period of the Sag Lunar Cycle. How are your goals looking? Has something actually come up since New Moon that is now on your Goal List that wasn't even on your radar last month? Where are you impassioned? How is your authentic self expressing itself?
12/4: Sun/Mercury: Accent on communication. Some good, some not good. How does it connect with your goals from New Moon?
12/5: Venus/Mars: Good energy to follow passions and values. Energy flows easily.
12/6: Gibbuos Moon
Focus on: How is your fiery nature being harnessed? How have you neglected the part of you that wants to be first? Are you neglecting the benefit of doing things by yourself? How would you benefit by just getting out and ‘doing it’ ?
12/10: Uranus turns direct 2:05am 00Aries 39 (see above)
12/10: Full Moon. Post to come.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
When I look for the lightning
The other day I was blathering on to a friend about the things I had done in the last month and he said as flatly as possible, "What I would give to be in your head for just an hour." I know what he is talking about, I just can travel down weird roads so easily. I know how it happens, my Sag Sun and Venus in Aquarius just talk to me in ways that can't be explained. And then throw in the Aries rising and well, I'm off the races.
Anyway, in Los Angeles there is an exhibit called Pacific Standard Time. Which is a huge collection of California Artists' work from 1945-1980. It is happening in dozens of museums and galleries all over Los Angeles basin. I hit a few of them Thanksgiving weekend. Lot of cool stuff, some lame stuff and just a whole bunch of odd stuff. One I really liked I wanted to share with you.
I could only share it now, since the Moon is in Aquarius. Only now would it make sense. By the time the Moon is in Taurus everyone will be thinking, 'what the eff' is this thing?" But now, it is sublime. I present, Lightening by Paul and Marlene Kos. 1976. It is one and half minutes long.
Anyway, in Los Angeles there is an exhibit called Pacific Standard Time. Which is a huge collection of California Artists' work from 1945-1980. It is happening in dozens of museums and galleries all over Los Angeles basin. I hit a few of them Thanksgiving weekend. Lot of cool stuff, some lame stuff and just a whole bunch of odd stuff. One I really liked I wanted to share with you.
I could only share it now, since the Moon is in Aquarius. Only now would it make sense. By the time the Moon is in Taurus everyone will be thinking, 'what the eff' is this thing?" But now, it is sublime. I present, Lightening by Paul and Marlene Kos. 1976. It is one and half minutes long.
Venus Saturn Mutual Reception
Back on New Moon I had note to remind everyone that Venus and Saturn are in mutual reception. Then I got distracted in that Mercury Retro way and realized I forgot it and said to self, "That's okay I'll put something up this weekend." And of course it was Thanksgiving Weekend and that is just a cluster*** of activity that I barely even got here. Well, today I went looking around at some of my favorite astrologers and lo and behold... There is David Crook at Stellar Insights with his current write up all on the mutual reception of Venus & Saturn.
Here's part of the post, go to the link for the whole piece. Nice write up as always with David Crook.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Venus-Saturn Mutual Reception
Venus is in the sign of Capricorn from Nov. 26 until Dec. 20. All things signified by astrological Venus- love, pleasure, art, beauty, values, currencies, and relationships, are now under the direction of Saturn- lord of Capricorn. As Capricorn seeks status, long-term security, accomplishment, and structure- the tendency now is to establish solid relationships, financial stability, and conservative values that honor a traditional approach.
Saturn's in Venus ruled Libra until Oct. 2012. And Libra the Scales desires social equality, fairness, and to meet others on common ground in peace and harmony. Many imbalances in society and personal relationships are currently under the scrutiny of Saturn's checks and balances. It's a good time to define and redefine our core values and committed relationships. Relatively sound unions can get stronger with work, and those of weakened integrity may end.
Go to link for rest.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Truth has a way....
Last week on New Moon I wrote:
In July, Uranus in Aries got very close to a square with Pluto in Capricorn. The gridlock in Washington spoke to the frustrations as one planet was demanding quick change and another planet was demanding something slow. Revolution versus evolution. Aries takes no hostages and is a warrior on all tasks; Capricorn is cautious and holds on to status quo. They almost squared each other but then they drifted and Uranus went back to the wood shed and whittled. Now on this Sag lunar cycle, Uranus turns direct and begin its journey to a big showdown with Pluto (June and September 2012). Of course, Pluto has been doing his own work in Capricorn and we will feel the tension grow in the coming months. Hypocrites will certainly be exposed more and more. The ramp up begins after December 10th. Personally, consider your life last July, you may be revisiting those underlying issues again in the spring and summer of 2012.
Well, the ramp up is happening early but then I shouldn't be surprised with Sag.
Yesterday a gal came out and talked about her extramarital affair with Herman Cain. Now Cain is apparently rethinking his campaign for presidency.
But far more lame than a politician possibly stepping out on his wife is what came out in Bloomberg Markets Magazine.
First of all you should know that Bloomberg Markets Magazine worked like DOGS using the Freedom of Information act to get to the nitty gritty of what happened in those days before the Stock Market crashed in September of 2008. Along the way, The Fed hit Bloomberg with lawyer after lawyer after lawyer. But they stood their ground and on Sunday they released their findingss. Lordy.
Bloomberg’s fabulous report on the Federal Reserve Bank’s “secret” bailout of U.S. banks is an example of dogged enterprise journalism at its very best. The Fed fought Bloomberg’s Freedom of Information Act requests to get details of its huge loan program all the way to the Supreme Court. But Bloomberg prevailed, and on Sunday night, the news organization published its long-awaited findings, making it abundantly clear just how much the U.S. banking system — and in particular, the six largest banks — benefited from the Fed’s helping hands.
Dogged journalism? This is Sag at its best.
Additionally, from this report we learn a lot of things, including how Hank Paulson who was then Treasury Secretary was supplying insider information to hedge fund big wigs.
Around the conference room table were a dozen or so hedge- fund managers and other Wall Street executives -- at least five of them alumni of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS), of which Paulson was chief executive officer and chairman from 1999 to 2006. In addition to Eton Park founder Eric Mindich, they included such boldface names as Lone Pine Capital LLC founder Stephen Mandel, Dinakar Singh of TPG-Axon Capital Management LP and Daniel Och of Och-Ziff Capital Management Group LLC.
After a perfunctory discussion of the market turmoil, the fund manager says, the discussion turned to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Paulson said he had erred by not punishing Bear Stearns shareholders more severely. The secretary, then 62, went on to describe a possible scenario for placing Fannie and Freddie into “conservatorship” -- a government seizure designed to allow the firms to continue operations despite heavy losses in the mortgage markets.
Stock Wipeout
Paulson explained that under this scenario, the common stock of the two government-sponsored enterprises, or GSEs, would be effectively wiped out. So too would the various classes of preferred stock, he said.
The fund manager says he was shocked that Paulson would furnish such specific information -- to his mind, leaving little doubt that the Treasury Department would carry out the plan. The managers attending the meeting were thus given a choice opportunity to trade on that information.
There’s no evidence that they did so after the meeting; tracking firm-specific short stock sales isn’t possible using public documents.
And law professors say that Paulson himself broke no law by disclosing what amounted to inside information.
He may not have broken the law....but was it right? Right versus wrong, is a Sag discussion.
Wow. And we're just in Crescent phase, what will the quarter moon look like?
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Astrotabletalk - Uranus
Over at AstrotableTalk I saw Dharmauci's post on Uranus. I thought it was a good read and I encourage you to read the whole post. A pretty smart astro fella.
Uranus has slowed right down, ready to change direction in 2 weeks time, beginning a run-in to an exact square to Pluto next June, the first of 7. When an outer planet slows down, its effect intensifies, and it draws to it the next phase of its influence. Uranus brings instability and crisis.
In the summer I wrote a number of pieces called The Crisis Season part 1, 2 etc. I expected the Crisis Season to end for a while, as Uranus and Pluto separated over the autumn, but it hasn’t, it has got more intense. You start running out of superlatives.
We are living in a kind of limbo, a bit like the ‘phoney war’ in Britain at the start of WWII, when not a lot happened for a while, but huge events threatened. None of the major powers were militarily engaging with Germany. And then she invaded France.
So I think we are all waiting for something to happen. And it will probably be disorderly default, brought about by political paralysis, of one or more major European countries.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Chiron in Pisces
Back in April of 2010, Chiron moved into Pisces.
Here's what I wrote back then:
Chiron’s big move
And then there is Chiron. We have spent a lot of the last few years talking about Chiron in Aquarius. To me it was exceptionally difficult because I have Chiron in Aquarius in my natal chart. As we know Chiron is the self inflicted warrior. He steps in the shit and then has to clean it off himself.
While Chiron has been in Aquarius we’ve been working out much energy with our friends and associates and like minded groups. I have found this to be challenging in many ways. Just recently, I saw a friend who I have not seen in a year or so and on her car was a bumper sticker that read “Which are you drinking?” and there was an image of a tea bag and a pitcher of kool aid. Sigh. I found myself leaving my body as I muttered, “Must not say anything, must not say anything.”
Anyway, that energy is going to shift on April 19 when Chiron moves out of Aquarius and into Pisces. * We will move out of groups and more into humanity. I know at first blush we all think that groups and associations are humanity. They aren’t. They are a consolidation people gathering to hatch ideas and percolate as a group. We bond and tell the world ‘Count this group as important!”
But now with Chiron in Pisces the energy goes into group consciousness rather than groups. Ideas transcend individuals. The last time Chiron was in Pisces was between 1960 and 1969. Read those dates. Did the world change much? Can you say JFK? Can you say March on Selma? What about the arts? We went from “The Twist” to “Honky Tonk Woman” We went from “Please Don’t Eat The Daisies” to “The Graduate”. And what about the other stuff, Lee Harvey Oswald? Gulf of Tonkin? The Second Vatican? And of course, D*R*U*G*S .
Chiron will be in Pisces for eight to nine more years. How is our life going to change? I dunno but start preparing for a new energy.
(*note: Chiron later in the year will retrograde back into Aquarius for one more round of group causes but then in 2011 it is back in Pisces for the long haul.)
Anyway, we are now going to have Chiron in Pisces for the next 8-9 years.
I was inspired to find this article after watching the UCDavis video which is in the following post.
I feel inclined to put this up also because the Sag New Moon chart has a square between Sun/Moon with Chiron in Pisces. Besides humanitarian and spiritual issues, Pisces also rules oil, oceans, films, booze, drugs, art and Sag rules righteousness, students, religion, opinions, things that are foreign. There will be sparks.
Here's what I wrote back then:
Chiron’s big move
And then there is Chiron. We have spent a lot of the last few years talking about Chiron in Aquarius. To me it was exceptionally difficult because I have Chiron in Aquarius in my natal chart. As we know Chiron is the self inflicted warrior. He steps in the shit and then has to clean it off himself.
While Chiron has been in Aquarius we’ve been working out much energy with our friends and associates and like minded groups. I have found this to be challenging in many ways. Just recently, I saw a friend who I have not seen in a year or so and on her car was a bumper sticker that read “Which are you drinking?” and there was an image of a tea bag and a pitcher of kool aid. Sigh. I found myself leaving my body as I muttered, “Must not say anything, must not say anything.”
Anyway, that energy is going to shift on April 19 when Chiron moves out of Aquarius and into Pisces. * We will move out of groups and more into humanity. I know at first blush we all think that groups and associations are humanity. They aren’t. They are a consolidation people gathering to hatch ideas and percolate as a group. We bond and tell the world ‘Count this group as important!”
But now with Chiron in Pisces the energy goes into group consciousness rather than groups. Ideas transcend individuals. The last time Chiron was in Pisces was between 1960 and 1969. Read those dates. Did the world change much? Can you say JFK? Can you say March on Selma? What about the arts? We went from “The Twist” to “Honky Tonk Woman” We went from “Please Don’t Eat The Daisies” to “The Graduate”. And what about the other stuff, Lee Harvey Oswald? Gulf of Tonkin? The Second Vatican? And of course, D*R*U*G*S .
Chiron will be in Pisces for eight to nine more years. How is our life going to change? I dunno but start preparing for a new energy.
(*note: Chiron later in the year will retrograde back into Aquarius for one more round of group causes but then in 2011 it is back in Pisces for the long haul.)
Anyway, we are now going to have Chiron in Pisces for the next 8-9 years.
I was inspired to find this article after watching the UCDavis video which is in the following post.
I feel inclined to put this up also because the Sag New Moon chart has a square between Sun/Moon with Chiron in Pisces. Besides humanitarian and spiritual issues, Pisces also rules oil, oceans, films, booze, drugs, art and Sag rules righteousness, students, religion, opinions, things that are foreign. There will be sparks.
Walk of Quiet Shame
Last weekend I had limited time to get all my work done including the new moon article so I was a bit in a cave and didn't see much news. Apparently, I missed a compelling story and thanks to my fellow Sag friend Zannalyn for pointing it out to me.
On Saturday 11/19, hundreds of UC Davis students sat in silence in two rows from one of the campus buildings all the way to the car of Chancellor Katehi. The chancellor with the campus chaplain accompanying her had to walk to her car facing silent students. This quiet walk of shame was in response to the pepper spray incident a few day earlier by campus police who had been authorized to remove tents of student protestors.
The day this occured we were in the last quarter of Scorpio Lunar Phase. The moon was in Virgo in trine to Jupiter. The quiet, focus and determined actions speaks to these aspects.
Of course it is evocative of the 1960s on many levels which inspires me to go find an old post. See next one.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Another Week Ahead
The thing about Thanksgiving Weekend is that every day feels like Saturday. Thursday is Saturday, Friday is Saturday, Saturday is Saturday and Sunday...well Sunday is a brick wall. Kind of all just hits then.
Anyway, I say all that to say it is time for another round of "this week's aspects" even though it just feels like I did it.
I've got my antenna on Venus this week. It moves into Cap on Sat which makes us a bit wary of spending money. I'll be curious to see how that impacts this weekend's Christmas shopping. Then it digs in with Uranus which is pretty tough. I got my mind on my money and my money on my mind. If it was a week day I would say the Euro would be in trouble. But on Monday Jupiter is positive with Venus which could help Europe. Note the italics. And then on Thursday a shitty aspect with Pluto. This whole week speaks of things we value. Money, love, could be bumpy.
11/26: Venus in Capricorn
11/26: Venus/Uranus . Tough aspect, love versus revolution. Or maybe love of revolution. Change is in the air.
11/27: Venus/Jupiter: Joy of big. Love of things large. Expansion. Optimistic about love and values.
12/1: Venus/Pluto: Any bumps come up will ask you to consider this: What is the natural evolution of your values?
12/2: Sun/Mars: Anger motivates action. Some bumps and scratches
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Sag New Moon ---Mother Knows Best
New Moon in Sagittarius
November 25 1:09am EST
Black Friday (something I actually never participate in) will also be Sag New Moon. There is a beautiful aspect with Uranus which will energize us in many ways. In particular, as we ponder our future. Great 28 days of pondering is fantastic. But at the same time we also have some tough aspects. Perhaps we need a few bumps to put us on track about real areas that deserve pondering. Read that twice.
Anyway, you will find the whole article on Margaret Wendt's website. But here is a little snippet.
Did you know the universe has a center? It is called the Galactic Center and it is a swirling black hole surrounded by bright stars. Astronomers know this is where our universe was born. It is the belly button of the Milky Way and it is located in Sagittarius. And like a mother and child can attest, just because the umbilical cord is cut does not mean that the connection is finished. Astrophysicists know that faint pulses are coming out from the Galactic Center continuously-- the mother is still talking to us.
Sagittarius rules truth, beliefs and is the part of our chart where we raise our arrows up high, zero in on a target, and shoot. Sag is where we want to be our most authentic. It is optimistic and can see every goal as attainable. It is always raising its bar. It is no surprise that the mother would be talking to us from this encouraging sign.
Sag rules travel and freedom, it does not like to be tied down, it needs to get out and sew a few oats. No surprise that a sign that rules truth, travel and beliefs would also rule universities and publishing. Getting the word out, expanding our minds----wherever we have Sag in our chart is where we are stretching. The mother tells us, “You can do it.”
When misbehaving, Sag is too opinionated, bombastic, puts so much emphasis on truth that people get hurt. It can be an adventurer who disconnects from roots so greatly that those back at home are lonely and often feel judged. And Sag’s beliefs can blur into righteous zealotry. By the way, blind optimism without hard work is nothing to be optimistic about. Asking wanderlust Sag to do follow up can be challenging. Think of senior students at universities, all full of themselves, lots of opinions and enthusiasm but will they follow through with those goals? Will they get the job done? Maybe, maybe not. The mother furrows her brow.
So, what does this New Moon in Sag mean? The Moon/Sun are making a beautiful trine with Uranus in Aries. Aries full of fire and energized by new horizons has a fine companion with Sag who says, “Yeah, let me put my goals on those new horizons right now!” Uranus is the planet of changes. During the
go to link for whole article.
And by the way... Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Mercury Turns Retro This Week
Mercury turns retrograde on Thursday 11/24 at 2:19am EST (21 Sag).
When I wrote up this week aspects, I almost forgot Mercury Retrograde. How retrograde of me!
We average three Mercury Retrogrades a year. However, there is an occasional year when we get a fourth retrograde, which is the case for 2011.
The retrograde goes from November 24 to December 13. First, let's focus on the good news. For those of us living in America, the retrograde begins early in the morning (or late on 11/23) on the 24th which is Thanksgiving. I say this is good news because as often is the case with mercury retrograde, travel plans are usually impacted. Lost ticket, lost confirmation number, weather stalls out planes on tarmacs, lost luggage, can't find a cab at the terminal--blah, blah, blah. You get the picture.
The good news is that the retro is happening on Thanksgiving and often most people are at their holiday destination by Thursday. Of course, traveling plans for the return trip home need to be thought out carefully. Allow a whole bunch of extra time on that trip to the airport, train station or drive home. Make sure there is plenty of gas. Does the GPS navigator work on the car? Can you get it checked now so it will be good to go by the time Mercury is retrograde. Same with tires and windshield wipers, make sure the car is in good shape. And don't forget to pack those snacks.
I'm putting a lot of emphasis on the traveling component to this Mercury retrograde because it is taking place in the sign of Sagittarius. Sag rules travel. And Sag is always enthused to get out there in the world and meet others, he is swift and bold in a lot of his actions but he can stumble on details. He's a big picture sign not a minutia expert. Details will undoubtedly fall through the cracks during the retrograde. Keep your antenna up for those dropped details.
Mr. Big thinker Sag also rules beliefs, philosophy and religious/spiritual pursuits. For the next three weeks, many of us will be really digging in and considering what we believe. Is is really true? Is it true just to us? Can we paint everyone with one big brushstroke? Sag at his best is highly authentic. No pretense just acts and says things that are rooted in thoughtful common sense. When Sag is bad, it is judgemental, and opinionated and holds on to those beliefs so strongly that many get hurt.
Many a Sag parent has said something very disparaging on a political party only later realizing that their adult children are now in that party. Child gets so sick of those big opinions they pull back from Sag parent. Sag doesn't understand, it is just 'conversation' who cares? Well, words can hurt. Watch and see what comes up on this Mercury retrograde that is evocative of that scenario. Will someone say a strong comment and others recoil?
Now having said all that it should also be noted that perhaps many of us have been living our life on the sidelines. Not venturing an opinion for fear it might ruffle feathers, scared to speak even though we have felt a truth for a very long time but have remained mute. These next three weeks can support many to venture from comfort zones and say a truth. Perhaps you have witnessed a "wrong" for a long time and now you realize you cannot remain quiet any longer. Did it occur to you others have been waiting for you to say something? Never has "To be or not to be" been more true.
Note, Sag rules publishing and newspapers and one should take note that rumor and gossip could be at high levels for these three weeks. Watch the rhetoric both personally and globally.
The shadow points of this Mercury Retrograde are:
November 2 Shadow point -Beginning
November 24 Mercury Retrograde
December 23 Mercury turns direct
January 1 Shadow point -End
As we know issues that surfaced after the first shadow point may be revisited during the whole period. Does this mean we put our life on hold and hide under the covers for 2 months? NO!!!! We live our life fully and engaged and if we hit some bump we dust ourselves off and learn from it. For more info on shadow points and how they impact the retrograde go HERE.
Now, here is one thing that you must remember above all with Mercury in Sag---Keep your humor! Mercury in Sag loves to laugh, loves to make fun of self, loves to see the funny in the most darkest times. Find your funny bone and scratch it.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
What going on this week?
The final week of the Scorpio lunar phase has some very lovely aspects and a couple of snarky moments.
On Sunday the Sun Squares Neptune, it does this twice a year but given we are all kind of exhausted from the work of this Scorpio phase, the aspect may bring out sadness, fatigued and fuzzy thinking. It also puts emphasis on resources versus groups. "Me versus them", energy personally and globally.
I don't usually talk about the moon aspects, but the Moon square Pluto in the morning of 11/21 may put tension through out the day and perhaps another wave of just kind of gross news. If you feel the tension, keep your rudder in your boat, stay focused on what is important and you will ride through it just fine.
11/22: Sun in Sagittarius: Call them up, wish them happy birthday and email them a gift card to Amazon. That’s all they need this year.
11/22: Venus/Saturn: building upon good. New structures, businesses or practical applications that support our values.
11/23: Sun/Uranus: Creative, dynamic, accent on new paths, new endeavors, new ways to get out there in the world. Philosophy and risks work hand in hand.
11/23: Mars/Pluto: Real work accomplishes real goals. Specific actions can go far in overhauling the executive areas, both personally & globally.
11/24 Mercury retrogrades 20Sag07 2:19am (see next post)
11/24: Yes, Mercury turns retro super early in the morning, then Thanksgiving will start off weird but by the evening it will be a good enough day with Moon in Jovial Sag, "Mom, Aunt Julie is really hitting the cabernet." And it ends with a nice ol' aspect with Venus and Neptune. All is forgiven. "I'll drive Julie home."
New Moon is on Friday which we will be posted later.
Heads up with Venus square Uranus on Saturday. More to come later.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Uranus in December
I will probably be getting the Sag New Moon up sometime in the next few days and I certainly will discuss Uranus turning direct in that report. It has been on my mind of late, one because it is turning direct on my birthday and two, it is just a big effin' deal.
Once Uranus turns direct it is going for the big bitch out with Pluto. We know we are going to get 7 of these bitch sessions between now and 2016, with the first one in June. However, the window for action is really anytime between now and then.
In the meantime, Michael Lutin has put up his own take which of course is smart and clever and always funny. Here's a snippet. Go to the blog for the whole thing.
Uranus Goes Forward In Early December: The Conflict Escalates!
Hang on to your hats, wigs and eyelashes, you’re going to be having some truly hot flashes. This place is about to blow!
You want to talk turbulence? Somewhere around the ninth of December, the planet Uranus moves forward at the very beginning degree of the sign of Aries. This all started back in spring of 2010, but now comes the big moment. It can be fun, provided you’re not standing too close to the fan.
In astrology Uranus in Aries symbolizes the desperate (and often angry and violent) struggle of the Individual to assert his or her own personal rights, and to demand an accounting on the part of a System under which that person lives. It is the bursting bomb of energy that is released when people believe they are being ignored, mistreated, battered and otherwise stepped on.
This is not just Aries. On some level everybody feels it. People become filled with a zeal to overthrow what they consider to be a corrupt regime They are fed up , so Buddy, watch out. They will spit right in the boss’s eye, walk out on jobs and responsibilities and marriages or any other commitment they see as threatening their honor, integrity or sense of personal liberty.
That would all be lovely and fine. We would all just have to duck when we throw dishes at each other until we all calm down and the storm is over. This time, however, it won’t be.
This planetary event is heralding the escalation of worldwide unrest, mainly due to the formation of a seriously tense configuration with Pluto in the sign of Capricorn.
The result in early December: More open confrontations: The more intense the protests, the harsher the crackdowns, even to a point where not even the police but the military must be brought in to restore order..
Why should this be?
Once Uranus turns direct it is going for the big bitch out with Pluto. We know we are going to get 7 of these bitch sessions between now and 2016, with the first one in June. However, the window for action is really anytime between now and then.
In the meantime, Michael Lutin has put up his own take which of course is smart and clever and always funny. Here's a snippet. Go to the blog for the whole thing.
Uranus Goes Forward In Early December: The Conflict Escalates!
Hang on to your hats, wigs and eyelashes, you’re going to be having some truly hot flashes. This place is about to blow!
You want to talk turbulence? Somewhere around the ninth of December, the planet Uranus moves forward at the very beginning degree of the sign of Aries. This all started back in spring of 2010, but now comes the big moment. It can be fun, provided you’re not standing too close to the fan.
In astrology Uranus in Aries symbolizes the desperate (and often angry and violent) struggle of the Individual to assert his or her own personal rights, and to demand an accounting on the part of a System under which that person lives. It is the bursting bomb of energy that is released when people believe they are being ignored, mistreated, battered and otherwise stepped on.
This is not just Aries. On some level everybody feels it. People become filled with a zeal to overthrow what they consider to be a corrupt regime They are fed up , so Buddy, watch out. They will spit right in the boss’s eye, walk out on jobs and responsibilities and marriages or any other commitment they see as threatening their honor, integrity or sense of personal liberty.
That would all be lovely and fine. We would all just have to duck when we throw dishes at each other until we all calm down and the storm is over. This time, however, it won’t be.
This planetary event is heralding the escalation of worldwide unrest, mainly due to the formation of a seriously tense configuration with Pluto in the sign of Capricorn.
The result in early December: More open confrontations: The more intense the protests, the harsher the crackdowns, even to a point where not even the police but the military must be brought in to restore order..
Why should this be?
Lynn Hayes--Sandusky
I was so happy to see Lynn Hayes ring in on the Sandusky/Penn State business.
Go check out her blog for the whole article but here is a snippet.
On November 4, 2011 a grand jury indicted Jerry Sandusky, former assistant football coach at Penn State University, on 40 counts of sexual abuse against young boys. Evidently these assaults or advances had been going on since 1994 despite the knowledge of other officials with the football team.
What is even more shocking is that Sandusky apparently used a charity that he founded (The Second Mile) to find the young boys (aged 11-14) for his misadventures which he is now calling “horseplay.” Sandusky is married and he and his wife adopted six children and fostered many others before founding the charity. I am not a qualified psychologist, but the fact that Sandusky was able to continue this double life for nearly 20 years without detection would seem to suggest some sort of psychological pathology. Let’s see what his chart says:
Jerry Sandusky (born January 26, 1944, time unknown, Washington Pennsylvania) is a double Aquarius: both the Sun and Moon are in that sign of rational thinking and reason. We don’t know his birth time so we can’t tell his ascendant which would tell us more about his personality, but the Sun in Sandusky’s chart is opposed by Pluto (obsession, compulsion and experiences that transform us). In their highest form the stress and challenges of Pluto/Sun aspects empower us and strengthen our will. In individuals who are less self-reflective, this aspect can suggest an individual with deep-seated power issues and compulsions.
Read more:
Go check out her blog for the whole article but here is a snippet.
On November 4, 2011 a grand jury indicted Jerry Sandusky, former assistant football coach at Penn State University, on 40 counts of sexual abuse against young boys. Evidently these assaults or advances had been going on since 1994 despite the knowledge of other officials with the football team.
What is even more shocking is that Sandusky apparently used a charity that he founded (The Second Mile) to find the young boys (aged 11-14) for his misadventures which he is now calling “horseplay.” Sandusky is married and he and his wife adopted six children and fostered many others before founding the charity. I am not a qualified psychologist, but the fact that Sandusky was able to continue this double life for nearly 20 years without detection would seem to suggest some sort of psychological pathology. Let’s see what his chart says:
Jerry Sandusky (born January 26, 1944, time unknown, Washington Pennsylvania) is a double Aquarius: both the Sun and Moon are in that sign of rational thinking and reason. We don’t know his birth time so we can’t tell his ascendant which would tell us more about his personality, but the Sun in Sandusky’s chart is opposed by Pluto (obsession, compulsion and experiences that transform us). In their highest form the stress and challenges of Pluto/Sun aspects empower us and strengthen our will. In individuals who are less self-reflective, this aspect can suggest an individual with deep-seated power issues and compulsions.
Read more:
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Week Ahead
Disseminating Moon Phase
November 14, 4:06pm EST
Focus on: How are you sharing your emotions to teach others? How does family guide your knowledge? Who feels like family to you and how do they act as philosopher to you? How are you a philosopher in your family or family of choice? Do you need help from someone who has distance from your family?
Special Focus:
11/16:Mars/Jupiter: Big movements, big actions, not a subtle day. Forging bridges to others who are “different” than us.
Last Quarter Moon Phase
November 18, 10:09am
Focus on: What actions can you take that are based on self esteem? How are you able to distinguish between actions based on ego and actions based on Self Esteem? What seeds did you plant on new moon that need your energy from your heart?
Special Focus
11/20: Sun/Neptune: Resources versus Groups. Me versus them energy personally and globally
How is that Halloween Candy?
Are you like me, do you have a sweet tooth? Is the last thing you want around your house is that big bag of candy that your kid pulled together trick or treating?
You don't want it. You don't want him/her to have it. It just needs a new home.
Let me tell you who does want it and will enjoy every piece. Soldiers over seas.
If you are not familiar with Operation Shoebox. Take a look HERE.
My son's school is gathering all the candy and mailing it to Operation Shoebox. You may want to do the same.
My moon in cancer needs that candy out of this house and on its way to a soldier in Iraq!
Operation Shoebox
8360 E Highway 25
Belleview, FL 34420
Friday, November 11, 2011
What a funny little day, wasn't it?
I ended up with a nice brief meditation today. Lit a candle and then went out and had my day. Nice long visit with a friend who spent the morning in yoga workshop. My friend told me that the yogis said to be prepared, to stay grounded because now the crazies, the enlightened and the dead will be more pronounced than ever. Not dead as in dead men walking around. But 'dead' as the people not engaged in life.
I can definitely see how this is in effect.
I will say I felt light travel through my body today. Outside of that, it was a simply nice day with friends.
I hope it was all good in your hood.
I ended up with a nice brief meditation today. Lit a candle and then went out and had my day. Nice long visit with a friend who spent the morning in yoga workshop. My friend told me that the yogis said to be prepared, to stay grounded because now the crazies, the enlightened and the dead will be more pronounced than ever. Not dead as in dead men walking around. But 'dead' as the people not engaged in life.
I can definitely see how this is in effect.
I will say I felt light travel through my body today. Outside of that, it was a simply nice day with friends.
I hope it was all good in your hood.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
In honor of a Full Moon
We know the full moon pulls on tides and even though the Moon is in Taurus which is an earth sign. The Sun is still in watery Scorpio and with that in mind I offer you this video of a surfer and a 90 foot wave.
Can you surf the power waves of emotions this cycle? Pretend you are Hawaiian and keep your poise. You can do it.
Can you surf the power waves of emotions this cycle? Pretend you are Hawaiian and keep your poise. You can do it.
Of Money, Sex, Power, Corruption
The news of the last three days is almost too much to report. But man, it is all what we discussed back on the Scorpio New Moon. Money, Sex, power, abuse, releasing, sure, we all get Scorpio but wow, I dunno, even I am gobsmacked.
The story out of Penn State this week is pretty gross. An assistant coach, Jerry Sandusky has been arrested for allegedly sexual molesting young boys for at least ten years. The assistant coach was a powerhouse at his job which supported the head coach Joe Paterno into a very successful football team. When it was determined that the coach had heard of an incident with a minor and did not tell police instead went to the school leaders to deal with the situation, Peterno's moral compass was put on in the cross hairs. Last night, his 61 year career ended with a phone call. Resulting in a mini riot of angry college students.
Yesterday, Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi who has plenty of his own sexual scandals has announced he will resign. People have called for him to resign before but because he is not only the Prime Minister but also THE media mogul for Italy, his opponents have not had much of a playing field to get their message out given he controls the messages. But the message of a cratering Italy economy could not be staved and the fact that the country is about one minute from going bankrupt has pushed him out.
Yesterday, our own stock market tumbled 500 points.
In the meantime, on Sunday the Greek Prime Minister Popandreau announced he would step down and yesterday the ruling parties named an economist to oversee their government until someone new can be elected.
Then there was director Brett Ratner who clearly has a "take no hostages" approach when talking with the public could not control himself and used a gay slur in describing people who rehearse. Besides the obvious that many gifted actors feel rehearsal benefit their craft,(perhaps Ratner should have a little sit down with Mr. DeNiro) Ratner got push back from the Academy Awards and bingo he resigned as Producer for 2012's Oscars. I didn't even know he was slated to produce them which says more about me than him (and I live not too far from the academy). I do think is is interesting that Gil Cates who produced the Oscars for years and years died suddenly two weeks ago (he was not producing this year) and two days ago legendary Oscar writer, Hal Kanter died.
We know that Scorpio is about sex, power, money and their corruption. So, we can't be shocked. But still it is a lot to follow in 72 hours.
Alsp all of this is going on as we bear down on today's full moon and can any of us really be surprised? Over the weekend before any of this happened I wrote:
Of course, the Sun in Scorpio continues to push us to jettison stuff that is no longer working and we should expect that the full moon will illuminate more things that need to be dumped. There is a snarky aspect between the Sun and Pluto which will bring out egos but the knife is sharp in Scorpio and Pluto is cold so we will be making cuts. Both personally and globally. Expect some hubris in the news and cold business practices to get everyone’s attention.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Virgo Magic:
I already posted my own post on Full Moon which you can read a few posts below. But also take a look at this take on Full Moon from Virgo Magic.
Go to link for full article.
If your feelings have been on a rollercoaster ride from the highest highs to the lowest lows and everywhere in-between, then you are attuned to the cosmic story of now. We’re approaching a particularly potent Full Moon, exact on Thursday (12:16pm PST), when the rising tide of emotions will peak.
The Full Moon in Taurus amplifies our feelings about security, survival, resources, money, values and needs. As the Moon opposes the Scorpio Sun, the Taurus-Scorpio polarity is also animated — self-reliance vs. merging; holding on vs. letting go; attachment to what’s familiar and comfortable vs. opening to increased passion and vitality.
Coinciding with this Full Moon are the stations of Neptune and Chiron, as they both turn from Retrograde to forward motion. Neptune, god/goddess of the ocean, rules consciousness, Source, the infinite, the All That Is. Chiron the Wounded Healer triggers our deepest pain, and in Pisces the Fish — the sign associated with Neptune — we encounter the pain of separation from Source, a kind of existential crisis.
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