I don't know about you but I am glad this week is almost wrapped up. The last four days were cuckoo in my life. Maybe it was Mercury retro, maybe it was the building tension between Uranus and Pluto or maybe it just is the last final days of our lunar year that is squeezing everything out of me.
Whatever it was, I'm pooped and I'm not even done with the things on my To-Do list this week! Lordy.
Anyway, today the Moon is in Capricorn still enjoying a nice trine with Jupiter and Venus, who are right on top of each other. By the way have you been enjoying them in the evening sky? My husband remarked the other night, "I always forget how bright Jupiter is in the sky." And I said, "Don't forget Venus right next to him."
Have they been calling you?
I thought it was interesting that as Venus Conjunct Jupiter word came in that a court settled a case from last fall where a worker refused to give over lottery winnings to the rest of the players in a lottery pool. God, didn't anyone teach him the power of doing the right thing?
Worker Who Hid Lottery Win Must Share $38.5 Million Prize.”
There were some dark twists in the plot line, inevitable, perhaps, when friends fight over $38.5 million in lottery winnings.
The friends, construction workers from New Jersey, said they had pooled their money for lottery tickets for years. Five of them relied on a member of their little group, Americo Lopes, to buy the tickets. In November 2009, he collected their money and bought a Mega Millions ticket that won, but he told no one except lottery officials. He cashed in the ticket as if it were his alone.
The lottery deducted taxes and sent Mr. Lopes a check for $17,433,966. He quit his job, saying he needed foot surgery.
“We believed him,” said one of the others, Candido Silva Jr. — until several months later, when Mr. Lopes told another man in the group that he had won the lottery a week after he had stopped working. As word of his luck spread, yet another man checked a Web site, found Mr. Lopes’s name and discovered when he had hit it big.
On Wednesday, a jury in Union County ordered Mr. Lopes to share the winnings with the five former co-workers.
Mr. Lopes (pronounced LOHPS) did not sound happy; The Star-Ledger of Newark quoted him as saying, in Portuguese, “They robbed me
Did money or resources play an important part in your efforts this week?
I ask because on Tuesday Jupiter trined Pluto and Venus trined Pluto then on Wednesday Venus conjuct Jupiter, Venus trined Mars, Mars trined Jupiter and Mars trined Pluto. That was an extraordinary line up for one 24 hour period.
I seemed to have one crazy thing after another pop up but all the time I was dealing with the crazies I was also had laser focus on procuring items for the silent auction at my son's school. I think I hit up about 30 places. Many I got, many said NO and some I'm still doing follow up on. Clearly I was all about "The Goods" which speaks to so much of the lovely stellium.
AND I bought my own lottery ticket. I think it is a power ball and it happens tonight.
"What the heck?" Not too late for you to do it too. If you live in a state that sells them why don't you go out and get one and maybe Venus/Jupiter will shine on you.
Hi Tracy,
ReplyDeleteI hear you... My week was totally crazy and stressful and intense! Made a decision and took a couple of steps to move forward....So TGIF for sure. I never buy lottery tickets but I did join my 9 coworkers in a pool at work yesterday for tonight's drawing. I figured why not... I am a Sag and Venus trining Jupiter is likely to likely to bring some good Fortune.
Librarian in NJ
Hi Tracy! Good luck, Jupiter girl. The conjunction is hitting my natal Saturn, so maybe I'll pass on the lottery. Lots of business stuff for a change.
I believe it is all for Ms Librarian and myself to win! Glad that is now settled.
ReplyDeleteOkay.. it didn't pay out and is now up to $290million. must get another one!