Saturday, March 25, 2017

Aries New Moon 2017

Aries New Moon is about to be upon us.    Monday evening in the US on the 27th and the 28th for the rest of the world.

You know this is the important new moon.   It is the moon where you are going to take care of YOU. Finally after six months or perhaps it is a lifetime of focusing on others, you are putting you front and center.  

I wrote my Aries New Moon report and as always I put it on my friend Margaret's website which you can find HERE.

And of course what do I want you also to do?    Make your Treasure Map!  Which you will find all about in the post below.

And if you need a little music to get your blood up.

I give you this.  Thomas Newman "Brave New World" from Skyfall soundtrack


1 comment:


    Včeraj soboto, 25.marca 2017 ob 11:17 je bila Venera v spodnji konjunkciji s Soncem. Od sedaj naprej Venera zjutraj že sveti kakor Danica. Venera bo potem v največjem siju letos 30.aprila, potem pa bo v največji zahodni elongaciji 3.junija letos. Naslednjič bo Venera v spodnji konjunkciji s Soncem dne 26.oktobra 2018.
    Včerajšnja Venerina spodnja konjunkcija s Soncem bo potem v istem 8 letnem krogu kakor Venerina tranzita z dne 13.decembra 2360 in 10.decembra 2368.
    Včeraj na dan Venerine spodnje konjunkcije s Soncem sem potem zvečer ob 19. uri odšel še na koncert ob materinskem dnevu v Športno dvorano v Lenart, kjer so nastopili številni glasbeni gosti. Koncert je vodila Jasna Kuljaj.
