Sunday, March 5, 2017

Astrology This Week

The Week of March 5-9

We start this week in First Quarter Moon.   Actions based on faith are important and so is communication.   Who is speaking to you about faith or how are you speaking about faith?     And if it is not exactly ‘words’ what other ways is a communication taking place?   Perhaps it is dreams that are speaking to you.  Perhaps it is synchronistic moment or event or perhaps it is just your gut speaking to you?   Under all of this  communication is a deep connection to something bigger.   On March 6 when the Sun in Pisces gets on top of Mercury things can get fuzzy but again expect your intuition and gut to go into overdrive.      This whole week is a great time to go to church or temple. 

At the end of the week we move into Gibbous where we will revisit our strength, pride and perhaps even courage.   Where have we forgotten any or all of the above?   Our self-esteem benefits when we give it some attention.    On the 9th Mars the warrior moves into Taurus.   Watch how important it is for everyone to have actions based practicality.     

First Quarter Moon
March 5, 2017 
6:32am  EST

Focus on:  How are you communicating your faith?  How are you communicating your humanitarian side?  How are you actions ‘lightening’ up and yet somehow you are communicating even more?   What actions need you take with siblings or neighbors? 

Special focus
3/5: Mars trine Saturn:  Actions line up with productivity.  Energy that propels action “up” is highlighted.    Independence helps to bridge to new experiences.
3/6: Sun conjunct Mercury:  Thoughts on faith and “who am I?” are profound and deep and highlighted.

Gibbous Moon
March8, 2017
3:13pm EST


Focus on:
What have your forgotten about your strength?  What did you almost neglect that speaks to your pride?  How did you almost forget or neglect your self esteem?  How can you share your creativity and the part of you that is special?  

Special Focus:
3/9:  Mars enters Taurus

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