We are down to the last 9 days before Treasure Mapping!
Treasure Map DATE & Times this year
March 27, 2017 10:57pm EDT
March 27, 2017 9:57pm CDT
March 27, 2017 8:57pm MDT
March 27, 2017 7:57pm PDT
and it is March 28 at 2:57am Greenwich Mean Time London
Between now and then are you:
Cleaning your house?
Getting rid of everything broken?
Taking things to be repaired that are broken?
Taking care of the clutter?
What about your brain?
Are you letting go of stupid stuff?
Are you letting go of fights that do nothing for your world?
Are you also letting go of relationships that take too much work?
Are you changing your response to relationships that take too much work?
The bottom line is are you doing stuff that clears the space in your world and your mental world?
Why are we clearing space? Because on Treasure Map you will build a collage and that will be all that you want for the new year which starts on the 27th/28th. No January 1st is not the new year. Nope. The Aries new moon is the start of the year. For new people take a look at our Treasure Map info from last year Treasure Maps.
And right now we are in the release mode. We are letting everything go. We melt stuff. And then when the Aries New Moon launches it will feel like a completely different new day and in truth a new year.
But until then --We clear out clutter!!!
Go for it. You have 9 days!!!!
ReplyDeleteV tem letu je umrla protiovčerejska diktatorka, ki je zelo bila proti ovcam in je rajši imela na svoji zemlji visoko travo. Zaradi njene starokopitnosti njen brat sedaj prodaja njeno kmetijo.
Danes je torej uradno zadnji dan tranzitnega leta 2016. Od jutri naprej Cerar nima več pri njej zemlje v najem.
ReplyDeleteVstopili smo v astronomsko novo leto 2017, katero nosi ime fatimsko leto, saj bo letos minilo natanko 100 let od Marijinih prikazovanj v Fatimi na Portugalskem.
Danes sem tudi uradno razglasil kot najpomembnejši dogodek v astronomskem letu 2016, to pa je seveda smrt protiovčerejske diktatorke katera je zelo delovala in sovražila ovčerejo. Zaradi tega bo letos njen brat prodal njeno kmetijo tujcem, njeni bratje in sestre pa bodo ostali brez svoje rojstne domačije, jaz pa bom žal na tak način izgubil službo v ovčereji in bom žal moral delati po tovarnah in podjetjih kjer bom zelo trpel tudi ob mobingih, nezdravi prehrani in kjer ne bo jagnjetine. Ker letos na tej kmetiji spet ne bo ovac bo tukaj spet ogromno visoke trave in kopriv, pod obrajdami pa se bo mogla zopet s koso kositi visoka trava.
Jutri pa grem delati k Medvedu.