Monday, June 5, 2017

Jupiter Direct

Jupiter Direct:  No Small Deal

On June 9 at 10:02am EDT 
Jupiter turns direct at 13 Libra 12.    

Once Jupiter turns direct it will be wrapping up its stay in Libra where it will move into Scorpio this October and will not return to Libra for a dozen years.   Hmm?    Let’s do the math.    Do you think the following is a coincidence? 

Venus the ruling planet of Libra gets into a bitch slap with Pluto a few hours before Gemini New Moon.     Jupiter the planet of expansion and bridging & learning is in the sign Libra and makes a wide trine with the Sun & Moon in Gemini New Moon chart.   Gemini the sign of communication and getting data and information and reaching out will be pronounced for 29 days.     Jupiter turns direct in Libra the sign of relationships ruled by Venus who is stinging from the interaction with Pluto who is demanding transformation and letting go which technically happened in the balsamic phase of Taurus which is the letting go phase.  

That is a lot of astrological data to throw at you but you should see a theme.  Any yuck that comes up that speaks to love and money and values (Venus) and relationships (Libra) should be processed with Gemini skills and curiosity and feedback so that we can get our relationships (Libra) figured out before Jupiter leaves Libra the sign of relationships in October and will not return in 12 years.     And for a little extra juju, Jupiter will be turning direct during the Sagittarius Full moon and yes, yes, yes Sag’s ruling planet is Jupiter!   That’s a lot of astro mumbo jumbo—I know but trust me, the Universe means business.  

The Universe is pushing us to get on with it and expand our relationships and build new roads or build new relationship skills.   Jupiter turned retrograde back in February.    Perhaps during the retrograde (Feb 6 to June 9th ) we have had thoughts about relationships that are frankly ‘off’.   For example did some thoughts come up like:   “I will never find anyone”  “I am not good enough to have someone who treats me better.”  “I’m broken and this is the best I can have”  “Why is God punishing my heart?” “I’m too old, I’m never meeting anyone”  Or what about  your ability to find balance in your life, what misguided thoughts have come up about that since the retrograde?   Or any other thoughts that are yucky and righteous (Jupiter) and if you are unclear what is righteous, where do you think you know it all in your relationship and finding balance?  You may be wrong.

And for those of you who are doing the bad, bad, bad part of Libra, for the last 9 months, which is not making a decision and sitting on the fence about something connected to relationships, partners or finding balance.      Well, let’s see if you can finally come to some sort of resolution between now and October.  Or of course you can let Jupiter just move into Scorpio.  Scorpio always knows how to find the black and white answer in swirling mess of grey.  There will be a ruthlessness in October.   Just sayin’


  1. I really relate to this. I met someone on 4th March when Venus turned retrograde and Jupiter was opposite Uranus on my Asc/Des and on the guy's Mars opposite Pluto (I do have Pluto on the Asc and Sun in the 7th). We have an amazing connection but it has been a bit on and off since we started...mainly due to his work (he is freelance). Now we are a point where we might break up as he thinks he can't commit because of work and I am confused as whether to let it go or attempt to work it out. We have such a connection but then we both need to be willing to work it out. The full moon falls in my 3rd house trine my Sun and Mars so it will be interesting to see what happens then and with Jupiter (opposite his Mercury and Mars) and conjunct my Ascendant by transit.

  2. Forgot to say he also has Venus in Aries so he has stellium there (and I have my sun there). So he would have been affected by this retrograde too.

  3. What degree is the Venus in Aries?

    1. 8 degrees...i think it went retro on his mercury which is 13 and they are all clustered around his IC

    2. So Jupiter will be speaking to his Mercury. it is a wide conjunction to his venus at 8. Hmm. Let's see what progresses after the change in direction.

    3. Yeah. But as Venus and Mars surround his Mercury I wondered would it bring those in a bit anyway. I guess that is the problem...Jupiter is all his opportunities in 11th house (work - he is a wedding photographer) and is opposite his more emotional life (4th house)..Mercury rules his moon in the 7th (relationships)...and maybe there is conflict there. Also one of the problems is that when he gets busy he doesn't stay in contact as much (communicatoin Mercury). Anyway I will let you know how it progresses. I hope it turns out positive rather than we decide to end. But we will see.

    4. Well me and my guy have still not resolved our issues and not met up. He flaked on me although we were talking a a bit. That Full Moon hit his Moon in 7th and Saturn is opposing it but I am left in confusion with this Neptune. Problem is I have Venus at 12 degrees Gemini so I am really being hit by Neptune and Jupiter. But so far it is not positive for relationships...I am hoping things get better soon maybe when Jupiter has been direct a bit longer and does the final hit of my Ascendant in August. With him the Jupiter brought back old friends from abroad and he had a big reunion (it is in 11th) but it meant me and him didn't meet up.


    Danes dne v torek, 6.junija 2017 mineva natanko 5 let, odkar sem na Maistrovem stolpu na Zavrhu pri Lenartu ter na strehi Europarka v Mariboru opazoval Venerin tranzit. Ta zelo redek nebesni pojav je nastopil v zgodnjih jutranjih urah, v severovzhodnem delu Slovenije pa smo imeli v času Venerinega tranzita delno jasno nebo, zato je bil ta nebesni pojav v tem delu Slovenije zelo dobro viden.
    Naslednjič bo Venerin tranzit nastopil čez 100 let dne 11.decembra 2117 in iz Slovenije žal ne bo viden.


    Today on Tuesaday June 6, 2017 marks exactly five years since Maister tower in Zavrh in Lenart and on roof on Europark in Maribor observe the transit of Venus. This very rare celestial phenomenon occurring in the early morning, in the northeastern part of Slovenia we had at the time of the Venus transit, partly clear skies, it was this celestial phenomenom in this part of Slovenia clearly visible.
    The next transit of Venus will be performed in 100 years on 11 December 2117 and from Slovenia, unfortunately, wil not be visible.

  6. I'm curious as to how to or if I should approach a man I like and thought liked me now that Jupiter has gone direct. We seemed to hit it off, then he clamed up and grew distant. I'm hoping that because Jupiter is at 13 Degrees Libra, and my Natal Venus is 13 degrees Libra, that these planetary thangs will either have me move on, or for us to connect, which is the message I seem to be getting from my Sag moon, :) Question, how does Jupiter being retrograde at birth affect this Jupiter Libra thing, I'm single and I've been meeting single men, but no real hits until this Aries who is one funny acting dude!

    1. Do you have any natal planets aspecting your natal venus. And what house is your venus?

    2. My Venus is in the fourth house, I have a Stellium in the fourth house, Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Neptune! Venus Sextile Mars, Ses. Jupiter, Sq. Uranus, Conjunct Neptune, Sq. Ascendant. Am I answering correct? :)
