Monday, June 5, 2017

This Week in Astrology

Gibbous Moon
June 5, 2017
6:41am EDT

This week we start with Gibbous Phase.    Gibbous is when we double check if we are neglecting anything or missing anything.  It is the waxing moon just before the full phase.    That energy of not ‘wanting to miss something’ is a gift if you think about it.   It is focused perhaps on something we don’t always focus on although in this case our focus is on balance and relationships. 

Focus on:
What are you neglecting that impacts your balance?   What are you missing in your relationship?  What are you missing in your ability to be gracious?  What are you missing in your ability to negotiate?

Special Focus:
6/5: Venus semi square Neptune.  Love is muted or not accurate.   Rose colored contact lenses are clouding vision.  Money is wonky. 
6/6: Venus enters Taurus
6/6:  Mercury enters Gemini

 On Friday June 9th we move into Full Moon in Sagittarius.

Full Moon Phase
June 9, 2017
9:09am  EDT
18 Sag 53

( Separate Post will Follow)

Also on June 9th  Jupiter turns direct.    13 Libra 12
(See separate post)

Special focus:
6/9: Jupiter direct   10:02am EDT  13 Libra 12 (see above)
6/9:  Venus sextile Mars:  sparks, fun, creative, love, money get uplifts.


  1. Cherry full moon will be of June 9, 2017, as will third spring full moon.

  2. Češnjeva polna luna bo dne 9.junija 2017, saj bo to tretja pomladanska polna luna.
