Normally I put up the Week Ahead on Sunday. But of course New Year's Eve, New Year's day and non-holiday holiday of Monday January 2nd have thrown me off. Basically it was four days that felt like Sunday.
Anyway, here's a little snippet going on this week. The Full Moon is on Monday and I'll put that write up in the next day or so. My son is not back in school yet and therefore my house is about as quiet as a rock quarry and a wee bit difficult to concentrate. However, I will put up full moon in the next day or two.
January 5, 4:37am EST -- Gibbous Moon
During this Gibbous we focus on: What are you forgetting that is extremely practical? How can you be as practical as you can right now? Where can you show stick-to-itness and fortitude to get through something? The beauty of being a top executive or CEO is that you don’t get rattled easily. How can you right now show others and yourself that you are not rattled by anything? Get your practical on!
Get your intellect on!
January 8 Mercury enters Capricorn
January 8 Mercury/Jupiter: Big visions and big thinking. Ability to cut through things, see what you need, believe what you need and figure out the practical applications to get it.
January 8 Mercury/Uranus. Abrupt breaks in lines of communication. A drive to be independent. Impatience abounds. Snappy answers to every question even if it is not stupid. Watch thy tongue!
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