Sunday, October 13, 2024

Aries Full Moon. October 17, 2024 - 4:26am PDT


Aries Full Moon

October 17, 2024 

4:26 am PDT 

24 Aries 35 



The Aries full moon of 2024 is extra potent and one that has been on astrologers radar all of year.   Now it is upon us.  


During the Libra lunar month, we are aware of our relationships.  For most of the year it can be rote what we do in our partnerships *.  We may not even think about our roles in our relationships.    But during Libra we take a moment and ponder if our patterns still work for us.  It is not just how we divide work or chores with our partners, we also consider how we emote or express ourselves.   Questions may come up like, “Why am I’m the emotional one and you are always the stoic one?”   The Aries full moon lands halfway through the Libra lunar cycle to remind us of who we are in our relationships.  It pushes us to find a new level of authenticity.  It is hard to sleepwalk in relationships during an Aries full moon.    And this full moon we will be very awake. The chart of this Aries full moon is pronounced by a lunar conjunction with Chiron and a grand cross with Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn.    


This full moon may be an opening salvo to December’s retrograde of Mars and a reminder that we will be experiencing Mars in Cancer for seven months.    Normally Mars is in a sign for six weeks but when retrograde it is in a sign for half a year.     Mars is focused on our interior life.   We will be concerned and focused on things close to us like family, home, childhood, nurturing, motherhood and our ‘feelings’.    At this time Mars is direct and heading for an opposition with Pluto who turned direct a few days ago.     On this full moon the two of them will be looking at each other demanding some kind of action.    Mars taps strength and bravery and is not afraid of skirmishes even in watery Cancer.    Our emotions may feel like they are pulled tight.    Pluto in the final degree of Capricorn knows its time is over but may still have a couple pieces of ‘business’ to take care of before it leaves Capricorn for our lifetime on Nov 19.   This full moon may present what still needs to be addressed by Pluto.   It will probably not be subtle given the square with Mars.  Watch the news for events that are explosive.   Figurative and literal.   Sigh. 


As to the Sun in Libra oppose the Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron. The transit of Chiron in Aries began in 2018 and wraps in 2027.   We are in the final three years and any new or full moon aspect with Chiron is notable.   This full moon is very influenced by Chiron.    


Mars in Cancer leans into family, home and history.  Pluto in Capricorn leans into business, big banks, big wall street and big government.   Pluto is cold and cynical.    Chiron in Aries is about a new approach and vision that taps authenticity within us.  It is fiery.      The Sun in Libra wants to hear all the different POVs but would prefer to NOT decide on anything.   It wants to lean back.   This is a lot of tension, and it may begin to smolder on October 13 when the Sun forms an exact opposition with Chiron.   There could be a challenging incident that comes up that is rough.  The battle is how to respond.   Is it with politeness or a sharp snap?   When the moon forms an exact conjunction with Chiron on the 16th, we will NOT be inclined to a ‘peace-at-any-cost’ attitude.   While a battle with someone or something may be merited, the size of that battle must be weighed.   Chiron in Aries can go too far in his fiery response, so much that the reaction is all that is seen versus the incident that caused it.   This tension will be felt during the three-day full moon phase.      Finding a way to negotiate our desires for authentic expression in the face of big emotions is challenging but it is possible especially given that Libra’s ruling planet Venus is in a strong trine with Neptune amplifying a connection with faith and compassion.  Additionally, Venus the planet of love is also sextile Pluto which supports a desire for personal evolution.  This underlying astro beat reminds us that no matter what the question or drama, love is the answer.    As always, try to breathe during the full moon.     


(*) partnership is any relationship where it is one-on-one connection.   People at work, friendships and intimate relationships.   

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