Monday, October 7, 2024

Astrology for October 6 - 14


 As the waxing moon continues through Crescent, First Quarter and Gibbous phases, we have two stationary planets.  On October 9, Jupiter stations retrograde at 21 Gemini 20.   Then two days later on October 11 Pluto stations direct at 29 Capricorn 39.    

The rhetoric with Jupiter in Gemini has been spiking of late which is of course troubling.    During the retrograde we all would be smart to assess how we get our information.   Do we rely on news agencies, friends, memes?   Is it accurate?    Between now and February 4 when Jupiter stations direct at 11 Gemini 17 we will all have a lot to consider about our communication and if our facts are accurate.   

Pluto stationing direct is potent.  I consider it one of the most important events of the year.   I would anticipate in the next couple of weeks a major event (or maybe more than one) around this date that will speak to the new landscape we are heading for the next 20 years.    Pluto enters Aquarius on November 19 saying goodbye to Capricorn for two hundred and forty years.   Bye-Bye. 

We continue to watch the dates that the Moon is in cardinal signs and pushes on Mars and Pluto for thrills and spills. 

There are some inner planet trines in this window that can be helpful: Venus trine Mars 10/8.  Mercury trine Jupiter 10/8.  Sun trine Jupiter 10/13.  Venus trine Neptune 10/15.     Remembering who we are and how we love will be an important touch stone.   A family member, a friend, a pet, a neighbor, a stranger --love can be found.   With these helpful aspects in and around big movement by Jupiter and Pluto, perhaps the prayer of Francis of Assisi will be tapped by some.    

Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi 

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Crescent Moon Phase

October 6, 2024

2:50pm PDT


Focus on: What are you learning about things that are ‘foreign’?  What are you learning about judgements?   What are you learning that speaks to international matters?  What are you learning that speaks to higher education and journalism? 



Special Focus

10/8: Venus trine Mars.   Joy and creativity are supported by actions.  Feeling at home and tapping hidden powers.  Depth is important. 

10/8: Mercury trine Jupiter.  Thoughts of balance and big ideas.   Faith and prayer are the antidote to a chaotic brain. 

10/8: Mercury oppose Chiron.  Thoughts of healing that are centered in independence.   Thoughts of self-agency.  

10/9: Jupiter station retrograde 21 Gemini 20 (see separate post



First Quarter Moon 

October 10,  2024 




Focus on:   What actions are you taking that impact your career?  What actions are you doing that speak to your place in the world?   What actions can you take that tap strong systems like government agencies?  Or big business?  



Special Note


10/11:  Pluto station direct 29 Capricorn 39 (see separate post

10/12:  Chiron sextile Jupiter.  Healing comes from revisiting facts on the ground and forming new beliefs 

10/13: Mercury square Pluto.  Thoughts around power showcase thinking that is out balance.  Or has been sublimated.   How to find power and remain in relationship or is it time to end that relationship?  

10/13: Mercury enters Scorpio 

10/13: Mars square Chiron.  Actions around family that heal independence and self-agency. 

10/13: Sun oppose Chiron.   Where does more authenticity get tapped and how to bring it into relationship?  

10/13: Sun trine Jupiter.  Big joy and fun, playfulness and lots of new activities, new facts, new communication, new neighbors and nice opportunity with siblings are showcased. 


Gibbous Moon

October 13, 2024  

1:38pm PDT    


Special focus How are you refining your faith?  How are you refining your spiritual practices?   How are you refining your fears?  How are you refining your connection to something bigger than you?  



Focus on:  


10/14: Sun square Mars.   Finding balance between relationships and family is a struggle.   Tension great as to war.  

10/14: Venus oppose Uranus.  Creativity that can be inspired and revolutionary but also a smidge weird.   What is it shaking up?   How is it fun?  

10/15: Venus trine Neptune.  Love and joy connect with inspiration and faith.   Finding inner dept that connects with something bigger outside of little ol’ self. 

1 comment:

  1. This is fantastic. Thanks for always doing the work and sharing it. You're the best and it is so helpful to have handy. I may have to nominate you for sainthood.
