Friday, October 4, 2024

Jupiter Stations Retrograde - October 9


Jupiter Retrograde 

October 9, 2024

21 Gemini 20 

12:04am PDT 



May 25:     Jupiter enters Gemini 

July 15:     Jupiter enters shadow (11 Gemini 17) 

Oct 9:         Jupiter stations retrograde (21 Gemini 20) 

Feb 4:        Jupiter stations direct (11 Gemini 17) 

March 23  Jupiter exits shadow (21 Gemini 20) 

June 9:      Jupiter enters Cancer 


Every year Jupiter retrogrades for about 4 months.  Jupiter is known for its many favorable qualities.   It is a planet of generosity, it is optimistic, it is good nature and enjoys a good laugh.  A King throwing a party for the kingdom is very Jupiter.  However, the not-so-good characteristics of Jupiter are doing things overboard, biting off more than it can chew and a bigger than life-ness that can overwhelm self and others.  It is also opinions that are loud and boisterous and can be off putting not just in their opine but also in style.  Luckily, we get the yearly retrograde to straighten out the not-so-good parts of Jupiter.   


During these four months we can edit our indulges.   Given Jupiter is in Gemini this retrograde can be focused on lies, misinformation and dot connecting that makes NO sense.   Rambling conversations that go nowhere and shallow judgements will also be up for review.   There may be a craving for conversations (Gemini) around beliefs (Jupiter) but opinions that don’t line up with beliefs could need a tune up.   During the retrograde we go down to the facts to figure out our truths.    


Warning to all:  Before you share something on social media— double check if it factual.   If it is not, it is a lie or it is gossip which is of course Gemini’s weak sauce.  


By the time we get to February when Jupiter stations direct and is at the degree it was on October 9, we will have all learned a lot about how we think and what informs our beliefs.  Once Jupiter exits the shadow in March, we will see some new territory and together we will say, “Phew, glad that is over.” 


Note:  As Jupiter retrogrades it will head for the second square with Saturn on December 24.   All fall, Jupiter and Saturn will get between 6 and 8 degrees of each other.  Not exact but for mundane astrology they are close.  Of course, this is all during the time that Democracy is on the ballot in the most important election in the USA since 1860.   Jupiter is the ruler of the USA chart, so this election will speak volumes on the direction of the USAs future.    

It is also noteable that Jupiter slowing down and retrograding within the window of Pluto slowing down and turning direct makes me wonder about judges.     See if judges or magistrates are in the news, even the Supreme Court.    


On the personal level, for additional insights, think back to 2012-2013 during the last period where Jupiter was in Gemini.  What was going on with you then?   There may be a revisit of themes from that period. 


Finally, the day after Jupiter stations retrograde, JPL will be launching Europa Clipper who will investigate Jupiter’s icy moon.


The timing is kind of perfect.  Bon Voyage Europa Clipper. 

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