Treasure Map time launches April 18 at 2:56pm EDT.
I am forever indebted to the late great astrologer Robert Buz Myers who in 1996 launched me (and my friends) on Treasure Mapping. Buz would be over the moon to see how many people have taken their Treasure Maps and changed their lives in the last 19 years. For more on the roots on how I came upon Buz and Treasure Mapping go HERE.
A treasure map is a collage made of photos, magazines pictures, words, pieces of things that make sense to you. Whatever you want and you put them on a foam core board or cardboard or something strong that can handle the collage. This collage is something you can look at all year and it will be your MAP of what you want for the coming year.
WHAT DO YOU MEAN, "What do I want for the coming year?"
Exactly what it says. Do you want a new house, a new living room, better health, stronger marriage, reconnect with people, a bigger family, a bigger community? Do you want to write your book? Do you want a new car? What is it you want?
A treasure map is a collage made of photos, magazines pictures, words, pieces of things that make sense to you. Whatever you want and you put them on a foam core board or cardboard or something strong that can handle the collage. This collage is something you can look at all year and it will be your MAP of what you want for the coming year.
WHAT DO YOU MEAN, "What do I want for the coming year?"
Exactly what it says. Do you want a new house, a new living room, better health, stronger marriage, reconnect with people, a bigger family, a bigger community? Do you want to write your book? Do you want a new car? What is it you want?
Do you even know what you want? If you are like many of us, you are so busy running around, taking care of everyone else that you don’t have a fig of an idea what you want for your new year. This is the beauty of the process. Building a Treasure Map you get to sit down and figure it out. Please give yourself the time to do it. Yes, I want you to be just that selfish and dare to dream.
Why do we do it now and not January?
Treasure Maps are made during the Aries new moon. Aries new moon changes from year to year and this year, it will take place on April 18, 2015 2:56pm.
Maps are made on Aries new moon, because that is the first sign of the zodiac. Aries is when you plant your seeds. It is the real beginning of the New Year. It should not be confused with the first day of spring, which was on March 20. New moon means the sun and moon are in the same degree. For those who don't know much about astrology (which is totally okay) Aries is the sign of SIGHT. That's why it is so important to have pictures of what you want. You need to visualize it. Or if you don't do photos/pictures then put up words. It is just important for you to SEE THEM.
So, I'm going to be busy on April 18 can I start it before the 18th?
Do I have to buy a bunch of magazines, I'm broke, can I just borrow some old ones from friends
When I started my treasure maps I always did them with fresh new magazines. And in the old days, (not married, no children) I spent a lot of dough on magazines because I wanted lots of choices. But with time, I now only get a few magazines. I never borrowed magazines from friends however I have friends who do use borrowed magazines and were happy with their results. So, it really is your call. But if you do borrow magazine, make sure they are put away until April 18 so they are fresh to you on that date.
What if I don't want magazine photos, can I just use my own pictures? Like my husband, my kids, etc.?
Sure. I usually scanned them or printed new ones so that I would not wreck my originals.
Again it is your call.
Do I only focus on things?
Heck no! I would encourage you to also focus on beliefs and environments. Affirmations like “I’m abundant” or “I am always feeling loved” “My health is vibrant.” “My partner and I are always growing closer.”
Can I paint or write on my Treasure Map?
course! Be as creative as you want. You can write on your map, or paint your map
again, whatever you want. I often type
up affirmations and put them on the map.
Be sure that they are in present tense.
For example, “I will be
financially solid” versus, “I’m financially
secure.” And some gratitude is good as
well, “I’m grateful that my family has optimal health.”
Is there any pattern I have to use when I put the photos or the words on my board?
No you can do it anyway you want.
I will say that in previous years my friends and I have used the feng shui baguas as a pattern. Basically I would break up the board into 9 areas. A grid like this:
7-self-knowledge (and travel)
9-helpful people and angels.
If you use the feng shui baguas, you will naturally cover most all areas of your life,as you can see it is all represented there. But again, you don’t have to do it that way. Some people have even made round boards.
Can I build a cyber-map?
people are more comfortable with cyber maps, which are always in sight on their
they have had success. Again, it is
your call, do what your heart calls you to do.
How much time do I have to build my map?
Perfect Scenario
How much time do I have to build my map?
Perfect Scenario
In a perfect world
we would all have our Treasure Maps done in the New Phase of the Aries lunar
Which means having
our maps done between April 18 2:52pm EDT and April 22 12:34am EDT (4/21
11:34pm CDT, 10:34pm MDT, 9:34pm MDT).
Very Very Good
But of course not
everyone can have their map finished by April 21/22. No problem.
You can push your
date to April 25th 7:55pm EDT
(6:55pm CDT, 5:55pm MDT, 4:55pm PDT)
And if you don’t
make that deadline then the next date to have it completed is have it done by
May 3 at 11:41pm EDT. (10:41pm CDT)
(9:41pm MDT) 8:41pm PDT) That is
one minute before the moon goes Full.
And that’s it. If you don’t have your map completed by the
May 3 11:41pm EDT. Then skip the map this year.
Do I have to do it alone or can I do it with friends?
You can do it either way. I build mine with my two friends. We are like family and it felt so right to do it with them. We start now just start them together and then finish them at home later. I know that there are several people who have parties. I will say this, it is a lot of fun to do them with others--.My friends would pass around the magazines.. "Hey, I found a great beach bungalow does anyone need a beach vacation? Or "I have got to lose 10 pounds, any ideas what I should put on my map?" and low and behold someone will come up with a good suggestion.
Do I have to finish it all at one sitting?
No. Often I cut my stuff out with my friends. Maybe glue a little thing here or there and then take it home and finish it over the course of a day or two.
Can my kids do it with me?
Yes! It is great for them to focus and think about what they want. Have them build their own maps. They also might give you their thoughts about what they think you should have in your life. Which helps them to think beyond themselves, always a good thing, right?
Does it work?
Okay. I don't want to sound like a spoilsport but I’m just not interested in building a collage, can I do something else?
Sure you can take a piece of orange paper and write down wishes or affirmations during Treasure Map time. Sometimes I felt like I needed to switch to 'less is more' after several years of mapping. (However, I would encourage newcomers to make the actual maps.) For those more seasoned, if you really don't feel the call then just write your desires down on orange paper. So, vibrant. So Aries.
Is it ok to have things continue over to the next year? Long-term, ongoing stuff that has progressed but needs to continue to progress?
Yes. Of course. But with a small caveat. My experience after doing these for years is that when something really takes time and doesn't gel in the first year there is something still not ready. It might be something you are aware of for example one cyber friend shifted her map from year one to year two by focusing on less things. She had overwhelmed herself with her first map and had some small successes but the second year when it was less she had more results. And others actually some successes needed a couple of maps to get it done. Sometimes, a Mapper had to move or change jobs in one year and then the following year the big get arrived. I’m thinking of one person who wanted a pregnancy but what happened was she and her husband had to move before it happened. She didn’t know that on the first map. I guess the little soul needed to come through in a different state! Anyway, follow your gut and put up what you really want and don’t lose hope if it takes a little longer.
I'm really excited is there anything I can do now before Treasure Map to help my map?
Yes, yes, yes.... The period just before the Treasure Map is called the balsamic phase. Which is the end of the last year’s Treasure Map cycle. This is the phase when we get rid of stuff. Get rid of clutter. Get rid of things that are bugging us. Get rid of ick. Try if you can to clear some space in your life so you can be ready for the treasure map.
Einstein said, "NO TWO THINGS CAN
OCCUPY THE SAME SPACE." Read that several times. Now ask yourself, do I have space in my
house, my family, my time, my life in general for more? If the answer is no.
Then start housecleaning!
don’t forget your mental housekeeping!
Are you caring beliefs that no longer serve you? Are you carrying grudges or fears that are no
longer serving you? Meditate on them,
thank them for their help in your past, write it down on a piece of paper and
burn it. Send them bye-bye so you can
be ready to start your new life!
Clear out the stuff between now and April 18th. Now do you understand why it is important not to start your map before the new time?
By the way, I personally don't buy any of my supplies before the New starts. But I know some of you can't do that so if you must buy before. Put it aside and don't touch it until the new. Don't thumb through magazines. Leave it all be.
luck and dream big!
Po mojem si s svojim lažnim fantom odšla na prvomajske počitnice nekam na morje. Ne motim se, res je temu bilo tako. Morda še nisi prišla domov. Poslal sem ti tudi knjigo, imam občutek da s to knjigo ne boš zadovoljna in da boš mi pričela govoriti, da imaš fanta. Toda tvoj fant je v resnici tvoj lažni fant. Pravi in resnični tvoj fant sem le jaz!