Sunday, January 20, 2019

Leo Full Moon January 20/21 & Eclipse. It's big.

Full Moon 
January 21, 2019
12:15am EST 

Astronomical facts about tonight’s full moon (Jan 20 -21st):
1.   It is the second out of five eclipses in 2019
2.   It is the last TOTAL lunar eclipse until 2021
3.   It is the first of three super moons which means the moon is at perigee closest to the earth and will appear bigger
4.   It is a blood moon and will appear the color of rust (due to atmosphere)
5.   It is the Wolf Moon (Native American lore)

Astrological facts about tonight’s full moon 
1.   It is at 0-1 degree of Leo/Aquarius (sun)
2.   The last time we had eclipse at this degree was January 2000
3.   Uranus squares the eclipse 
4.   Mercury conjunct North Node 
5.   Venus conjunct Jupiter 
6.   Mars Square Saturn

That’s a lot of action for one Full Moon.    The astronomy suggests it will be a beautiful eclipse and it will be seen in its full totality in Western Hemisphere.   If your sky is not a complete cloud cover I suggest it will be worth the wait to got out and watch the eclipse at 12:15am EST, 11:15 pm CST, 10:15 pm MST, 9:15pm PST.  

The astrology of the full moon suggests you are starting to feel the build.  Leo is big, dramatic, theatrical, passionate, loyal and brave but the root of all that powerful energy is LOVE.   Leo rules the heart physically and emotionally.  Without the heart we could not get up in the morning.  This three day full moon phase suggest we will have a moment (or moments) where we will be taken down to the studs and ask – what is my heart telling me to do?  What is the truth?  Where do I need to be brave?  It will be a real and deep moment.   

The square with Uranus suggests shake ups.  Perhaps something will come in from out of the blue that puts us off kilter.   The answer is to go back to your heart to find your path out.  It is a brave moon for sure.  If you want to remain small and hide in the crowd you are missing the value and importance of the moon.    And I say with all gentleness, "That’s on you, my friend. You know you can do better." 

This week Mars is a chisel and Saturn is rock.   Where we are stuck or frozen Mars will be drilling.   Perhaps it is someone in our life trying to get us to breakdown.  For some the response will be to push back and activated bravery.  Some of us will actually let the breakdown occur and activate bravery as we go into new territory. .   The heart will always know when we are letting fear dictate and not love.   Including self love.    

Juicing the energy is Venus and Jupiter who magnify the power of love and push us deep into our value system  And then there is Mercury on the Nodes who brings in our brain.   We can’t talk or think ourselves out of bravery.    Under the tension of the full moon we may find our heart & brain telling us it is time to “put up or shut up”   again activating our bravery. 

There is call back to last July 27th  longest lunar eclipse in the 21stcentury at 4 degrees Aquarius/Leo and this one is at 0-1 Leo/Aquarius.   See if anything comes up that touches on the same themes from last summer.  And going back even further the last time we had a eclipse at this 0-1 degree Leo/Aquarius was January 21, 2000.  What was going then for you?  Is any of that resurfacing now ?  

It is not easy being brave. But inside everyone is the potential hero.  And we don’t do it for applause or awards we activate our bravery so that we can look at our selves in the mirror.   
Watch what comes up and be brave.  Not for the world but for you.   Have a good Full Moon, Heroes & Heroines. 

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Jupiter & Neptune January 13

Jupiter & Neptune 
January 13, 2019
1:57 pm EST 

There will be three exact squares this year between Jupiter and Neptune (Jan 13, June 16 and Sept 21).   This is a call back to 2010 when Jupiter and Neptune were in conjunction.  On the personal front go back to 2010 and see if anything comes up from then that now needs fresh eyes.    Globally speaking, too much optimism will be squashed by disillusion.   We all need to avoid getting caught up in some kind of righteous undertow.  Things will dissolve in front of the world’s eyes.   Zealots and zealotry could be problematic.  When or if your own beliefs get shaken then going in deep and finding a connection to your own maker will be critical.   It is interesting that the first hit takes place during this super pragmatic Capricorn lunar phase.   Although this aspect is tough it does have the gift of creativity and the ability to build bridges to other circles.   Keep the accent on humanitarianism and that should help.  Just don’t get lost too far in any area.  

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Uranus Direct -- Here we Goooooooooooooo!

Uranus Direct 
January 7, 3:36am EST 
28 Aries 36

Uranus is retrograde for about five months every year so when it stations direct or retrograde it is not a big deal.  However, this time something different is going on.   Uranus is the planet of great disruptions.   Late last spring Uranus moved into Taurus where it began its 7-8 year cycle.   Then in August it turned retrograde and eventually returned to Aries.  The return to Aries was asking all of us to find our inner warrior one more time.   Aries desire to survive is paramount.   The last time Uranus was retrograde in Aries, before it made its final move into Taurus, was August 1934 – January 1935.  How many people felt compelled at that time to move?  Something in them said “My survival and my family’s survival means we need to do something.”   Obviously, people who had a high antenna knew they needed to get out of Europe.  In America others took their families out of the Dustbowl.  All around the world people were shifting and moving.  A lot went from rural to urban.     Now it is our time to be in the hopper, Uranus changing direction could send beeps to each of us.   Be aware of any thoughts or insights or feelings that you need to do something and put it on the fast track.  It could be important.   Uranus will return to Taurus on March 9 where it will stay until 2025.  We will talk a lot more about Uranus in Taurus going forward.   But you should know that Artificial Intelligence will move far and wide during the next seven years and will impact the work place.   Food will also be impacted with important changes and fluxes as will real estate.  Stock Markets will go for huge rides and currency will be impacted.   If you get any sense of what your plan B needs to be during these final months of Uranus in Aries consider it as it might turn into plan A between now and 2025. Finally, there is one area that will certainly be front and center during this period:  Climate Change.   We crossed the Rubicon some time ago but for many of us this final retrograde of Uranus (since August) brought a new awareness and fear that we need to do something in our personal lives and globally in the face of climate changes.  Where are you living?  How will it be impacted?  How are you feeling compelled to protect Earth?   We will see and talk more about Uranus in Taurus as we slog it out together in the coming years.    

Friday, January 4, 2019

Happy New Moon (& New Year) Capricorn Is In The House!

Happy New Year & Happy Capricorn New Moon.

2019 will have a lot of ups and downs, lefts and rights,  backwards forwards, in and outs.... just a lot of energy that is all over the place.  The only thing you need to know is that we are all in this together and we are getting a powerful Capricorn New Moon to set us straight.   Take these 29 days to put the rudder on your boat so you can go up and down the waves with some direction.

You will find my article on Margaret Wendt's website.  Hey the link was bad.
Here's the good link.