Sunday, January 12, 2025

Astrology for Week January 13 - 19th.


Last week I apologized for my late report on the Capricorn new Moon and lunar month.   I posted it on January 7.   On January 9th my city, Los Angeles began to burn.   The fires are impacting all of the city and certainly me.  I am feeling the astrology of 2025.   Sigh. 

Anyway this week starts with a potent Cancer Full moon then on the 17th we move into Disseminating Phase.   

Special focus 

Jan 14:  Venus square Jupiter.   Big thoughts and big communication are rubbing against our gentle side.  Finding humanity and humans may not be in alignment with big opinions.  Which is more important? 

Jan 15: Sun oppose Mars.  Where are we bringing practicality and pragmatism to our emotions?   How can we make the energy work for us?  

Jan 17: Sun sextile Neptune.   Creativity, faith and spirituality get a boost of pragmatism that works for us.   



January 17, 2025

9:35am PST           



Focus on:   How are you sharing your ability to refine?  How are you sharing your ability to sort?  How are you sharing your ability to master your daily schedule?   Are your appointments in alignment with your purpose?  



Special focus:

Jan 18: Sun sextile North node.  Navigating humanity and humans is possible.  There can be a silver lining steeped in pragmatism that is helpful.  

Jan 18: Venus conjunction Saturn.   Divine timing.   Creativity is strong.  Practical results that are fulfilling. 

Jan 18: Mercury sextile Saturn.  Thoughts and communication that is narrow and to the point can be advantageous.  

Jan 19: Mercury sextile Venus.   Creative thoughts bring success and healing.  

Jan 19: Sun enters Aquarius 

Cancer Full Moon January 13, 2025 2:27pm PST


Cancer Full Moon

23 Cancer 59


January 13, 2025

2:27pm PST 


Once a year we get the Full Moon in Cancer.   In general, this is the full moon where we can tap our emotions and harness our energy.    The Sun in Capricorn is always hunting around for results and during its opposition to the full moon in Cancer it can accomplish a lot through the power of feelings and memories.   Things can come up that remind us of the perks and hurdles of childhood and family dynamics.    Are we up for using the full moon to heal?     This full moon could be connecting us to the healing properties via several aspects:   


Moon conjunction Mars.    Personal power is up, and it could feel very important to do _____ (fill in the blank).     Some people may have been wanting to do something for a long time but really were only 50% committed.   This full moon could hit a lot of people who upon awaking are revved up to 100%.   They will tackle the project in full gusto (and perhaps anyone in the way).    If you are going too fast, take a moment and pace yourself.    Also, we should make sure that any over commitment to doing stuff is not motivated in wounds from childhood and we are looking for an excuse to build a big old resentment list, something Cancer and Capricorn have in their toolbox.  Take a moment and consider motivations.      Also, the Sun oppose Mars reminds us that checking in with the body and being responsive to its needs is very important to maintaining vitality and not exhaust self.  Eat when hungry.  Take a break when fatigued.  Go for a walk to get fresh air.  Talk to a friend.    Repeat. 


There usually is also an opportunity to mature on a Cancer full moon and acknowledge some childish behaviors that are not helpful.     Or there can be the opposite response where relying on status quo has become stale and now it is important to find child like wonderment.    The Moon trine Neptune should be helpful for inspiring new ways of tapping joy.    Use intuition and faith as internal divining lines as you ride the emotions of the full moon and find your inner child.   


Sun trine Uranus and Moon sextile Uranus suggests a surprise and opportunity out of the blue.    It could be helpful and support an exceptional creative Cancer full moon.   



While I do not work with all the dwarf planets, it is worth nothing that Astrologer Stephanie Austin in her monthly astro report points out Dwarf planet Eris on this full moon.   


“Dwarf planet Eris, already intensified by its station direct on January 11, squares Mars and forms a tight, dynamic T-square to this full moon. While Mars circles the Sun every two years, Eris takes 557, moving in a highly elliptical orbit three times farther out than Pluto, which varies from 38 to 97 AU (one AU equals the distance from the Earth to the Sun). Eris spends 22% of its time in Aries, calling us to transform longstanding issues of inequality and repression, resentment and revenge, competition and corruption. Because of its retrograde passage, Mars makes three exact squares to Eris: October 21, 2024, January 20, and April 4, all at 25ยบ Cancer-Aries, urging us to use our willpower wisely — to be sensitive to the needs of others as well as our own, and to be assertive without being divisive, dismissive, or dominating. They last conjoined on June 2, 2024.”  



For more on Stephanie's report got to Eco Astrology

Make the most of this full moon and do not forget to pump the brakes.  

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Welcome to 2025. Sorry About The Delay


Photo: Wisconsin State house 

The last eight days of my life disappeared in a fog of illness.   Do not get what I got whatever the hell it was.  The cough was awful.    I missed New Moon.   I apologize.  I was able to write the report in the last 24 hours.    We are still in the waxing moon, make the most of Capricorn.   
You will find my report HERE

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Jupiter Square Saturn - December 24


Image: Spectrum 

Jupiter square Saturn 


August 19:         17 Gemini/Pisces   (#1)

December 24:    14 Gemini/ Pisces  (#2)

June 15, 2025   01 Cancer/Aries     (#3) 


Last August we had the first of three rounds of Jupiter square Saturn.   Jupiter wants to spread out and get bigger while Saturn seeks constriction.     Our second round of this aspect will take place on December 24 and the final aspect will be next June.  This aspect in December will be at 14 degrees in Gemini/Pisces. 


Jupiter in Gemini as discussed is high on rhetoric.  Communication can be too big.  Jupiter can appreciate peace, but it is also judgy.  Saturn in Pisces longs for deep compassion.  It understands hard work and struggle especially for the greater good and remembering humanity. Jupiter wants to expand but Saturn restricts.  These two energies are at odds with one another.  This struggle will be evident.  There may be some big event that is deep in conflict or duplicity.   Because Jupiter is in Gemini watch for social media posts that are NOT accurate or strident opinions that feel ‘off.’ Beware of gossip.  Discipline could be difficult to find.  Or it may be found because there is no other choice.  Standing still could be important.   Retreat and contemplation may be needed.   Next year’s final round is at 1 Cancer/Aries and is a whole different animal than this date in December.   All things considered, next June is more emotional and thinner skinned, just sayin’ 


Astrology for the week of Dec 22 - 29


Last Quarter Moon Phase

November 22, 2024 

2:18pm PST 



Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

What actions are you taking that impact your relationships?  How are you finding balance?  How are you reacting to others?  How are others reacting to you?    How are you making big moves that connect to nuance negotiations?  


Special focus 

12/23: Sun square North Node.  Hanging on to status quo versus going out there and carving a new way.   What to do?  

12/24: Jupiter oppose Saturn (see separate post) 

12/26: Mercury oppose Jupiter. Strident conversation serve who?  Righteousness versus flakiness, how to find balance is difficult.  This is the second round,  Dec 4 was the first hit.   Anything coming that reminds you from the beginning of the month? 



Balsamic Moon Phase


December 26, 2024 

5:43pm PST  


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on:  How are you releasing your controlling energy?  How are letting go?   How are you releasing the dead?   How are you releasing anything that you are bringing in that is not good for you?  



Special focus:


12/26: Mercury square Saturn.  Constricting conversations.  Conserving mental energy.   Everything feels like a hard lift.  Lean into pragmatism. 

12/27: Venus square Uranus.  Creativity and joy and values feel like they are cracking under pressure.   Should something new be folded in?   

12/29: Chiron station direct at 19 Aries.   The planetoid of self-wounding knows there is healing that comes with some type of independence.   What have learned since July 26 when it retrograde?  


Happy Winter Solstice!


The first day Winter rolled in early this morning.    Capricorn has landed.  

Astrologer Chani Nichols has a great write up.    Go to her link for her whole piece.  


When the Sun enters Capricorn on December 21st, it signals the seasonal Solstice. If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, this is the shortest day of the year, when the dark presides over more of our waking hours. If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the opposite: The Sun shines longer on this day than on any other.

The word “solstice” combines the Latin words sol (the Sun) and sistere (to stand still). Symbolically, this is a time of hush and peace but also celebration. In the Northern Hemisphere, the December Solstice is a symbolic rebirth; the Sun’s light has reached its lowest point, and from this day on, it begins increasing again. In the Southern Hemisphere, the light has reached its glorious culmination. Both events are threshold moments and transitions to honor.


Just like the equinoxes, the solstices are entangled with the cycles of sowing, harvesting, and regeneration. Light is life for all agricultural cultures, so this turning point in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun has profound implications for human survival. In the Northern Hemisphere, the December Solstice marks a time of hope, miracles, and reverence as we anticipate the resurgence of Sol’s light......... (continues) 

Monday, December 16, 2024

Astrology for December 16 - 21


This week starts with the full moon phase in Gemini which launched yesterday.  A lot of data and information unfolding during this three-day phase.  Some of it is clarifying.  Some of it still cloaked by the Sun square Neptune on the 18th.   There may be pings on your psyche.   Note anything that comes up on intuition, it may get clarified down the road.      




Special focus 

12/18: Sun square Neptune.  Confusion, things feel out of focus.  Intuition seems unplugged.  Identity can feel a little ‘off’.  Get lost in TV.   




December 18, 2024 

2:29pm PST          



Focus on:   How are you sharing your strength?  How are you sharing your creativity?  How are sharing your pride?  How are you connecting to others through your self-esteem and generosity?  



Special focus:

12/19: Venus trine Jupiter.  Joy, pleasure, fun, novelty, getting together with others is inspiring and satisfying.  

12/21:  Sun enters Capricorn – Happy Winter Solstice