Thursday, March 31, 2022

Treasure Mapping!


A sample treasure map 


In Spring of 1996, astrologer and teacher Robert Buz Myers asked all his students to make a Treasure Map for the Aries New Moon.    I was fortunate to have been a participant in the process and it was an extraordinary experience.   I have been sharing this process for 20+ years.     


A treasure map is a collage of photos, pictures, words, pieces of things that make sense to you. Whatever you want, you put them on cardboard and this acts similar to a vision board.   This board will be your MAP of what you want for the coming year.  It is your call out to the Universe.  This is your Treasure Map.   


WHAT DO YOU MEAN, "What do I want for the coming year?"

Exactly what it says. Do you want a new house, a new living room, better health, stronger marriage, reconnect with people, a bigger family, a bigger community? Do you want to write your book? Do you want a new car? What is it you want? 

Do you even know what you want? If you are like many of us, you are so busy running around, taking care of everyone else that you might not have a fig of an idea what you want for your new year.  That is the beauty of this process.  You must sit down and figure it out.   Give yourself this time to do it. Be just that selfish and dare to dream.

Why do we do it now and not January?

Treasure Maps are made during the Aries new moon. Aries new moon change from year to year and this year, it will take place on March 31, 11:24pm PDT. 

They are made on Aries new moon, because that is the first sign of the zodiac. Aries is when you plant your seeds. It is the real beginning of the New Year. It should not be confused with the first day of spring, which is on March 20. New moon means the sun and moon are in the same degree. For those who don't know much about astrology (which is totally okay) Aries is the sign of SIGHT. So, that's why it is so important to have pictures of what you want. You need to visualize it. Or if you don't do photos/pictures.. Put up words. It is just important for you to SEE THEM.

So, I'm going to be busy on March 31 can I start it before the 31st?


Do I have to buy a bunch of magazines, I'm broke, can I just borrow some old ones from friends

Personally, when I started my treasure maps I always did them with fresh new magazines. And in the old days, (not married, no children) I spent a lot of dough on them because I wanted lots of choices. But with time, I ended up only getting a few magazines. I never borrowed magazines from friends however I know that there are people who did it in previous years and they were happy with their results. So, it really is your call. But if you do borrow them make sure they are put away until March 31,  so they are fresh to you on that date.

What if I don't want magazine photos, can I just use my own pictures.. like my husband, my family etc?

Sure.  You can print up photos.  You can also use images from pininterest, etc.   You can draw and paint, this is you MAP.  Do what your instincts call you to do.  


Do I only focus on things? 

Heck no! I would also encourage you to focus on beliefs and experiences. Affirmations like “I’m abundant” or “I am always feeling loved” “My health is vibrant.” “My partner and I are always growing closer.” 

Is there any pattern I have to use when I put the photos or the words on my board? 

No you can do it anyway you want. 

I will say that in previous years my friends and I used the feng shui baguas for pattern. Basically I would break up the board into 9 areas. A grid like this:


7-self-knowledge (and travel)
9-helpful people and angels.


To get more clarity on the baguas go HERE.


If you use the feng shui baguas, you will naturally cover most areas of your life. As you can see it is all represented there. But again, you don’t have to do it that way.  Some people have even made round boards.   


Can I build a cyber map?

Many mappers are more comfortable with cyber maps, which are always on their computer. 

And they have had success.   Again, it is your call, do what your heart tells you to do. 

How much time do I have to build my map? 

Ideally you should build your map during the new phase of Aries new moon which would take you from the March 31st  until the morning of April 4 (8:45pm PDT)   But if you need more time, you can give yourself up until Full Moon (April 16th 11:55a PDT)   I encourage people to do it in the beginning but I don’t want people to be pressured so if you need the whole waxing moon you can use it.    If you find yourself having not done your map and it is full moon, then skip it and do a map next year in 2023.  

Do I have to do it alone or can I do it with friends?

You can do it either way. I build mine with my 2 other friends. We are like family and it felt so right to do it with them. We started them together. I know that there are several people who have little parties where they invite those close to them over.  It is a lot of fun to do them with others--..We would all pass around the magazines.. "Hey, I found a great beach bungalow does anyone need a beach vacation? Or it would be, "I have got to lose 10 pounds, any ideas what I should put on my map?" and low and behold someone will come up with a good suggestion.

Do I have to finish it all at one sitting?

No. Often I used to cut my stuff out with my friends. Maybe glue a little thing here or there and then take it home and finish it over the course of a day or two. 

Can my kids do it with me?

Yes! It is great for them to focus and think about what they want. Have them build their own maps. They also might give you their thoughts about what they think you should have in your life. Helps them to think beyond them, right?

Does it work?

Yep.   You will most likely start to see results by Cancer new moon which this year is June 28.   Some of you will have big hits that you see right away, others will have small green shoots that will grow through out the year. 

Okay. I don't want to sound like a spoilsport but I’m just not interested in building a collage, can I do something else?

Sure you can take a nice piece of orange paper and write down wishes or affirmations during Treasure Map time. My wishes can sometimes feel like prayers and they are much broader in my desires.  At times I felt like I needed to switch to 'less is more' after several years of mapping. However I would encourage newcomers to make the actual maps. But if you really don't feel the call then just write your desires down. I like orange paper. So, vibrant. So Aries. 

Is it ok to have things continue over to the next year? Long-term, ongoing stuff that has progressed but needs to continue to progress?

Yes. Of course. But with a small caveat. My experience after doing these for years is that when something really takes time and doesn't gel in the first year then there is something still not right. It might be something you are aware of or you might not be aware of a hurdle. 
You may need to shift something about your long-range goals. My sense is that they need a wee bit refining or broadening. Just a thought. But definitely don't give up on the dream.   And remember sometimes desires may need a physical move.  For example one mapper had a baby on her map for a couple of years it was not until she and her husband moved that the baby arrived.   Perhaps the baby needed a new community, a new energy to land in?  Same with jobs?  Or meeting a partner?  Just might need to be in another city.  If you are feeling drawn to a move it might be for a bigger reason.  Just sayin’    

I'm really excited is there anything I can do now before Treasure Map to help my map?

Yes, yes, yes.... I said this in previous years and I'll remind everyone now.  Get rid of clutter. Get rid of things that are bugging us. Get rid of ick. Try if you can to clear some space in your life so you can be ready for the treasure map. Remember, Einstein said, "NO TWO THINGS CAN OCCUPY THE SAME SPACE." Read that several times... now ask yourself, do I have space in my house, my family, my time, my life in general and my brain for more? If the answer is no. Then start housecleaning! 

Clear out the stuff between now and March 31. Now do you understand why it is important not to start your map before the new time? 

By the way, I personally don't buy any of my supplies before the New starts. But I know some of you can't do that and if you must buy before please put aside and don't touch it until the new. Don't thumb through magazines. Leave it all be. 


Good luck and dream big!



Aries New Moon -- A New Beginning launches March31/April 1


Tonight, March 31 at 11:24pm Pacific Daylight Time is Aries New Moon

This new Moon is the launch of the new year of new moons.   There is a fire in the belly for new!  New experiences, new opportunities, new things, new ideas, new, new, new.    To get to that new, many of us will make Treasure Maps.    I hope you can clear time and make a map.    This has been arguably a hard two years for the world.    I would offer that the last month has been especially painful as we all process the war on Ukraine.   

But now we will usher in new.  The energy will shift tonight (early morning on April 1 in other time zones).    Allow yourself to tune into this new energy.    The hurdles are not over for the year but this period has some opportunities.   This is an oasis, even if it does not last forever, we need to pursue good in the energy. 

If you have never heard of a Treasure Map, I was recently was interviewed for Astrology Hub  and discussed Treasure Mapping.   We did a follow up video yesterday.  

As for the details of the Aries New Moon chart you will find my write up HERE.    Mars, Venus & Chiron have got my attention and of course Jupiter's conjunction with Neptune on April 14.  Our souls are hungry for that aspect.   



Saturday, March 26, 2022

Down to the last days---How is the decluttering?


Between now and Aries new moon --we declutter.   We clear the space so we are ready for our Treasure Maps.    How is it going? 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022



Hey to any of you who are feeling ugh, you are right on time. 
Just a reminder we are in the last 8 days of the year. We launched our 2021 Treasure Maps almost one year ago. We are now past Virgo full moon and are heading into the darkest part of the final lunar month. Ugh could be around us. Some of us may have picked up an energy shift with the equinox on Sunday. Maybe picking up a little optimism. Others can just be feeling the blah, the fatiqued, the what'stheuse which is all perfectly final days of the Pisces lunar month.
When the new Moon launches on March 31 (Pacific and Hawaii time) April first everywhere else on the planet, the energy will shift.
Between now and then, de-clutter, take baths, use your aromatherapy, do what ever you can to take care of self. Pray, meditate, connect to your psyche. Let go.  
We are all on time.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Aries New Moon: March 31/April 1


Aries - Wikipedia 

Aries New Moon

March 31, 2022

11:24pm PDT  

(April 1 most other time zones)

Arriving at the end of March or first day of April depending on where you live, is Aries New Moon.  The first day of Aries (Vernal Equinox) is the launch of the new zodiac year and Aries New Moon is the launches the new year of astrological lunar months.    We plant seeds on every new moon and on the Aries New Moon we launch the seeds that will speak to the year.    

Of course, this is the new moon where we take the time and make our Treasure Maps.  

I draft a new report every month.  I write my detailed report and post on Margaret Wendt Spiritual website.  Here is the report for  This Aries new moon chart  .  You will see it is tied to Mercury and Chiron and there is a lot of pivoting of thoughts that can be very healing.   We must find our self on this new moon.   There is renewal when we take time to find what is important to the person in the mirror. 

Between now and March 31 -- take the time to declutter your world.   Clear the space in your house, car, work and brain.    This will prepare you for all the arrival of the new! 

Happy New Zodiac Year!  

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Astrology for March 30 - March 31


Astrology March 20 – March 31 



The week starts off with the Vernal Equinox .   Enjoy the shift as the sunshine grows in the north and retreats in the southern hemisphere.      The sun enters Aries reminding us it is time to look at our self-directed efforts.   The power of being our own agents of changes starts to come into focus of course it will all be amplified on the Aries new moon on March 31.  


3/20 Sun enters Aries

3/20: Mercury conjunct Jupiter.   Broad thinking.  Expansive thinking.  



March 21, 2022   

12:24 am PDT 



Focus on:  How are you sharing your ability to let something die so something new can grow?  How are you sharing your ability to navigate shared resources?  How are you sharing your ability to focus? 


Special focus:

3/22: Mars square Uranus.  Disruption, explosive, out of the blue, breaking down old thoughts and groups.   Tension is palpable.  

3/23: Mercury conjunct Neptune.  Creative, beautiful thoughts.  Pronounced dreams.   

3/23: Mercury sextile Nodes.  New thinking that will encourage stability and practical application while also letting go that which does not work.  Thinking about new growth and death and rebirth. 




Last Quarter Moon Phase

March 24, 2022

10:37pm PDT 





Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

What actions are you taking that speak to your role in your community?   Where are you making choices that elevate your values and showcase them for others?   What actions are you taking that speak to your own authority in the face of authority? 


Special focus 


3/26:  Mercury sextile Pluto.  Fresh thinking that hits themes of new growth. 

3/27: Mercury enters Aries 



Balsamic Moon Phase


March28, 2022 



Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on How are you releasing group thought?  How are you releasing your clan’s thinking?   How are disconnecting from groups?  




Special focus:

3/28 Venus conjunct Saturn.  Sobriety around love and values.   Holding on and distilling it all down to love.  

3/30: Venus square nodes.  Money and resources may feel bumpy.  Cutting down to the necessities   Values first. 



Aries New Moon March 31, 11:24 PM PDT   11 Aries 31


March 20, 2022 - Vernal Equinox


Vernal Equinox 

March 20, 2022 

8:33am PDT 




On Sunday the Sun will enter Aries announcing the Vernal Equinox.  Technically, the equinoxes are the halfway spot between the extreme summer and winter solstices.    


Those of us in the northern hemisphere are gifted with the knowledge that the long dark days of winter are behind us.   Those in the southern hemisphere will welcome the coolness of the ending of the summer.   The stark cold (north) and stark heat (south) transition to more temperate days.    We welcome the shift and take a moment to reflect on what we feel when we see the environment and the changes in our landscape.    What do the changes in colors in trees and plants and skies make us feel inside?   Can we tap the shoots of newness?   


The embodiment of Aries will be felt more fully at the Aries New Moon arriving on March 31.    For some, you may see a theme emerge after the new moon that taps to a moment or energy you felt on Vernal Equinox.   Be aware with all your senses on March 20th.    There may be a gift in being quiet and feeling ‘change’. UK.Gov

Monday, March 14, 2022

Virgo Full Moon: March 18, 2022


Virgo Full Moon on a refrigerator 

Full Moon Phase  

27 Virgo 40

March 18, 2022

12:17am  PDT



The full moon in Virgo reminds us to mind the details.    Once a year we get a full moon in Virgo which emphasizes the importance of facts.   On the ground realities that we may have missed since the last Virgo full moon a year ago, now can get our attention during this three-day cycle.    


In the chart of this full moon, both Pluto and Neptune are pronounced.   Pluto’s sextile to Sun and trine to Moon provides opportunities to release that which no longer works.   Pluto is not a superficial planet concerned with little thises and thats, instead Pluto goes down deep and looks around and asks, “Hmm, is there something broken?”   Or, “Does this even make sense anymore?”   Pluto knows there is power in releasing that which is inefficient and  broken including our thoughts.   Cul-de-sac, logic loop thinking is lost energy.   With the sextile and the trine, calling out the broken both internally & externally and letting it go can be easier and certainly liberating.   


Neptune is on top of the sun and opposes the moon which does cast a fog on this full moon.  There could be some confusion which benefit by not racing and running with the first impression.   Neptune the ruling planet of Pisces does has a comfort when it is conjunction with the Sun in its home sign but still some things may not be as they appear on the full moon.   The power of slowing down and going deep with the help of Pluto could alleviate some of the fuzziness.    Neptune also heats up the intuition a few notches so perhaps these three days will have an intuitive journey that sets up releasing that we may have missed but now we get it?      


Neptune and Pisces also draft upon those issues that are humanitarian and touches the spot in our heart that looks at another person and says, “There by the grace of god”.     Tapping kindness and generosity of heart may come up on the full moon.    Virgo is ruled by Mercury which gives us the power to pivot quickly.   Watch and see if you go into a situation on the full moon ready to deal with it in one way and suddenly you see it with new depth and you pivot quickly and find a solution that is pragmatic and liberating.    


On another note, this full moon is extra energizing for those of us who are releasing before we begin our Treasure Maps in two weeks.    Go for it! 



Sunday, March 13, 2022

Astrology for the week of March 14 -21


As discussed on the Pisces New Moon, this lunar month has tension around Mars & Venus.  

On March 19  Venus will square Uranus.   Values and love get a twist from out of the blue.  Unexpected winds of change.  Innovation that may not be anticipated but later could bring something significant in its novelty.  On March 22 it is Mars’ turn to square Uranus.  Like Venus this is not an unusual aspect in any year with Uranus, but there is disruption and volatility on that day and the run up.   Take extra caution in your personal life, don’t rush.   Take your time.  In the mundane world we could see something explosive or disruptive that gets our attention.   


By the way, just to be clear, Saturn, the task master planet, is in Aquarius and does have a watchful eye on Venus and Mars.  There is a way to find community and still be responsible.  Saturn will make sure we figure out our responsibilities in our life, in our community through love and action.   

Gibbous Moon

March 14, 2022 

5:56am PDT   



Focus on:  How are you refining your strength?   How are you refining that which makes you special?  How are you refining your ability to be big?  How are you sorting through drama?  


Special focus

3/17: Mercury sextile Uranus.  New creative thinking and communication.  




Full Moon Phase – 

27 Virgo 40

March 18, 2022

12:17am  PDT


(Separate Post to come) 



Special focus 


3/18: Sun sextile Pluto.   Actions that come from transformation.   

3/19: Venus square Uranus.  Money and values are tweaked by something out of the blue.   

3/20 Sun enters Aries - Happy Spring! 

3/20: Mercury conjunct Jupiter.   Broad thinking.  Expansive thinking.  


Monday, March 7, 2022

Clean Sweep Start It Now


We are down to the final weeks before Aries New Moon.  If you have not had a chance to clean your clutter in your house and clean your brain, now is the time to start that work.  The goal is to have it done before March 31st when we launch our Treasure Map.  When I say clear the clutter I mean go into the corners of your house that haven't been dealt with in years and finally deal with them.  Get in your closets and clean those corners. What is going on under your bed? And what about your kitchen? If there is any space in your house that when you look at it you immediately, sigh or feel guilty---now is the time to fix it.  Take the broken things to be fixed or ditch them. Take the unwanted clothes to goodwill. Get rid of stuff that is not being used. Give it to someone who will use it. 

Then there is your brain.   How are you clearing out the debris that is in your brain? How much of your brain has baked in fear?   What patterns are in your life that no longer serve you?   How do undermine yourself out of fears?  What people get too much of your time and energy?  Why?  How is fear in the mix on those relationships?    What are you telling yourself that keeps you in small?     Percolate on the cobwebs in your brain and do what you can to clear them out.  By the time you get to March 31st and we launch our treasure maps you will be ready for your fresh goals!  

Treasure Map is coming up. March 31st/April 1 --It is coming up!



In Spring of 1996, astrologer and teacher Robert Buz Myers asked all his students to make a Treasure Map for the Aries New Moon.    I was fortunate to have been a participant in the process and it was an extraordinary experience.   I have been sharing this process for 20+ years with friends in various circles across the world.    


A treasure map is a collage of photos, pictures, words, pieces of things that make sense to you. Whatever you want, you put them on cardboard and this acts similar to a vision board.   This board will be your MAP of what you want for the coming year.  It is your call out to the Universe.  This is your Treasure Map.   


WHAT DO YOU MEAN, "What do I want for the coming year?"

Exactly what it says. Do you want a new house, a new living room, better health, stronger marriage, reconnect with people, a bigger family, a bigger community? Do you want to write your book? Do you want a new car? What is it you want? 

Do you even know what you want? If you are like many of us, you are so busy running around, taking care of everyone else that you might not have a fig of an idea what you want for your new year.  That is the beauty of this process.  You must sit down and figure it out.   Give yourself this time to do it. Be just that selfish and dare to dream.

Why do we do it now and not January?

Treasure Maps are made during the Aries new moon. Aries new moon change from year to year and this year, it will take place on
March 31, 11:24pm PDT. 

They are made on Aries new moon, because that is the first sign of the zodiac. Aries is when you plant your seeds. It is the real beginning of the New Year. It should not be confused with the first day of spring, which is on March 20. New moon means the sun and moon are in the same degree. For those who don't know much about astrology (which is totally okay) Aries is the sign of SIGHT. So, that's why it is so important to have pictures of what you want. You need to visualize it. Or if you don't do photos/pictures.. Put up words. It is just important for you to SEE THEM.

So, I'm going to be busy on March 31 can I start it before the 31st?


Do I have to buy a bunch of magazines, I'm broke, can I just borrow some old ones from friends

Personally, when I started my treasure maps I always did them with fresh new magazines. And in the old days, (not married, no children) I spent a lot of dough on them because I wanted lots of choices. But with time, I ended up only getting a few magazines. I never borrowed magazines from friends however I know that there are people who did it in previous years and they were happy with their results. So, it really is your call. But if you do borrow them make sure they are put away until March 31,  so they are fresh to you on that date.

What if I don't want magazine photos, can I just use my own pictures.. like my husband, my family etc?

Sure.  You can print up photos.  You can also use images from pininterest, etc.   You can draw and paint, this is you MAP.  Do what your instincts call you to do.  


Do I only focus on things? 

Heck no! I would also encourage you to focus on beliefs and experiences. Affirmations like “I’m abundant” or “I am always feeling loved” “My health is vibrant.” “My partner and I are always growing closer.” 

Is there any pattern I have to use when I put the photos or the words on my board? 

No you can do it anyway you want. 

I will say that in previous years my friends and I used the feng shui baguas for pattern. Basically I would break up the board into 9 areas. A grid like this:


7-self-knowledge (and travel)
9-helpful people and angels.


To get more clarity on the baguas go HERE.


If you use the feng shui baguas, you will naturally cover most areas of your life. As you can see it is all represented there. But again, you don’t have to do it that way.  Some people have even made round boards.   


Can I build a cyber map?

Many mappers are more comfortable with cyber maps, which are always on their computer. 

And they have had success.   Again, it is your call, do what your heart tells you to do. 

How much time do I have to build my map? 

Ideally you should build your map during the new phase of Aries new moon which would take you from the March 31st  until the morning of April 4 (8:45pm PDT)   But if you need more time, you can give yourself up until Full Moon (April 16th 11:55a PDT)   I encourage people to do it in the beginning but I don’t want people to be pressured so if you need the whole waxing moon you can use it.    If you find yourself having not done your map and it is full moon, then skip it and do a map next year in 2023.  

Do I have to do it alone or can I do it with friends?

You can do it either way. I build mine with my 2 other friends. We are like family and it felt so right to do it with them. We started them together. I know that there are several people who have little parties where they invite those close to them over.  It is a lot of fun to do them with others--..We would all pass around the magazines.. "Hey, I found a great beach bungalow does anyone need a beach vacation? Or it would be, "I have got to lose 10 pounds, any ideas what I should put on my map?" and low and behold someone will come up with a good suggestion.

Do I have to finish it all at one sitting?

No. Often I used to cut my stuff out with my friends. Maybe glue a little thing here or there and then take it home and finish it over the course of a day or two. 

Can my kids do it with me?

Yes! It is great for them to focus and think about what they want. Have them build their own maps. They also might give you their thoughts about what they think you should have in your life. Helps them to think beyond them, right?

Does it work?


Okay. I don't want to sound like a spoilsport but I’m just not interested in building a collage, can I do something else?

Sure you can take a nice piece of orange paper and write down wishes or affirmations during Treasure Map time. My wishes can sometimes feel like prayers and they are much broader in my desires.  At times I felt like I needed to switch to 'less is more' after several years of mapping. However I would encourage newcomers to make the actual maps. But if you really don't feel the call then just write your desires down. I like orange paper. So, vibrant. So Aries. 

Is it ok to have things continue over to the next year? Long-term, ongoing stuff that has progressed but needs to continue to progress?

Yes. Of course. But with a small caveat. My experience after doing these for years is that when something really takes time and doesn't gel in the first year then there is something still not right. It might be something you are aware of or you might not be aware of a hurdle. 
You may need to shift something about your long-range goals. My sense is that they need a wee bit refining or broadening. Just a thought. But definitely don't give up on the dream.   And remember sometimes desires may need a physical move.  For example one mapper had a baby on her map for a couple of years it was not until she and her husband moved that the baby arrived.   Perhaps the baby needed a new community, a new energy to land in?  Same with jobs?  Or meeting a partner?  Just might need to be in another city.  If you are feeling drawn to a move it might be for a bigger reason.  Just sayin’    

I'm really excited is there anything I can do now before Treasure Map to help my map?

Yes, yes, yes.... I said this in previous years and I'll remind everyone now.  Get rid of clutter. Get rid of things that are bugging us. Get rid of ick. Try if you can to clear some space in your life so you can be ready for the treasure map. Remember, Einstein said, "NO TWO THINGS CAN OCCUPY THE SAME SPACE." Read that several times... now ask yourself, do I have space in my house, my family, my time, my life in general and my brain for more? If the answer is no. Then start housecleaning! 

Clear out the stuff between now and March 31. Now do you understand why it is important not to start your map before the new time? 

By the way, I personally don't buy any of my supplies before the New starts. But I know some of you can't do that and if you must buy before please put aside and don't touch it until the new. Don't thumb through magazines. Leave it all be. 


Good luck and dream big!



Astrology for the Week of March 7 - 17


Crescent Moon Phase

March6, 2022

1:29am PST 



Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything.  Who called you?  Even the silliest things when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking ticket.  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  All of it needs to be considered a message from the universe.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What are you learning about your practicality?  What are you learning that will support your resources?  What are you learning to build up your finances?  




Special Focus

3/6:  Mercury square Nodes:  What is the practical thought?  What is the thinking for humanity?  What thinking needs to be jettison for a more pragmatic application? 

3/9: Mercury enters Pisces –fuzzy thinking but perhaps inspired. 




First Quarter Moon 

March 10, 2022




First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received. Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again.  We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on new need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects.  Some independence may need to be exerted. 



Focus on:  What actions are you taking tap the power of ‘new information’?  What actions are you taking that speak to your ability to adapt?  What actions are you taking that help build a net around you of connections?  



Special Note

3/13: USA time change to Daylight. 

3/13: Sun conjunct Neptune.  Finding inspiration.  Finding prayer.  Going deep inside for reflection.  Intuition is high.  Prayer is easy to tap. 


Gibbous Moon

March 14, 2022 

5:56am PDT   




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.  


Focus on:  How are you refining your strength?   How are you refining that which makes you special?  How are you refining your ability to be big?  How are you sorting through drama?  


Special focus

3/17: Mercury sextile Uranus.  New creative thinking and communication.  


Thursday, March 3, 2022

Astrology March 2 - March 9.


The 8 phases


Pisces New Moon 

12 Pisces 07 

March 2, 2022  

9:34am PST  



New moon: Plant seeds, make calls, activate, start projects.   Activate something that will ideally lead you to more.  This is the phase where INTENT is critical.  Even if the results are not immediate, the intent is there.  You may not have all the answers or road map, but you should put out your Intent.


This focus:     How do you connect to the bigger world?  How do you find your own inner sanctuary?  How do you find peace?   Where is your faith?   How do you connect to your own radar?  What is it telling you?  What seeds can you plant that tap your inner mystic? 




Special note:

3/3:  Mars conjunct Pluto.  Anger that inspires evolution.  Actions that reflect transformation.  

3/3: Venus conjunct Pluto (3rd time-- 12/11 first time 12/25 second time) What theme around money, beauty, values is up again? 

3/5: Sun conjunct Jupiter.  Faith and spirit feel expansive.  

3/5: Mars enters Aquarius.  Actions connected to humanity, groups and friends. 

3/5: Venus enters Aquarius.  Love and creativity found in circles of like-minded and in communities. 

3/5: Venus conjunct Mars.  Love of fights. Fighting for love.  Actions based on values.  Actions connected to community. 



Crescent Moon Phase

March6, 2022

1:29am PST 



Focus on: What are you learning about your practicality?  What are you learning that will support your resources?  What are you learning to build up your finances?  




Special Focus

3/6:  Mercury square Nodes:  What is the practical thought?  What is the thinking for humanity?  What thinking needs to be jettison for a more pragmatic application? 

3/9: Mercury enters Pisces –fuzzy thinking but perhaps inspired.