We are down to the final weeks before Aries New Moon. If you have not had a chance to clean your clutter in your house and clean your brain, now is the time to start that work. The goal is to have it done before March 31st when we launch our Treasure Map. When I say clear the clutter I mean go into the corners of your house that haven't been dealt with in years and finally deal with them. Get in your closets and clean those corners. What is going on under your bed? And what about your kitchen? If there is any space in your house that when you look at it you immediately, sigh or feel guilty---now is the time to fix it. Take the broken things to be fixed or ditch them. Take the unwanted clothes to goodwill. Get rid of stuff that is not being used. Give it to someone who will use it.
Then there is your brain. How are you clearing out the debris that is in your brain? How much of your brain has baked in fear? What patterns are in your life that no longer serve you? How do undermine yourself out of fears? What people get too much of your time and energy? Why? How is fear in the mix on those relationships? What are you telling yourself that keeps you in small? Percolate on the cobwebs in your brain and do what you can to clear them out. By the time you get to March 31st and we launch our treasure maps you will be ready for your fresh goals!
no way; I have 1000s objects, i can symbolically clean the edges of the mess; eternal