Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Hot Zone: May 16-22


We are in an astrological hot zone between May 16- May 22. 


May 16: Jupiter enters Taurus 

May 17: Jupiter square Pluto 

May 20: Mars enters Leo 

May 22: Mars oppose Pluto 

May 22: Mars square Jupiter


Back in March when Pluto entered Aquarius it activated a new astrological era with all the other planets.   Once a planet hits zero degrees of fixed signs it sets off tension with Pluto in Aquarius.   To know exactly how this played out the last time would mean going back to the 1780s.   Obviously, a mercury square Pluto in the 18th century versus 21st century has different ramifications.   Although it is fun to think of Benjamin Franklin making an indiscriminate post on Instagram.  


On May 16, Jupiter enters zero degrees Taurus, and the very next day forms an exact square with Pluto.  Then on May 20th Mars enters zero Leo, forms an opposition with Pluto and on May 22 Mars squares Jupiter.    This is a lot of tension.   Mars in Leo has the most in-your-face explosive potential however Jupiter in Taurus is hard to explode.   Jupiter spent the last year in Aries, noisy, setting off sparks wherever it traveled.   Now in Taurus, Jupiter settles down.  It wants to build something from the ground up.  It longs to own, construct, and build up.   Pluto in Aquarius does not like rear view mirror thinking.  It wants new thoughts that speak to revolutionary, it itches for new technology and wants to speak for all not just one.  Mars in Leo relies on the power of one, personal strength and talents, loyalty, pride and being the big shot.   Between May 16 – May 22 we feel the pressure of wanting something that perhaps we can’t get but darn we want it.   We want to tussle with anyone who can’t see our strengths and talents.  We are craving new thoughts and revolutionary thinking that could better our world, but we can’t seem to get there.    There will be stories in the news of egos run amok, lack of resources, misbehaviors of those who are pushing out of bounds, or crossing boundaries both international and personal spaces.  


In the middle of this tension is the Taurus New Moon that reminds us to keep our eyes on needed changes that are concrete, grounded in practicality and improve our resources. 

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