Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Astrology for the week of April 29 - May 6



We begin the week in Disseminating lunar phase which started on April 27.  



During this three day phase we share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:   How are you sharing your ability to get a 10,000-foot view?  How are you connecting with others who bring an outsider or ‘foreign’ pov?   How are you tapping humor?   How are your reaching out to someone who brings a new philosophy?   



Special focus:

4/28: Mars conjunct Neptune 28 Pisces 52. Actions are based on the metaphysical or unworldly?   What signs are we getting that need actions?  

4/29: Venus enters Taurus.  Three weeks of relaxness, indulgence, love on love. 

4/30 : Mars enters Aries. Six weeks of fire on fire.  Actions speed up.  

4/30 : Venus square Pluto 2 Aquarius 06.  Love that feels dead may need to be booted or re-booted.  Rebirth of Love. 



Last Quarter Moon Phase

May 1, 2024 

4:27am PDT    



Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.




Focus on:

What actions are you taking that support your goals on the new moon that benefit by groups and friends?  How are your friends in alignment with your personal goals?   How are you in alignment with friends and group goals?  Where does new technology impact your goals you planted on new moon?  



Special focus 

5/2 : Pluto station retrograde  2 :06 Aquarius.   (See Separate Post

5/3 : Mars sextile Pluto.  Actions for self are motivated by input from groups and friends.   Power to get up and do is strong.   




Balsamic Moon Phase


May 4, 2024  

1:25pm PDT


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on:  How are you releasing your wishy washiness?  How are you releasing your fear-based self?  How are you releasing the inner ‘crazy’?  How are you finding comfort in the release?  



Special focus:


5/6: Mercury conjunction Chiron.  Healing thoughts can first come out as anger.   What needs to be healed to be more authentic.  Change your thinking change your reality?

5/6: Sun sextile Saturn.  Inspired practicality brings helpful results.  Strong faith.   Synchronistic manifestations abound.  Prayer works, too.   




Taurus New May 7, 2024 8:21pm PDT 18 Taurus 02

Pluto Station Retrograde May 2


Pluto and its heart.   photo  NASA / JHUAPL /SwRI

Pluto station retrograde 

May 2, 2024 

10:47am PDT 

Pluto dates: 

January 9, 2024, Pluto enters new shadow (29 Cap 38) 

January 20, 2024, Pluto returns to Aquarius 

Feb 1 Pluto exits old 2023 shadow (0 Aquarius 22) 

May 2, 2024, Pluto stations retrograde (2 Aquarius 06) 

Sept 3, 2024, Pluto re-enters Capricorn 

Oct 11, 2024, Pluto stations direct (29 Cap 38) 

Nov. 19, 2024 Pluto re-enters Aquarius 

Feb 2, 2025, Pluto exits shadow (2 Aquarius 06) 


The dance with Pluto continues as it ping-pongs between Aquarius and Capricorn.   Last year Pluto was in Aquarius between March 23 and June 11th, and it spent the rest of 2023 in Capricorn.   This year on January 20, Pluto re-entered Aquarius.


Now it turns retrograde on May 2 and will back track over any new ground it covered since January.  It will go from 2 degrees 06 until on September 3 it moves back into Capricorn.   Once in Capricorn it will tie up any lose ends on the journey it started in 2008.   Then on October 11 it will turn direct and finally on November 19 it will return to Aquarius where it will be for the next twenty years.   We have gotten a taste of our future.  The chip in the brain that was announced in January, the battle with TikTok, the fear of AI and always the UFOs.   It’s all a tiny appetizer.  Once the retrograde starts we will ponder a lot about where our world is heading.  New versus old then old versus new, there is so much to contemplate in the Aquarius versus Capricorn landscape.  However, never lose sight that Saturn is the original ruling planet of both Capricorn and Aquarius.   So somewhere in all the mess, is Saturn and his divine timing.   


As always we are well served to watch all the aspects of planets with Pluto this cycle.   


4/21 : Sun square Pluto 2 Aquarius 05.  The first square between the Sun in Taurus.   How is the rigidity and stability of Taurus in need of new novelty, ingenuity and how does it connect to the groups in our life? 


4/30 : Venus square Pluto 2 Aquarius 06.  Love that feels dead may need to be booted or re-booted.  Rebirth of Love. 


5/3 : Mars sextile Pluto.  Actions for self are motivated by input from groups and friends.   Power to get up and do is strong.   

For those folks with any planet Zero to 2 of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius ---well, you are feeling Pluto no doubt.    That feeling of loss is potent.   Not sure what to do or where to go, the answer is let go.   Some stuff needs to shed starting with any foolish thought that we are in control of another human and most situations.   When in doubt tap intuition.  




Thursday, April 25, 2024



Mercury.  Is.  Direct.  

Monday, April 22, 2024

Scorpio Full Moon April 23, 2024 4:48pm PDT


April 23, 2024 

4:49pm PDT 


Scorpio Full Moon

4 Scorpio 17 

In 2022 and 2023 the Scorpio Full Moons were attached to eclipses.   Those were not light and breezy full moons.    Now we have a Scorpio full moon without an eclipse, great…. but Pluto is in the mix.      Sigh. 

Pluto will be in Aquarius for twenty years and not every Scorpio full moon will be in aspect to Pluto.   However, at year two of Pluto (barely) in Aquarius there is a T-square between Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio.    Pluto in Aquarius is asking for novelty and ingenuity, finding unity through big thought.  When Aquarius gets in a tizzy is when it can’t understand how others don’t see the big idea…. “damn, it, people, it’s clear as day” says indignant Aquarius.   The other two fixed signs, Scorpio, Taurus can also hang on too tight.   This is a tough full moon.   We should anticipate stories in the news that suggest a battle of wills.   Stories of people hanging on to the outmoded and out of date.  Stories that suggest rigidity that is obsolete and people defending stubborn ways.    At the same time there could also be examples of cold, ruthless perhaps depraved stories of people working out dark themes.    In the meantime, people who struggle with control issues could feel challenged if they should have a bout of insecurity or depression.  Finding the higher level in all three signs is a worthy goal during this three-day full moon cycle.    Replace rigidity with practicality.   Ask yourself a lot of questions.   Why am I hanging on so hard?   Is there any practical benefit in me continuing this choice?    Talk to your psyche and ask, “Must my old wounds control my every move or my every emotion?”    Consider replacing the need to be in a clan with the need to have fresh thoughts and fresh thinkers.  

This is THE full moon to release tired thoughts and patterns.  

In addition, we are still feeling the electrical charge of Jupiter and Uranus who formed a conjunction on April 20th.     Where are you feeling a gravitational pull?   What is the universe throwing in your path to get your attention?   How are you expanding practical solutions  in a novel way?   And above all, how is your creativity getting juiced up?  How can your emotions activate a mindful response?    

Use information that comes up on this full moon to speed up your evolution on issues that have needed healing.    The key is of course, something needs to be dropped.   Just sayin’ 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Astrology this Week. April 19 - April 27


Gibbous Moon launched on

April 19, 2024  

2:14pm PDT   



Focus on:  How are you refining your schedule?  How are you refining your daily activities?  How are you refining your diet and better health routines?   What are you learning about your health matters and how does it impact actions you planted on Aries new moon?  


Special focus

4/19: Mars sextile Uranus.  Actions that are unusual and spiritual.  Pragmatic but weird.   Solutions to problems that may suddenly appear.  

4/20: Jupiter conjunction Uranus 21 Taurus 51 (See separate post)

4/21 : Venus conjunction Chiron.  Fears around being alone and independent are exposed.  Feeling unloveable if authentic is challenged.   

4/21 : Sun square Pluto 2 Aquarius 05.  The first square between the Sun in Taurus.   How is the rigidity and stability of Taurus in need of new novelty, ingenuity and how does it connect to the groups in our life? 



April 23, 2024

Full Moon

4:48pm PDT

4 Scorpio 18


Full Moon:  We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually, emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us. There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track.   Some partnership will offer up some balance.  The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?  


Focus on  (To Come)



Special focus 

4/25 : Mercury station direct  (see above) 




April 27, 2024

1:53pm PDT        



Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:   How are you sharing your ability to get a 10,000 foot view?  How are you connecting with others who bring an outsider or ‘foreign’ pov?   How are you tapping humor?   How are your reaching out to someone who brings a new philosophy?   



Mercury Stations Direct April 25, 5:54am PDT


4/ 25/5:54am PDT     Mercury station direct 15 Aries 58 

5/13/2:02am PDT      Mercury leaves shadow 27 Aries 13 

Mercury stations direct on April 25 (5:54am PDT).  We will probably be feeling a lot less angry and mouthy.   What we learned this retrograde will be helpful on connecting to our authentic nature for 2024.   If we have been hanging out in old thinking that we are this person or that person, we may have outgrown it.  Or pondering what we look like that feels fresh and more independent.     Once Mercury turns direct reflect on what you have learned this cycle and how it connects to a more honest you.  

Treasure Map -- You can still get it done


Friends---it is Sunday 4/21-- 5pm  Los Angeles Time. 
If you have not made your Treasure Map you still have time. 
You have up until April 23 at 4:48pm PDT. After that point the waxing moon will have concluded and the end of the time to make a map.  
I want to encourage all of you who are still on the fence --go for it! 
I get it. The astrology we are swimming in is complicated. I think some of you may be feeling overwhelmed. If you are here, you probably have a pretty healthy intutive side. There is something your intuition wants and needs. Take some time between now and full moon to go for it. Make your map. If you are really struggling at the very least get a piece of paper and write down what you want.  Please use affirmations that start with  "I am...."

Monday, April 15, 2024

Mercury conjunction Chiron: April 15


Mercury (r) conjunction Chiron 
19 Aries 49 
April 15, 2024  
8:22am PDT

Once a year Mercury forms a conjunction with Chiron, unless Mercury is retrograde and then it will form three conjunctions.   Such is the case in 2024.   On  March 20th Mercury joined Chiron, today (April 15th) it forms the second conjunction and finally on May 6th we have the last contact.     

Mercury rules communication and thinking.  It is quick.  It darts in and out of big and small hurdles.  A bit of this and a bit of that is Mercury's jam.   While it can get a bad wrap as being shallow, Mercury is capable of getting our attention, even super heavy stuff and then moves on.  Perhaps because Mercury flits is the very reason why the heavy can get our attention.   We do not feel overwhelmed but we do feel informed.   

Chiron is deep.   Think of a tooth ache deep.   A migraine headache deep.  A dream that makes you shake when you wake up deep.    Having Mercury contact Chiron is an opportunity for a message from our psyche (where Chiron likes to hang out) which may get our attention through a 'random' thought which is perfect Mercury.  

Take note if you have a thought today that is perhaps negative about a; person, place, memory, action or behavior.   It may be a fleeting thought but it could provide insight into your motivations.   Consider how that thought is baked into your impulses.   How is that fleeting thought informing why or how  you get fired up?    Is it buried in a wound?    Take note if your psyche is pondering the motives behind your actions.   

See if you think about it all again around May 6th.   

These thoughts can be the peroxide to our old wounds.  

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Jupiter conjunction Uranus


Image from www.astro-seek.com

Jupiter conjunction Uranus

April 20, 2024, 7:27pm PDT

21 Taurus 50



Arguably, the most celebrated aspect of the year and one of the highlights of the decade is the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction in Taurus on April 20.   It’s juicy and good.    There could be something full of solid pragmaticism that rolls into the world or in personal lives that has all of us saying, “Wow”.    These could be opportunities that are not on anyone’s radar.  It could be weird and brilliant (Uranus) it could be foreign (Jupiter) but it has solid practical (Taurus) application.   I say, how about a solid solar power car!  Whatever it is, expect something big.    


Speaking of big, a bit of caution. Jupiter can be mega big and super righteous and Uranus can be a rebel without a cause.   There may be examples in the news of extreme opinions, that are just outrageously strange.   Hopefully the calmness of Taurus will soften the extreme wackiness.   Putting all that aside there will be some solid opportunities that some people will run with and find rewarding.   Let’s all go out and buy a lottery ticket.  Anyone with planets near 21 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius will feel the aspect.  Remember if you are too rigid about anything you may feel the need to crack the rigidity and stubbornness to benefit from process.   

A lightning bolt of genius could pop up in personal landscape.   


Astrology for April 15 - 21


First Quarter Moon 

April 15, 2024

12:13pm PDT  



First quarter: We do more actions based on the information that we just received.  Or we feel our instincts guide us on something.  We pursue again.  We make another call, or we see someone. We mail something.  We stir the pot again.  This can be a time when we realize that the goals, we planted on new need more action from us, perhaps actions that involve breaking away.   Are there people who say they have our best interest in heart but fear us growing away from them?  Maybe we need to get help from others not the usual suspects.  Some independence may need to be exerted. 



Focus on:   What actions that you started on new moon reconnect with your emotions now?   How do you navigate needs that speak to your independence and the needs that connect to your family?   What actions are you doing that impact your home?  



Special Note

4/17: Venus conjunct North Node.   Love of independence.  Love of finding our own way.   Love of a battle.   Love of bold and the fierce. 

4/19:Venus conjunction Mercury.  Thoughts of love.   Are we loving someone for who they are?  Are they loving us for who we are?  Is there space for more authenticity?  

4/19: Mars sextile Jupiter.  Big actions that are spiritual and practical.   Synchronistic moments and actions are big.   


Gibbous Moon

April 19, 2024  

2:14pm PDT   




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.  


Focus on:  How are you refining your schedule?  How are you refining your daily activities?  How are you refining your diet and better health routines?   What are you learning about your health matters and how does it impact actions you planted on Aries new moon?  


Special focus

4/19: Mars sextile Uranus.  Actions that are unusual and spiritual.  Pragmatic but weird.   Solutions to problems that may suddenly appear.  

4/20: Jupiter conjunction Uranus 21 Taurus 51 (See separate post)

4/21 : Venus conjunction Chiron.  Fears around being alone and independent are exposed.  Fears of being unloveable if authenticity is presented.   Healing may look loving and clumsy.   

4/21 : Sun square Pluto 2 Aquarius 05.  The first square between the Sun in Taurus.   How is the rigidity and stability of Taurus in need of new novelty, ingenuity and how does it connect to the groups in our life? 


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Mars conjunction Saturn - A New Cycle


Mars conjunction Saturn

April 10 at 1:36pm PDT 

14 Pisces 41


Mars the relentless warrior tangles up with Saturn every two years.     A conjunction between these planets can be very productive.  Mars likes to work and so does Saturn.  Although, Saturn prefers the role of boss over Mars.   Mars is a solid warrior and in Pisces he is still his pushy self, but it looks and feels different.   He can be a warrior for peace.  Which of course is funny.   How can we be a warrior for peace?  That conundrum could manifest through a cause.   Around April 10, look to see what events get our attention.  It could be something that taps faith, spirituality, intuition, creativity, humanitarianism and all the things that rumble in our psyche.  If something seems wrong, Saturn will point it out and Mars will say, “Let me fix it”.  It might be a kinder, more muted Mars but there is still action.  


On a personal level, if our plans seem to fall apart, consider that the timing is not right, and Saturn knows why.   Trusting the process of Saturn’s divine timing could be hard but having Mars there suggests we do it anyway.  


In March of 2023 Saturn began its trek in Pisces where it will be until 2025.  When Saturn moves into a sign, the first thing it says is, “Let’s clean up this joint.”  Saturn who loves to construct can be very effective in Pisces.   Dreaming something and then putting those dreams into concrete results is the difference provided by Saturn in Pisces.   Neptune the ruler of Pisces continues to trek in Pisces dissolving boundaries.  Now with Saturn and Mars, there could be skirmishes as everyone tries to figure out who belongs where.   Pisces is associated with the arts, in particular, music, films, and dance.   The Mars Saturn conjunction is a fabulous aspect to work on a creative project.  The legendary reclusive, hide-from-the-world Pisces is also speaking to Saturn.   The need for good old fashion, Saturn breaks, may have become more apparent in the last year.   Going in the bedroom and getting lost in a movie can be the needed respite for many of us.  Or leaving the house and going to a beach or park and walking in nature is a good Saturn break.    Additionally, some people have possibly been picking up on the darker moods of Pisces which includes depression, ennui, and delusion.  If you feel drawn to extreme feelings or chaotic actions, remember that Pisces gains strength by focusing on grey not black and white.   Invite in grey.  Meditate on the space that is not extreme. Find the gentle.  There will be many people reaching out for therapy or support during Saturn’s trek in Pisces.  Many will also deepen their spiritual practices with Mars Saturn in conjunction.   


Starting on April 10 we begin the Mars and Saturn two-year cycle. You may launch something around the conjunction or maybe something shows up.   Watch the following dates to see if there is movement that speaks to the actions started around April 10.  


April 10 Mars conjunct Saturn.  

July 5:  Mars sextile Saturn.   Opportunity and ease. 

Aug 14: Mars square Saturn. Hurdle and recommit new actions.  

Sept 29: Mars trine Saturn. Opportunity and ease. 



Feb 9: Mars trine Saturn. Opportunity and ease. 

April 4: Mars trine Saturn. Opportunity and ease. 

Aug 1: Mars oppose Saturn.  Hurdle and recommit with new actions.

Oct 29: Mars trine Saturn. Opportunity and ease. 

Dec 8: Mars square Saturn. Hurdle and recommit with new actions. 



Jan 19 Mars sextile Saturn.  Opportunity and ease.   

New cycle begins 

April 19 Mars conjunct Saturn (0 Aries).  New 



Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Aries New Moon Total Solar Eclipse. Wow on Wow.


Image Yahoo News 

April 8, 2024 
19 Aries 24 

Next week's eclipse is of course, the Aries New Moon.    This is the second eclipse at the Aries New Moon in this two year cycle and the final one will be next March.    This is by any measure a powerful new moon and I would say the most signficant new moon of the year.  And I say this as an astrologer who loves every new moon.   But between Chiron and Mars and Saturn and all kind of astro whatnot this New Moon and 29 Day lunar month will be big.   Not sure what we are all going to look like by the time we get to Taurus New Moon in May but there is a lot of opportunity in the Aries New Moon and eclipse to mix things up and find a new authenticity that can be rewarding for the whole year.    

Don't forget to make your Treasure Map, too.     

You will find my Astro Report at Margaret Wendt Spiritual Journalist website.  

Enjoy this 29 day journey.